Morning Flowers and Evening Picks - Reading Feelings
Forgetting is like thinking
2024-01-06 03:49:29
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

Childhood is beautiful, full of laughter, and the happiest. It was Lu Xun who recalled his childhood in the book "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering". This book was copied by Lu Xun from his memory, and extracted those unforgettable fragments of life hidden deep in his childhood.
The most unforgettable articles for me are "A Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Mr. Fujino". A Chang is the hero of A Chang and Shan Hai Jing. She was Lu Xun's baby sitter and the most influential person in his childhood. She looks ugly when sleeping. She always puts a "big" character in the middle of the bed; She usually likes to "closely observe"; He often told stories to Lu Xun because he was full of complicated reasons. The article reflects the love of Ah Chang for Lu Xun and Lu Xun's memory of Ah Chang everywhere.
Mr. Fujino is Lu Xun's mapping teacher at Sendai Medical School in Japan. He is honest, enthusiastic, tireless, rigorous, and free from national prejudice. He was very concerned about Lu Xun's learning, patiently and carefully corrected the mistakes in Lu Xun's handouts, and guided Lu Xun to treat learning with a realistic attitude. When he learned that Lu Xun was going to give up studying medicine, he was very sorry and gave his photo to Lu Xun as a souvenir.
These two articles both express deep love, which is mutual love between people. I also learned how to love others. When someone is in trouble, you should help him instead of laughing at him. This is love; When others encounter misfortune, an understanding comfort is love; When others help you, a sincere "thank you" is also love
Love is everywhere in life. Love in an encouraging look; Love is in a word of concern; Love in a delicious breakfast
Our childhood is slowly fading away, leaving beautiful memories. Taste "Morning Flowers and Evening Picks" carefully and recall the beauty of your childhood.