Sample Essay on Reading the Intelligent Age
My world alone
2023-11-04 01:13:14

The title comes from the preface of the book and is written by Professor Li Shanyou, the founder of Chaos University, and is borrowed here.

In general, the main content of this book is to explore how machine intelligence based on big data develops, how it will affect all aspects of people's lives, and how to deal with it.

Big data has brought profound changes to the world, the most profound is the change of thinking mode - from the mechanical thinking of causality to the relevant thinking of relevance. What has changed here is not only the means to solve the problem - now we have the ability to analyze the problem on the whole set, but also finally have the ability to accurately portray the profile of the group on the basis of the whole set. What has changed is also the way to look at the problem - we are no longer "careful assumptions, bold proof", but "reduce assumptions, and the data is self-evident". This transformation actually makes machine intelligence a foundation for becoming a public facility - it is not necessary for everyone to understand how machine intelligence works. For users, it is only necessary to understand that such a tool can find appropriate conclusions on the data set. Therefore, this will quickly lead to a commercial revolution.

In fact, this revolution has begun: in the book, traditional industries, including bar and refrigerator manufacturers, have been listed to use big data to improve their business conditions. However, there are still more industries exploring how to effectively integrate data and explore new models - first, the problem of data acquisition. It may not be easy to find an effective way to obtain data; Secondly, how to find value from these data still needs a direction; Finally, how to use the rules of data discovery to design more reasonable patterns.

Another highlight of the book is the last chapter, which discusses the positive and negative impacts of the intelligent revolution. I think the author actually asked such a question: the intelligent revolution has greatly liberated the productive forces, greatly promoted production, and can feed the world with fewer people. What about the rest of the people? By discussing the historical process of the first, second and third industrial revolutions, the author draws a conclusion that is not optimistic - only through the role of time can the huge liberation of productive forces brought about by the revolution be released. Unfortunately, we are in this historical process, and we are also lucky to be in this historical process.

So the whole book can be said to be a popular science book. Reading it can further understand the most fashionable concepts at present - big data, machine intelligence, blockchain, etc., especially big data. But I think it is more like a book inspired by propaganda - because he depicts two worlds, one is to participate in the process of revolution and keep up with the wheel of history, the other is to resist revolution and be abandoned by history - the difference between the two cannot be calculated. As for whether it really will be so serious in fact, different people have different opinions. However, history tells us that at least the first three times it was like this. If you have doubts, you'd better pray for something new under the sun.

There is no doubt that the revolution has taken place. Of course, this is known before reading a book. In fact, many people already know that in an environment where the whole society is discussing big data, it is hard not to think about how big data will affect the world. The purpose of this book is to let readers know how irresistible this process is.