Talk about your mood during summer lunch break Talk about your mood during lunch break (28 sentences)
Late autumn
2023-04-09 14:18:10
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. In summer, cicadas are so noisy that people can't sleep at noon.

2. In summer, when we have lunch break, we can open a heating system of 25 degrees, which is also very happy.

3. Do you know why I am so young? Because I often take a nap.

4. No matter how long you sleep in the world, you can wait until you wake up.

5. After taking a nap and eating a piece of sugar, I feel my whole head is sticky now.

6. After taking a nap, I felt that I was fat without lunch, and I was afraid I was hopeless.

7. In summer, the floor will become a small bed and you can take a lunch break in a hidden place

8. I swear that I will never take a nap again. I finally overcame jet lag yesterday.

9. Every day I take a half hour nap in the afternoon and wake up depressed for half an hour. I'm really bored with myself.

10. Can't sleep, tomorrow Friday! I want to have dinner at noon. I really don't want to go. I want to go home and take a nap.

11. I haven't taken a nap for a week. Today, I painted in the mirror for a long time. How can I say, it's beautiful!

12. I'm so crazy that I don't have time to wash clothes. I haven't taken a nap for a long time. I blame myself for killing myself.

13. Colleagues had a lunch at noon and didn't take a nap. They were very sleepy after dinner. The physical strength is getting worse.

14. It's the first time for me to take a nap at home for so long. I'm also very good at sleeping directly until 5:00 pm.

15. Come together in the morning and have an impulse to take a nap. It's time to have dinner when you wake up.

16. I don't know what's wrong with my brain recently. I got dizzy and sleepy after having a nap!

17. If you often take a nap at five or six in the afternoon, and then dream, you may wake up confused with the real.

18. After going to work, I learned a lot of simple but profound principles of life, such as: must take a nap!

19. It's nice to sleep until you wake up naturally. Quiet at home, I feel very good! Good morning, my world.

20. Every time I took a nap this week, I could sleep into the evening. It was four or five hours' nap. It's not my fault. The alarm clock went off.

21. This weather is really speechless. I was so angry that I pulled off my blindfold and threw it away before I woke up after taking a nap.

22. I am the world's super god of sleep. My move is: sleep in the morning, sleep at noon, and then sleep at night. Until the enemy died.

23. Summer will soon pass. Take a nap at noon. If your eyes dodged yesterday, I would think you know everything to share today.

24. The most ideal life is to have a sleep in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon and at midnight~

25. I had a dream when I took a nap at noon, which is probably the bleak life. I feel sad when I wake up. I may forget it for a long time.

26. After taking a nap in the afternoon, I was cold and hot, and I felt terrible. When I saw that the temperature outside was only 24 degrees, my body felt like 42 degrees, as if I was mentally deranged.

27. I find that I am no longer young, and I have smile lines on my eyes. My stomach must be uncomfortable after eating and drinking. I must take a lunch break at noon, and cold drinks are forbidden in summer.

28. My eyes are tired, but my brain is very clear, and I don't want to sleep. Oh, yes, I slept for four hours during the day, my god! Why do I sleep for four hours every time I take a nap? Even if I set the alarm clock, it is useless.