Keep the sentence description of the beautiful moment Leave the sentence of the beautiful moment (select 75 sentences)
Yanyu River
2023-02-13 01:10:08

1. The photos retain the beautiful moments are those old photos that carry our good memories.

2. The photos in the notepad, just like the dazzling sunshine, shine into the haze of my heart and hurt my sadness.

3. Work hard and make progress, not to show others, but to live up to yourself and this life.

4. You should be optimistic. There are days and seasons in the world, as well as ideals and distance.

5. Human value is determined at the moment of temptation.

6. Love can't stop your thirst by looking at the plum blossom. Can you spend every day with his photos and memories?

7. The photos retain the beautiful moments are the old photos in memory, bearing my thoughts.

8. The sadness in the old photo is hidden but hidden.

9. Let happiness spread its wings and see dreams blossom in an instant. Let's work hard together to let our dreams fly and soar in the free sky.

10. The old yellow photos on the desk hold the beautiful moment, bearing my innocent age.

11. It is the most difficult to find the most suitable one.

12. As a photographer, the hardest thing is that you have to take pictures.

13. Photos can preserve the wonderful moment in life. The thrilling moment can make time stop at that moment forever.

14. I will keep the photo and the memory.

15. The original memories can no longer go back, leaving only the old photos.

16. Photos can preserve the most precious memories of our childhood and remember the most ridiculous actions of our childhood.

17. The old photo of coal to oil is black and white, but it can record the happiness and anxiety of the past moment.

18. There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, that is, after recognizing the truth of life, still love life.

19. I never let a person look bad, they show themselves. The picture is your mirror, it is you.

20. For great photographic works, the important thing is the depth of love, not the depth of field.

21. Whenever I open an album and immerse myself in happy memories with photos, I can't help thinking of an interesting thing.

22. Be sure to work hard for the things you look forward to, even if the power is insignificant, even if the years are far away.

23. I am not used to recording the past with photos. Those beautiful memories are either in my heart or in my stomach.

24. Because photos record the pace of our growth in life and many sweet or sad moments.

25. The best thing in the world is that waking up every morning is a new day. It is completely free and never out of stock.

26. Looking through the old photos, when my father and mother were young, when they saw my father's appearance, wasn't it "this is life"? Very advanced.

27. What keeps the beautiful moment in photos is the truth in the eyes of photographers, which is what their photos show.

28. The impression of different depth, the memory of smiling.

29. What keeps the beautiful moment in the photo is the day when the fallen leaves float away, and the photo has traces of years.

30. The truth in the eyes of photographers is what their photos show.

31. Love is like a photograph, which needs a lot of darkroom time to cultivate.

32. The satisfactory exposure of 36 volumes means that the photographer has no new attempt.

33. Suddenly one day, I found that I was much more mature than the old silly white sweet. When I opened the old photos, I could not see the air and innocence.

34. What the photos retain is not sadness or happiness, but memories.

35. Photography is hunting, and the shutter is the trigger.

36. Light and shadow overlap, so that time and memory spaces are in the photo.

37. A real photographer is as rare as a real poet or a real painter.

38. In my opinion, you can't say that you have seen something until you have photographed it.