Reflections on the Lecture on Family Education of Mental Health in Primary and Secondary Schools
Cangjing Liunian
2023-08-20 08:11:56

The quality of the family environment directly affects the mental health of students. Therefore, to establish a good family environment is to learn

It is an important guarantee for students to develop healthily in body and mind and form good psychological quality. Family virtue is the prerequisite for the formation of good psychological quality, and family members should be harmonious and harmonious. Although there are sometimes differences of opinion, they are united in principle. In this atmosphere of cooperation and understanding, students not only learn how to help each other, love each other, cooperate, and understand each other, but also the children's thinking, will, ability, etc. will be developed harmoniously, and they will gain a sense of security from it, forming a sense of willingness to accept education. On the contrary, family members are strangers, selfish and quarrelsome. Students from such families are often mentally unsound, or even deformed. They are indifferent, paranoid, and not fully cooperative. Therefore, we should vigorously promote family virtues, correctly deal with the relationship between family members, form good norms, live in harmony, and strive to build a harmonious atmosphere in the family. Parents should not press others by force when speaking and doing things. We should move people with emotion, convince people with reason, and teach people with examples, fully reflecting that family is the harbor of life, which will help students to form good psychological quality.

Good parenting attitude of parents is the key to the formation of good psychological quality. Parents are models for children to learn from. Parents' parenting attitude and education methods directly affect children's behavior and psychology. Students' good behavior habits are the result of parents' education.

Therefore, we must vigorously improve the quality and responsibility of parents, recognize the importance of cultivating students' healthy psychology, and create a good family environment for children's growth.