Online Love Discourse in 2023
2023-05-09 09:19:25
Complete sentences

1. "I gave you up because I wanted to let myself go!"

2. In looking up, we feel humble, and in comparison, we feel the gap. We are often obsessed with the utilitarianism at hand, the gorgeous life, and the fruitless love. It is easy to fall into a state of being overwhelmed. In fact, if you lay down a little, you will get; Those who will let go are the ones who really understand life.

3. The moon at night is the most beautiful, and the stars at night are the most moving. We agreed to watch the moon and the meteor shower. At the moment when the meteor passed, we made a wish: cherish each other forever!

4. Only those who do well in the exam will send out those who fail in the exam and talk about the real academic slag.

5. The vulgar gold digger said that she was not qualified to talk about love.

6. In the world of love, there is no one who is sorry for others, only those who do not know how to cherish others.

7. Maybe there will be people you love in your life.

8. He once said; "Is there anyone who can betray the world for me?" I said; "The premise for her to betray the world for you is that she betrayed for you.

9. The extent of my love for you is probably that if I meet you a hundred times again, I will be trapped a hundred times again.

10. Gentle men like the sea, love in the storm to show off.

11. Trust is the basis of love, and loyalty is the embodiment of love.

12. As long as you are happy, I will be happy, no matter who you are beside.

13. Happiness often whirls on my face. I want to taste the five flavors of love and gradually become a legend. I want to quietly wait for your four seasons. No matter the moon rises or the sun sets, thousands of rivers and mountains are broken. Holding hands will not confuse me.

14. Love each other is happiness. So simple, so difficult.

15. The deepest loneliness is that I feel it is a kind of disturbance to find anyone.

16. Look forward to every star in the sky. But the appearance of this scene is an illusion. Day by day haggard, this irretrievable situation when touched the day, when touched, when touched you!

17. However, to love a person is never to be good for her, but to be good to her. To love a person is not to force her to grow up and become mature, but to spoil her into a child no matter how old she is.

18. Frivolous, humble the promise of the vast.

19. Love talk is a thorn in a beautiful rose. It is very beautiful and sweet, but it is accidentally pricked with blood.

20. I scolded you for thousands of shortcomings, but I couldn't catch a glimpse of you.

21. For the feeling of love, we can forget everything in this world, but lovely love is an exception.

22. Comedy is expected, tragedy is unexpected.

23. The lost love is like a piece of white paper eroded by time. Even if you want to look back, even if you have found her, even if she is still the same, she is already yellow and wrinkled, and cannot return to the past. Since the broken mirror can't be reunited, why go back to the past. It's better not to eat the grass that turns back.

24. When I met you, I knew that this love was already doomed; Dreamed of you, only then knew that this yearning is unable to resist.

25. The heartfelt feelings are often the most true companions of wind and rain.

26. Staring at that touch of sincerity, I have strong acacia and longing, which embellish my dream in a nourishing way. I know that there are some rich and moving contents, which will be heavy in my memory forever.

27. Due to the long time, the accumulation of quantity has led to a qualitative change, which is manifested as a sacrificial love and touching beauty.

28. To this day, I can't help crying when I see the moving plots of those idol dramas.

29. The place against the wind is more suitable for flying. I am not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, but I am afraid of surrender.

30. If the original persistent love continued, would it still be like this now?

31. It's very difficult to love someone. The furthest thing is my recent love. My life is tied up by you, and I miss you. The greatest happiness of my life is to have you beside me.

32. How I envy the eagle flying in the clouds at the moment; My eagle flying high can see your face and fly to your side

33. Some are excellent, while others are mediocre.

34. If I don't let myself cry, I will lose. How cruel makes a woman become a gambler and unknowingly gives up freedom and happiness, but you slowly quit the path of love.

35. I didn't give up, nor would I leave you. Even if I had to leave, I would still wait for you. I would wholeheartedly wait for your news. One day, you will believe me and I love you.