30 classic lines of emergency department doctors
Face the sun
2023-03-02 05:27:38
Classic lines

1、 Is it worth being a mental patient?

2、 Introduction/synopsis of Emergency Doctor

3、 Protect yourself and never abandon the patient.

4、 You know so well, why don't you take it home and treat it yourself?

5、 It's good that life is full of sunshine without secrets.

6、 People should be sincere when they are alive. It's too tired to be insincere.

7、 Depression is not a psychological disease, it is not good to talk about.

8、 Life is long and complicated, not just right and wrong.

9、 No matter what kind of patients you face, you can never forget that I am a doctor.

10、 Even in the face of the closest person, keep calm during treatment.

11、 In this life, physical illness is not terrible, but mental illness is terrible.

12、 Suspicion and hatred in your heart are negative energy, which will make you live a hard life.

13、 Don't be discouraged, young man. Even if you can't be a god, don't be an ordinary person.

14、 But the disease that can't be cured is to kill all of us. If we kill all of us, we can't be cured.

15、 Take the new road slowly. Gradually level the old road. Life is like this, love is like this.

16、 Facing the old fellows who have accompanied them for more than ten years, they chose to abandon.

17、 They are afraid of taking responsibility. If our doctors are unwilling to take responsibility, who will treat the disease and save the people?

18、 When our relatives and a stranger lie there, we will subconsciously care about our relatives.

19、 Most of our doctors are the people who accompany the patient on the last journey. When we can't do anything, we should give dignity to life.

20、 I am used to seeing life and death, but I am used to seeing the life and death of unrelated people. Now I cannot be calm about the life and death of people related to me.

21、 We are racing against the god of death. Every time we save a patient, we defeat the god of death. In my eyes, life is more important than everything.

22、 At present, the development is too fast, and the material desires are running rampant. It is called to be carried forward by this torrent. As for why I live, I have no time to think.

23、 Maybe time passes by, and time adds up, which gives me precipitation invisibly. Once upon a time, he also pursued a magnificent and vigorous life. Now, everything has been indifferent.

24、 More than anyone else, we doctors hope that patients can walk out of the hospital in good health. When I am powerless, we should give dignity to life.

25、 A doctor should know how to face a disaster, and a good doctor will strangle the disaster in the cradle, leaving himself rarely in the situation of collapse.

26、 The Emergency Department Doctor is an urban medical drama produced by LeEco Huaer, directed by Zheng Xiaolong and Liu Xuesong, starring Zhang Jiayi, Wang Luodan, Jiang Shan and Ke Lan.

27、 You said that those patients came to us with a strong desire to survive. For us, they are just one tenth of our day, but for them, they are all.

28、 We will die sooner or later. Life is short. Don't let yourself feel guilty when you die. This pair of pliers can be taken out of the patient's stomach. Can you take it out of your heart? It depends on you!

29、 The play tells the story of He Jianyi, the chief doctor of the emergency department, and Jiang Xiaoqi, a returned doctor, from the beginning of mutual examination to mutual understanding and growing feelings, and working together to overcome various difficulties, save patients and redeem themselves.

30、 Jiang Xiaoqi, a doctoral supervisor in emergency medicine, returned from studying in the United States and was robbed while shopping. Unexpectedly, the young robber who robbed her suddenly fainted to the ground. Jiang Xiaoqi immediately sent him to the hospital emergency room. At the triage desk, she met He Jianyi, the chief physician of the emergency department who was directing the amputation operation for the injured migrant workers. The two men quarreled over the different concepts of first aid between China and the United States. On that very day, a schizophrenic who held a knife outside the emergency room caused a terrible death of a doctor. He Jianyi, who was involved, was deeply saddened. Jiang Xiaoqi came to work in the emergency room and soon won the admiration of many young colleagues in the hospital with her superb medical skills and humanistic care for patients. Liu Huimin, the deputy director who has always coveted the position of director of the emergency department, thought that the biggest competitor was He Jianyi. He didn't want to fall on Jiang Xiaoqi. He was dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaoqi's style, but He Jianyi looked at Jiang Xiaoqi closely. In their work, Jiang Xiaoqi and He Jianyi saw each other's kindness, ability and medical skill, as well as their own shortcomings. They were constantly changed by each other and became more and more affectionate.