About simple inspirational writing
Inactive Wild Old Man
2023-05-12 06:35:17
Complete sentences

1. Don't idle away in the daytime, youth will never come again

2. There is no sun or moon in the mountain, and you know the stars.

3. A man's mind is narrow if he wants more, and broad if he wants less.

4. It tells me that there is the world I want in the book.

5. If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon.

6. Life is as beautiful as summer flowers, death is as beautiful as autumn leaves.

7. Work hard for your bright future, young man!

8. In the tired life, there must be some gentle dreams.

9. Wisdom is not the meditation of death, but the meditation of life.

10. For things worthy of love, we should do the utmost.

11. Even if the stars are broken, the overflow light is also very beautiful.

12. I can go down a cliff, but I must make a big splash.

13. Living in the applause of others is a person who can't stand the test.

14. Take my hand, close your eyes and walk without losing your way.

15. People who often blame themselves can often be forgiven by others.

16. The weak let their thoughts control their behavior, while the strong let their behavior control their thoughts.

17. When the waterfall crosses the steep wall, it becomes particularly magnificent.

18. Being angry is like drinking poison and expecting others to suffer.

19. Life is like this, others only look at the results, self-supporting process.

20. This road, though full of tears, is not an abandoned road.

21. Try your best to do the things you like.

22. To live is not to win sympathy by tears, but to win applause by sweat.

23. Laziness is punished not only for its own failure, but also for the success of others.

24. No matter what happened in the past, the past has passed, and the best is always waiting for you in the future.

25. I put on armor and hold a long gun, and use all my strength to defend the brightness and gentleness I seek.

26. What we are most proud of is not that we never fall, but that we get up every time we fall.

27. The world is as busy as water. Don't worry about fame and wealth. Don't force yourself to be rich and prosperous.

28. Every low ebb contains the strongest upward force, and every crying will wash away the deepest haze.

29. One thing I don't like about life is that it always lets more sensible people bear the bad feelings and results.

30. Adversity gives people valuable opportunities to hone. Only those who can stand the test of the environment can be regarded as truly strong.

31. From now on, cherish all kinds of earthly love, make every day as peaceful as water, and make every day quiet.

32. Adherence can stimulate people's fighting spirit, temper people's will, and improve a person's character.

33. One person will meet two people in his life, one is amazing and the other is gentle. In my life, you are all there.

34. Don't be a person who desires and refuses at the same time. It's difficult to open yourself, but it doesn't matter. We can take our time.

35. Don't look for happiness in others' eyes, or you will always be sad; Don't look for dignity in others' mouths, or you will always be humble.

36. Many people are not isolated, but socialize in a principled and selective way. Speak a thousand words with the person you like, and never mention a word with other people.

37. Some people buy Land Rover at the age of 28, and some people play games at the age of 28. The biggest obstacle to success is your own ignorance and laziness.

38. Don't calculate too much. Let nature take its course. When you choose complexity in life, you choose pain; Choosing simplicity is choosing happiness.

39. When I was young, I felt that wine was very bitter. Why do adults still like it so much? When I grow up, I found that wine is much sweeter than life.

40. In life, grievances, hardships, and bitterness are inevitable. It is important that you turn over because there is always blue sky in the opposite side when you push away the dark wall.

41. Most of the time, we pretend to be indifferent, but in fact, we all have bitter tears; People seem to be invincible in front of them, but there are weak points behind them.

42. No one can control your emotions. Only you can not let yourself go. Don't stay up late any more. No one has a story in his heart, but has learned to control.

43. You should know that if you want to enjoy life, you must work harder than others. They are either excellent or beautiful, or they have no right to complain.

44. Experientially, when people strongly pursue something, it basically doesn't come, but when you try to avoid it, it naturally finds its head.

45. When you decide to do something, try your best. Give yourself a deadline. Don't tell everyone or hesitate until you really try your best.

46. Now I am not in love or having an ambiguous object. I just want to make a fortune. Now I work hard to make money. I would like to give myself a safe place to live in the future, instead of wandering around and being cautious.

47. Work hard when you need to work, enjoy yourself when you need to play, learn to appreciate people who are better than you, and don't despise those who are down and out. This is the so-called "clear handling", "being a man and doing things", which is the best state.

48. Splendor in the sun, run in the wind and rain, dream your own dreams and take your own path. With a willing attitude, live a life of contentment. Regret, dispersed with the wind, beautiful, stay in the bottom of my heart, give my soul a meter of sunshine, warm place, my heart is like the sun, fearless sorrow.