Sad sentences pierce the heart (sad sentences pierce the heart)
Hiding the Water and Stealing the Dragon
2023-02-18 20:07:49
Complete sentences

1. A girl is the most attractive when there is no one she likes.

2. I want you to know that there is a person in the world who is always waiting for you, no matter when or where you are, anyway, you know that there is always such a person.

3. All things in the world can not survive, and time will erase it. The time has decorated it.

4. Let it be, it contains how much despair and unwilling I am, if you understand.

5. Some people walk barefoot through your life. They didn't accompany you for a long time, but they are enough for you to experience the pain of your life.

6. If you love a person, you should first make yourself 100% worthy of his love. As for whether he loves you or not, that is his thing. You can hope, but you don't need to force.

7. The road of life is difficult, but there is no impasse. As long as you look for it, there is always a way to go. It is difficult to do things in life, but there is always a way. As long as you have a good attitude, all difficulties are not problems.

8. In this world, the best thing is to come as scheduled. The saddest thing is that the person has gone, and you miss him for thousands of times. All tears have a name. The most bitter one is called regret.

9. When a person ignores you, don't be sad. Everyone has their own life, and no one can always accompany you. The most embarrassing thing is to overestimate your position in the hearts of others. In fact, you know that the most humble is no more than feelings, and the coolest is no more than hearts.

10. Happiness is a healthy body plus confused memory.

11. Where there is a missing person, those who will leave are passers-by; Where there is any unfair fate, it is laziness that makes you incompetent.

12. Some people meet each other like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but are doomed to just rush by.

13. Care is a kind of pay, care is a kind of dedication, care is a kind of virtue. Let's start from the little things in life, learn to understand, learn to care, and learn to be human. "Love" is the sail and "love yourself" is the boat. Only by pushing and supporting each other can we keep love and love forever.

14. If the water is turbid again, it will still be very clear as long as it settles for a long time; No matter how stupid you are, if you work hard enough, you can also change the direction of your destiny.

15. Deep love is not as good as long company, and love needs no more words. Tears are true, heartbreak is true, and it is true that I wanted to live with you forever. I used time to prove my single-minded, but you let time prove my stupidity.

16. I used to tie up almost all the wonderful things in my life with you. I will carry this love carefully and walk barefoot on the thorny road.

17. There are only two ways to love someone. Give him freedom or become a great woman. When I can turn around with a smile, I will understand that a person who doesn't love you will never be more important than your life

18. Some stories, in addition to memories, no one will stay; Some helpless, except silence, no one will say; There are some things that no one can understand except yourself.

19. Silence is sometimes an expression of inner unease. Loneliness is often the call of silence. No one will understand your silence all day long, just like no one understands your sudden hysteria.

20. I think the biggest experience is never to give up, but to move forward; And we should continue to innovate and break through ourselves until we find a direction.

21. Everyone will be tired, and no one can bear all the sadness and fatigue for you, so people always have a period of time to learn to grow up on their own. The past will not come back, and the return will not be perfect. The past is gone, and the world is still beautiful.

22. Don't hold your grudges over the original oath. The moment of commitment must be true, but there were too many accidents later, and no one expected to leave.

23. I can go around the country, but I can't go around you.

24. Maybe I'm lonely and strange, so nobody can stay with me.

25. You didn't detain me, and I didn't turn back. In this way, there was no wind, no rain, and no sunshine.

26. I don't want you to say goodbye to each other in the night after night of quarrels and tears. I want you to be angry and resentful with your grievances. I want you to hear what people around you say about him one morning or afternoon on the street, and you suddenly find that, but so, let go of the original feeling.

27. When I was young, I wanted to grow up quickly. When I grew up, I found that I had lost my childhood; When you are single, you begin to envy the sweetness of your lover. When you are in love, you miss the freedom of being single—— In fact, many things are always beautiful when we don't get them. After we get them, we begin to understand that what we get is also lost.

28. Sometimes the most direct feelings in the heart are the most difficult to say.

29. Don't be pretentious, don't be discouraged, work hard and make money, otherwise what kind of qualifications do you have to defend your dreams and your love? Don't tease. Everyone is busy and so grown up. good morning!

30. Sometimes there is no reason for the separation between people. If you leave, don't forget to miss me. Forget it, just don't forget me.

31. The loneliness index that a person can tolerate for a long time is also increasing. Those things that used to be the most romantic things to be done by two people are slowly realized by myself.

32. Don't let a girl cry too many times. Tears are all water in her head. If the water runs out, it will be hard to cheat.