Late Interval Year Review
leave behind
2024-01-12 20:49:18
reaction to a book or an article

I read the last chapter on the subway home yesterday, closed the book, and had a lot of thoughts.
Compared with Yufu Ishida's "If you don't go, you will die", which is full of life vicissitudes and events in a relaxed and humorous way, Sun Dongchun has experienced everything in six countries after 13 months in this book, which makes me ponder and feel the same. Dongdong is not traveling, not "traveling", but experiencing, feeling, experiencing and integrating into the local environment. He has experienced many twists and turns, dealing with local people, and finding what he wants to find in the years between. Finally, his mentality changed. After returning to normal life, his values and world outlook changed, and he found his true love in this process. The ending is very satisfactory. But not everyone is so perfect, right? Like the Norriko he met, he still walked after 13 years of travel, and said that he could never find the answer in the journey; Like Jia Bao, the girl who converted to God has also been walking and continues to walk; And several people he met in Tibet, the man who preached "Confucianism", but cried out after a drink and said sorry to his parents... Everyone is looking for something to calm his heart and pursue persistently during the journey, but many people are not as happy as Dongdong, and for him it is already a completion, For many other people, this is an "ing", and they do not know when and when it can be completed, which can make their life complete.
For most people, they eat and go to work every day, sleep after work, save money to buy a car and a house, get married and have children. This is the normal life path in the eyes of normal people. Just like the middle-aged Chinese man Dongdong met who has been doing jade business in Pakistan and Iran. How about finding it? What if I can't find it? It's better to follow the public and live a normal life. This non pursuit is also an attitude. Fear is between the two. Like many travelers, like me.
When the job is stable, the marriage is stable, and the relatives and friends are stable, the heart is the most unstable. Is this the life you want? Is this the love I want? Is this what I want to pursue in my life? If not, what kind of life do I want? How can I go on in my life? Where to continue? What do you pursue
The confused people want to find more, so the world has many more tourists, many more Buddhists, Taoists, Christians. To achieve inner peace by walking, searching, or praying.
It is also my current state that I am about to start my faith, or soon I will embark on the journey I am looking for.
Because I am not the Chinese businessman, I am also the same person as Jia Bao and Ya Tong, and I hope to be as lucky as Dong Dong.