A famous saying about the goal English
2023-05-24 14:59:32
A complete list of famous sayings

1. The closer the goal is, the more difficult it becomes.

Target the closer it gets, the more difficult to increase.

2. The secret of success lies in the determination of goals.

The secret of success is the target firm.

3. Great goals make great minds.

Great aim constitute a great soul.

4. Set goals, make plans, and take lots of actions.

Target, a plan, a lot of action.

5. We should aim high and never give up until we reach our goals.

To ambitious goals, never give up to reach the goal.

6. Believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you.

Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you.

7. The goal of life is to make life conform to the laws of nature.

The purpose of life is to make life in nature.

8. In order to achieve the goal, the first is to focus and the second is to repeat.

Goals, the first to focus on, the second to repeat it.

9. A good goal will never fail because you take it slow.

A good goal will never failed because of the slowly.

10. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.

Life without goals, just like sailing without a compass.

11. When your goals are set, your steps will be light.

Your aim, your footsteps is brisk.

12. A man with wisdom is to achieve his desired goal.

People have the wisdom, is to achieve the purpose of the what he wants.

13. Those who aim at the sky shoot higher than those who aim at the treetops.

Who shoots at the sky than he who aims at a tree to shoot too high.

14. To reach a big goal, you must start from a small goal.

To be headed for the big goals, you have to start from small.

15. The goal of life is the heart of human virtue and human happiness.

The purpose of life is the heart of human virtue and happiness.

16. Great energy is produced only for great purposes.

Great energy is just for a great purpose.

17. Your ambition is to go as before. The more frustrated, the more energetic, make persistent efforts.

Jun chi, and one to like before. Fell more courageously, make persistent efforts.

18. The road to lofty goals is always rugged and difficult.

The path to the lofty goal, is always rugged.

19. While aiming at distant targets, don't despise things near.

In the distant targets at the same time, don't think slightingly of the nearby.

20. For a blind ship, the wind in all directions is against the wind.

For a blind ship, all the direction of the wind is the wind.

21. Only love with noble goals is noble and praiseworthy.

Only have the noble goal of love is noble, is worthy of praise.

22. The main goal of mathematics is the public interest and the interpretation of natural phenomena.

Mathematics the main goal is public interests and the interpretation of the natural phenomena.

23. A lofty goal, as long as it is pursued unswervingly, will become a feat.

A lofty goal, as long as his pursuit, will be a feat.

24. Faith, you can't do anything with it, but you can't do anything without it.

Faith, you can't with it, but what you can do without it.

25. One should look straight ahead when moving towards the goal.

When a person toward a goal, should be straight forward looking.

26. Man is great because he is a bridge, not a goal.

People are great but because he is a bridge, rather than a goal.

27. One is not for fame and the other is not for profit, but the work goal should reach the world's advanced level.

It is not the name, 2 is not for profit, but the work target to run the world's advanced level.

28. The meaning of man does not lie in what he has achieved, rather in what he hopes to achieve.

Significance lies not in what he has achieved, you are the better is that what he had desired.

29. Whether old or young, sailing is the last time for us.

Whether old or young, navigation is the last time for us.

30. Don't make insignificant plans, because they don't have the glamour to excite people.

Don't planned the trivial, because it does not make people excited.

31. Some people like to say that the goal is difficult to achieve because of their weak will.

Some people said love is hard to achieve our goals, that is due to their weak will.

32. The lofty goals that have not been achieved are much more precious than the small goals that can be reached.

Unrealized lofty goal, than to stretch out his hand to small purpose is much more precious.

33. The first goal of management is to combine higher wages with lower labor costs.

Management of the first goal is to make higher wages and lower labor costs.

34. If you want to rise, you must be an eagle or a reptile.

Want to rise, there are two things that must be an eagle, or as a reptile.

35. In the ideal and most beautiful world, everything is set for the best purpose.

In the ideal of the best in the world, everything is for the best goal.

36. In your work, you should combine every little thing with a big fixed goal.

In work, you take each little thing and big fixed target together.

37. Our future depends on our goals and efforts to achieve them.

Our future depends on our goals and efforts for the realization of the target.

38. A person's life can burn or decay. I can't decay. I'm willing to burn!

Person's life may be burning may also decayed, I can not decayed, I am willing to burning up!

39. People must be like the stars in the sky, always clearly see the light of all hopes and wishes.

Man must be like the stars in the sky, always very clear that the light of all hopes and wishes.

40. There is no certain goal. Wisdom will be lost; Where there is a goal, there is no goal.

No certain goals. Wisdom will be lost; Where are the target there is no goal.

41. Set goals, achieve goals, and set new goals. This is the fastest way to succeed.

Set goals, achieve the goal, to set new goals. This is the fastest way to success.