In autumn, send out sentences about circle of friends
Missing happiness
2023-06-17 16:19:35
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1. The deep and low-key autumn comes as scheduled. Autumn, I miss you most. Thank you for Qiufeng. I wish you good health, peace and happiness, and wish you happiness every day!

2. The light autumn rain, like the wind blowing around the face, wipe sleeves and lips, cool; The light autumn rain makes the dancing leaves spin and touch the skin, shaking the clothes and falling hands, slightly fragrant; The autumn rain is red, and the floating maple is flying in the air. You can enjoy it by squinting your eyes. Drink wine to pour autumn, and taste tea.

3. The leaves turn yellow. When the autumn wind blows, the fallen leaves fall one after another, flying like butterflies.

4. I like the bright and quiet autumn. Autumn is gentle, like the fragrance of osmanthus blossoms in the yard.

5. When cool wind and autumn rain accompany; When yellow leaves accompany morning frost; When the cold moon shines in the same light, when the geese pack their bags to fly south, and when the frost falls, I send a warm message. Please take care when the weather is cold!

6. The autumn fields are busy, with joy flowing in the sweat, and a faint smile hanging on the busy and tired cheeks.

7. Drive away the heat and leave the cool wind! Extinction and fidgety, reserve and quiet! Forget the dusk and look forward to the dawn! Throw away your worries and let your mood fly! Walking in the autumn, people are industrious and brave to rush forward for their ideals!

8. The autumn wind is cool, blowing flowers and trees, like a warm mother gently humming a lullaby to send her children to sweet dreams.

9. Walking into the fields is like being in the golden ocean. Under the sunshine, the sky and the earth are all golden.

10. The autumn wind can't blow away my mind, and the autumn rain can't wash away my missing. My friend, when autumn is cold, pay attention to adding clothes; The autumn wind is getting stronger, moisturizing; Autumn rain, keep happy!

11. When the autumn equinox comes, the temperature drops. After the autumn equinox, the night will be cooler than the night. Drinking a glass of wine in the autumn equinox, the winter will not be long. Eating the dishes in the autumn equinox, happiness will exist every day. May you harvest all your dreams in this harvest season!

12. Autumn, falling is lonely, leaves, falling is sad, autumn leaves, representing the love that can not be retained. One by one, falling in front of us, like the passing of happiness bit by bit.

13. The breath of autumn is a silent contest. It ignores the rampant impetuosity of summer, knocks down the chirping cicadas, sympathizes with the joy of crickets in the grass, stands at the street corner of summer with a low attitude, waits for the carnival cold place where makeup is removed, and starts another startling confession with the baptism of autumn rain.

14. Autumn is like mother's hand, caressing our faces; Autumn is like a story, telling the harvest scene; Autumn is like a baby just waking up, full of spirit!

15. The beauty of autumn is rational - it is not so charming as spring, so hot in summer, and so implicit in winter.

16. In the autumn of that year, the leaves were seared with sadness; In the breeze, a touch of bleakness floated in; In the autumn rain, the light clear tears fall on it.

17. Autumn comes to the world quietly with a golden body and light footsteps.

18. Pear moistens the lung and can relieve phlegm and cough; Apple contains a variety of vitamins and potassium, rich in nutrition and disease prevention; Longan nourishes, calms and replenishes blood, and has a way to deal with insomnia; Grapes can prevent fatigue, benefit qi, blood, muscles and bones, and stomach.

19. The autumnal equinox, the day and night are equally divided, and the nights will grow colder later; Love share love share, year after year, the years are long and steady; The autumn equinox is coming, so you should pay more attention to your daily life. Say hello and wish you a blessing!

20. In silence, autumn leaves are falling. With the last bloom of life, it will die in silence forever.

21. Some people love spring because it has flowers like sea and willows like smoke; Some people love summer because it is full of vitality and green as ink; Some people love winter, because it is covered with ice and snow, and has a myriad of sceneries. But I have a special love for autumn and sincerely praise it.

22. Autumn is like a selfless heart, which has experienced endless wind and rain, but has broken the golden ground; Autumn, like an old and healthy general, has gone through a long period of time, but left countless achievements; Autumn is like a hermit in the mountains, waving goodbye to the weathered past, but preserving the seeds of benefiting the world.

23. Autumn is in the woods. The woods are yellow. The leaves of ginkgo trees turn yellow and float to the feet of the mother tree, just like small fans, which fan away the summer heat.

24. The rain swept away the heat of summer; The wind gently dances, bringing the coolness of autumn; The grass is green, telling the passion of life; The flowers are charming and beautiful, depicting the splendor of autumn; The golden rice conveys the joy of harvest; Blessing sent, with hope and good luck: friends, I wish you all the best in autumn!

25. In the early autumn of September, the time is waning, and the years are passing in a hurry. Looking back on a period of past events, everything is just gone with the wind.

26. Autumn lets us experience the sadness and loneliness of autumn since ancient times; In autumn, let us experience the sadness of boundless falling trees; In autumn, let's experience the sparseness of wild geese in the autumn sky.

27. After the beauty of spring and the prosperity of summer, before I could think much about it, I turned around and met autumn unexpectedly.

28. The golden autumn is coming, and the sky is like a sapphire covering the earth. Wiped clean by the autumn wind, it is very beautiful.

29. Autumn is the golden rice in the fields; Autumn is the fruit of trees; Autumn is the well-being of the working people; People's expectations for a better future in autumn.

30. Autumn looks like a lovely child, waving with a paintbrush to put new clothes on the leaves; Autumn is like a girl in flower season. The clear sky is like her pure and beautiful heart; Autumn looks like a strong young man, supporting the blue sky with his arms, opening up a new road for us.

31. I thought about a hundred articles about autumn, but none of them was as good as the evening wind that just blew at this moment

32. On the autumn night when the white dew is frost, a cold moon is thin by your eyes, and you gently pick up the broken affectionate flower. The fragrance in your palm is sniffed into your heart.

33. In autumn, you are more prosperous than in spring, and you are more colorful than in spring.

34. The sunshine in golden autumn is warm and quiet, the breeze in golden autumn is warm and gentle, the blue sky and white clouds in golden autumn are elegant, and the fields in golden autumn are golden everywhere.

35. The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color

36. Autumn health message] Garlic contains alliin, allicin, allicin and other ingredients, which can reduce blood lipids, prevent coronary heart disease, and kill a variety of pathogens; It can also reduce the incidence of gastric cancer.

37. Autumn is thick water that can't be melted, and it seems that it can pick up and flow through the fingertips; Autumn is a tangled knot that can't be untied. It seems to be untied but entangled again; Autumn is a sweet honey that can't be given up. It seems that it can be given up and can't stand to be taken.

38. Once sad, once melancholy, once infatuated, once crazy, every beating note is still in front of me, every melodious melody is still in my ears, I am glad that I have all these things; I am sad, I lost all this again.

39. Autumn is a great agriculturalist. You sow all kinds of food; Autumn is a great teacher, he taught us endless knowledge; Autumn is a famous star, whose songs and dances bring us joy.

40. The autumn wind moves thousands of miles, and the yellow clouds are high at sunset. Autumn is bright and cool, the weather is dry, care about the body, go to bed early and get up early, the "autumn freeze" is moderate, pay attention to adding clothes, more acid and less spicy, enhance exercise, and improve health, which is the most beautiful!

41. At the end of summer, the day is getting cooler, the autumn wind is slowly coming, and the night is long and the dream is fragrant, so don't panic!

42. May the falling maple leaves cover all your troubles; The cool autumn wind can blow away all your worries and sorrows, and let my deep love bring you the most intimate warmth in the long autumn!

43. The autumn wind is coming, the autumn rain is falling, and the mountains are covered with thick green, mixed with light red and yellow.

44. Autumn is noisy. Only in this season can we enjoy the joy of every harvest.

45. In the autumn harvest season, the sky is particularly high and blue, the clouds are particularly white and gentle, the sun is particularly bright and warm, and the wind is particularly light and fragrant.

46. Autumn is not only suitable for missing, but also for gathering.

47. The golden rice is piled up, and the harvest is full of smiles; The maple leaves are red in front of us; The fragrant osmanthus is far away, and life is happier than honey. The autumn equinox is coming. May you be happy!

48. Uphill, ears of sorghum stand proudly. When the autumn wind blows, they are like torches of victory, shaking happily.