A poem praising patriotism
It's better to rely on yourself than on the sky and the earth
2023-05-11 08:14:03
Complete Poems

1. In the cool night with white headed lanterns, a game of chess can be seen in the Six Dynasties—— Qian Qianyi, "One of the Six Chess quatrains after Jinling

2. In order to ask where the flowers are, the wind and rain came at night, and Chu Palace was buried—— Zhou Bangyan's Six Clowns, Falling Flowers

3. Hold three feet of mountains and rivers, and drink together in the world—— Hong Xiuquan's Poem of Chanting Sword

4. It's hard to die without revenge. I can't bear to cry and say goodbye. I urge you not to cherish your head and stay famous in Chinese history—— He Xiangning's Farewell to Liao Zhongkai

5. Poor bones beside the Wuding River are still people in the dream of spring boudoir—— Chen Tao's Journey to Longxi

6. The plum blossom in my hometown returns to my dream, and sorrow destroys my green skirt—— Kong Yi's Nanpu · Lvhuai

7. I came here to serve my country, not to be a marquis—— Sending People to Anxi by Cen Shen

8. The isolated village does not mourn for itself, and still thinks of being a national garrison of Luntai—— Lu You's "The Great Storm on November 4".

9. Better be a centurion than a scholar—— Yang Jiong's Journey to the Army

10. Do not hesitate to look for the eyebrows of Luo Jin, and wash up day by day, and watch the flowers change—— Chao Chongzhi's Feeling Imperial Grace, Cold Food Not Too Long

11. Returning to the phoenix to ask for the emperor's meaning, few people heard of it—— Dufu's Zither Stage

12. The vow in my heart is deeper than the sea, and is willing to make China sink unexpectedly—— Zheng Sixiao's Erli

13. The capital camp is too white, and the sound of the horn moves Hu Tianxiao—— Cen Can, Wu Wei Sending Judge Liu to Qixi for March

14. But all living beings are satisfied, and they lie in the setting sun despite sickness—— Li Gang's Sick Cattle

15. Point out the scenic spots in the Six Dynasties, with only green mountains like walls—— Sadula, "Niannujiao, Climbing the Stone City, Second Dongpo Rhyme"

16. Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow—— Mao Zedong's Qinyuan Spring, Snow

17. It is a pity that there is no way to serve the country—— Yang Yanzheng, "Water Melody Leader, Climbing the Multiview Building"

18. Looking back at my hometown, I don't want to hurry—— Yang Yanzheng, "The Head of Water Melody: Taking Wine to the Inclined Sun"

19. It is finally the Emperor Shengming's affair. Who is Jingyang Palace—— Maweipo by Zheng Tian

20. Broken Mountains and Rivers, Wind Drifting, Life Experience Floating, Rain Beating Ping -- Wen Tianxiang's Crossing the Ocean of Lingding

21. In the lower kingdom, the Lord is standing in the sky, while the Middle Kingdom is chasing the stag—— Wen Tingyun's Passing Five Zhangyuan

22. Take a long sword and hold the Qin bow. If you leave, you will not be punished—— Qu Yuan's "National War"

23. The bandit old minister is thousands of miles away. He comes here to listen to the sound of the river in cold weather—— Lu You's Residence of Mr. Shaoling in Longxing Temple

24. The mountains and rivers are far away from each other, and the mountains and rivers are far away from each other—— Zhang Jiuling's "Offering the Sacred System of Harmony to Send the Secretary of State of Yan to Shuofang"

25. The spring wind cuts the palace brocade all over the country, making half the barrier and half the sail—— Sui Palace by Li Shangyin