Reflections on Journey to the West 2022 Middle School
Soar in the sky
2023-06-16 04:11:09

This is a novel with the dual nature of fairy tale and myth. It tells the story of Tang Seng and his three disciples who went through hardships and dangers along the way, subdued demons and subdued demons, and got the scripture after going through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. It was this wonderful and strange story that attracted me to read the book. The book had more than 800000 words. In a few days, I read the book with more than 1000 pages.

Four vivid characters are portrayed in Journey to the West: Tang Monk is sincere to Buddhism, obstinate and persistent, and is bent on obtaining the Sutra; Sun Wukong is just, bold, versatile, affectionate and righteous, able to subdue demons and eliminate demons; Zhu Bajie is greedy for money and lust, afraid of death, gluttonous and lazy, but he is not lack of kindness, and sometimes very brave; Monk Sha is kind-hearted, honest, honest, loyal and unknown. The four masters and apprentices have their own characteristics and different personalities, which just make a sharp comparison. I have to admire Grandpa Wu Chengen's superb writing skills. Maybe he is good at portraying characters, which is the essence of his writing. Among the four masters and disciples, I like Sun Wukong best, because he is versatile and skilled, is not afraid of hardship, has a broad mind, and is loyal to Tang Monk. When he is wronged by a confused and opinionated Tang Monk, he does not remember the former sages, but still goes all out to protect Tang Monk threatened by monsters, and successfully obtains the Sutra by protecting him all the way. What's more, there is a kind of rebellious mentality looming in Sun Wukong, and his brave spirit of daring to fight against powerful forces really makes me admire him. Since then, he has become my hero.

I think our academic performance is the truth we want to achieve. Some people like Shaheshang are sincere and honest! I will never perfunctory with anything, and always learn the profound and mysterious Buddhism bit by bit! Some people, like the Monkey King, are vivid, resourceful, and extremely smart. They have a good interest in learning. When they return home, they always review what they learned that day, and preview what they did not learn to consolidate their knowledge.

However, some people are like Pig Bajie. They are lazy and have no patience with everything.

If we don't eat like Zhu Bajie, we will be determined to learn like Tang Monk, Sun Wukong and Sha Monk, and "get the scripture"!

I'm afraid only Grandpa Wu Chengen can understand the true meaning of this Journey to the West. At my level, I can only understand something. In any case, Journey to the West is always the favorite of the masses. We can feel a wonderful, humorous and soul stirring legend under the pen of Grandpa Wu Chengen. There are many reasons in it. The above is my understanding. Everyone's experience is different. I believe you will also have a new understanding.