Complete List of Good Words and Sentences for Grade 6
A lonely fish
2023-07-13 11:02:55
Complete sentences

Grade 6 good words

1. Flying Flowers and Green Scenery, Graceful and Graceful

2. Regret in the hot summer, sun rising, trees shining, and happy

3. Sneer at the wind, know how strong it is, and be glad to see it

4. Sunrise, Dongshan, a failure. It's midsummer, midsummer

5. Mourning and mumbling, she is so powerful and unyielding that she comes out with water, lotus and tangle up

6. A trickle of water, a thousand miles of ice, a dull head, a rustling autumn wind

7. Stunned, pondering over how to choose light and fear heavy. Spring is full of vitality

8. All things sprout to attract the attention of the public, spring returns to the earth, indomitable and unawares

9. When the mountain is exhausted and the water is exhausted, people will be nervous and pretend to be smart

10. With one voice, brazen and shameless, like a treasure in the mountains

11. Ice and snow melt, hope plum blossom to quench thirst, cloudless lakes and mountains sing and cry

12. Five yellow days and six months are determined to die, passionate and generous. The sun is rising

13. Sentimental, crooked, evil, attractive, rainy season in spring

14. Be confident, be confident, be complacent, be happy, be ashamed

15. Red Sun Blows on Qinghai Green Mountains and Laughs at the First Touch

16. To return to our country is just right, guard against arrogance and impetuosity

17. It's June when we know we're old enough to look for a needle in a haystack

18. There is a peak on the peak, flowers are closed, the moon is shy, loyal, pure, elegant, and beautiful

19. Spring breeze looks as if nothing has happened

20. Arrogant and astonished, followed by fragrant osmanthus, spring dew and autumn frost

Grade 6 Good Sentences

1. After listening to such wonderful music, he could not help himself to dance.

2. The birds kept singing in the tree. The birds are singing beautiful songs happily in the trees.

3. My sister's face is like a "barometer", sometimes "bright spring", sometimes "stormy weather"

4. Looking at this treasure that is not second in the world, his eyes were straight and he could not speak.

5. The genial sunlight, through the dense leaves, fell down into golden spots.

6. In such a beautiful spring day, this problem should never happen.

7. The Red Army soldiers' unyielding spirit of struggle in the face of difficulties has moved generations.

8. In spring, when the sun is warm, it stretches out its warm hands and caresses people comfortably.

9. The sunshine in autumn is warm and quiet, the autumn wind in Dong Township is warm and gentle, and the blue sky and white clouds are elegant and melodious.

10. In late autumn, the sun hung lazily in the sky, like a husband nodding with a smiling face.

11. Where are you now when the flowers are blooming? Do you still remember those beautiful days in spring?

12. Brilliant sunshine permeates the gap between the leaves and permeates the campus continuously through the morning fog.

13. Before long, the spring was bright and the sun was shining. The sun's father-in-law showed a red smiling face again.

14. When the spring breeze blows, the winter jasmine sways its soft branches, like dancing happily in the air.

15. The falling flowers are silent, only the happiness of a single flower is hidden. Happiness is in the heart, and when memories are recalled, the fragrance spreads.

16. The gully was filled with snow, as high as the mountain back, and became a large square with flat snow.

17. Spring is gone with the falling flowers, and summer is coming with the green leaves in the warm wind.

18. I can't help dancing with joy after drinking this famous Longjing tea.

19. The sun worked hard all year long and was so busy in winter that he was exhausted and could hardly release heat.

20. The sea tide, like a huge thunder, rolled like a thousand troops on the ground and ran down in the shouting and hissing.

21. Gusts of spring wind blow away the clouds, and the sun smiles happily, spreading warmth and brightness on the lake.

22. Steeds and bulls stand quietly on the boundless grassland, as if recalling the infinite fun of the grassland.

23. The beauty of autumn is rational - it is not as charming as spring, hot in summer, and implicit in winter.

24. The sky is full of red clouds, the sea is full of golden waves, and the red sun is like a furnace of boiling molten steel, spewing out and shining with gold.

25. Today is still a beautiful spring day with a vibrant scene, which makes people feel comfortable and happy.

26. The towering mountains in the distance, under the sunlight, are clothed in a golden coat, which looks particularly beautiful.

27. Like a candle carefully held by someone, the Taibai Star appears quietly in the sky.

28. In midsummer, it is so hot that even dragonflies dare to fly close to the shade of the tree, as if afraid that the sun will hurt their wings.

29. There is no floating cloud in the sky. The dark blue sky is full of diamond like stars.

30. This innocent and lovely poodle with curly fur swings like a rolling ball of fluff.

31. The sun in early summer shines down from the dense branches and leaves, and the ground is covered with sparkling spots the size of copper coins.

32. What a meteor draws a silver line in the night sky, just like exploring the best future in the world.

33. Standing on the roof of the building, I saw that the newly built ring road was like a jade belt floating around the city, long and wide.

34. Spring is coming, and the mountains are full of beautiful spring. Duckling Huanhuan and his good friend Chicken Lele meet for an outing.

35. The whole body of this spotted cat is covered with black spots on a white background. From a distance, it looks like a ball of white cotton with a few drops of ink on it.