91 famous sayings about betraying love
Avoid levity and impetuosity
2023-04-14 08:59:29
A complete list of famous sayings

1、 We live so badly, why pray for warmth.

2、 Who put a cold shot in your heart? You can't defend yourself.

3、 Maybe, the road is not wrong, but the wrong choice.

4、 Your words can control my mood all day.

5、 A promise is made by a liar to a fool.

6、 With the simplicity of a glass of water, face the complexity of a lifetime.

7、 I am afraid that in the end, love will not stand up to love, and everything will undoubtedly become hatred.

8、 Some things will become better if we never mention them.

9、 Once a person knows more, he will be unhappy.

10、 It's not that I don't trust you enough. It's just that your faith is not deep enough.

11、 People always cherish the moment they lose.

12、 Waiting for you quietly for a long time. You didn't come, but I was used to waiting.

13、 The smile after letting go is just used to cover up the painful scar.

14、 Sometimes, my mood is just because of your words.

15、 A casual, your smile will become the whole world.

16、 The sun shines today, but it can't shine into the dark heart.

17、 If I forget you, will you feel uncomfortable breathing.

18、 Some words, like a thorn stuck in your throat, hurt even if you don't say it.

19、 Is the love with one eye open and one eye closed longer.

20、 You can't forget all these memories. What can you call it without you.

21、 I'm not afraid of the end. I'm afraid that the end will come and you will not be with me.

22、 I don't lack love. Your leaving just makes me lose a habit.

23、 Love is a feeling. Only moving really doesn't count as love.

24、 Although I am ready to accept the blow, my heart will still hurt.

25、 Maybe I haven't forgotten, but I can't remember that there was a person in my heart.

26、 There are four hardships in life: can't see through, can't bear to lose, can't let go.

27、 Loneliness has many kinds of dialogues. I can't speak when I forget my lines.

28、 I am at a loss, I have disappeared in the years.

29、 What's the use of loving you so much? It's not me who can give you happiness.

30、 The most appropriate distance is to keep warm without hurting each other.

31、 My nature is cold and thin, and I am lonely. You see, I am such a woman.

32、 Use the cleanest and most thorough courage at this age to trust a person.

33、 In this strange city, I can't find anything about you anymore.

34、 Once a person who loves to laugh cries, he will tear his heart and lungs more than anyone else.

35、 Our story has just begun to end slowly, and I have lost all.

36、 I will try my best to change myself until I become the one you like.

37、 Sad for you more, less, the tears left are not worth it.

38、 My world is full of you and your world. I can't find any trace of me.

39、 The happiness on the face can be seen by others, and the pain in the heart can be felt by anyone.

40、 After so much sadness, so much desolation, only I can resist.

41、 I used to think I was young and ignorant. But now I am still immature.

42、 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

43、 It turns out that our feelings, from beginning to end, are just a game with no end.

44、 The deepest loneliness is not a long-term person, but the absence of any expectations in the heart.

45、 If you don't like the real me, then you can pick a body and I will show you.

46、 Always get used to being what you like, but ignore what you should be.

47、 No matter how time changes, the secret in my heart will never be found.

48、 Don't forget too thoroughly, okay? That kind of you is too cold, will make me feel too silly.

49、 Slowly you will believe that there is nothing unforgivable, and no one will always be around.

50、 Since love, why don't you say something? If something is lost, it won't come back!

51. The best place is the place you have never been. The best time is when you can't come back.

52. Some memory wars can withstand fleeting time, departure and yearning.

53. The world is so imperfect. You have to lose what you want.

54. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness because I can't put you down.

55. The rain soaked air, the tired sadness, the fairy tale in my memory has slowly melted.

56. How do you feel when you go home alone, look at the stars alone, and get used to it.

57. Memories can be far away from insipidity, which can make the originally insipid days betray reality and make a transcendental flight.

58. My heart is tired, and I don't struggle anymore. There are many people accompanying me, but none of them is the person in my heart.

59. If you love her, I will let go and see you again. If you love me, I will go with you.

60. Little fresh talk about Daquan: It is always necessary to experience some betrayal and some heartache to understand people's hearts.

61. Some people, once they meet, will see for ten thousand years; Some hearts, once started, it is difficult to recover.

62. If you dare to bet your future happiness on me, I will dare to spare my life to accompany you to the end and not let you lose.

63. If you really love someone, you will love without commitment; If you don't love someone, you will betray your promise.

Sixty four. I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed did not deceive me.

65. When the night comes, it is the time when one's heart is most fragile, and it is also the time when one misses the craziest.

66. I may not be strong enough, but I am stubborn enough; I will cry for your betrayal, but I will not turn back when I leave.

67. I really want to write stories about us, but I look at the screen and wonder which keyboard to hit.

68. Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others, good people choose to hurt themselves.

69. A man wants to find someone to accompany him. A man loses himself. I don't know if there is any hope to pursue.

Seventy, the most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persist in what should not be insisted on stubbornly.

71. No one can go back to the past and start again, but everyone can start from now and write a completely different ending.

Seventy two, time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs your own fulfillment.

Seventy three. Sometimes, it is just for love that we hide quietly. What we hide is our figure, but what we cannot hide is our silent feelings.

Seventy four, the first time I cried because you were not there, the first time I smiled because I met you, and the first time I smiled and cried because I could not have you!

Seventy five. In this complicated secular world, it is also a kind of realm to learn to treat everything around with an ordinary heart.

76. Some people meet each other like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but are destined to pass in a hurry.

Seventy seven. When one door of happiness closes, another opens. We often stare at the closed door, but turn a blind eye to the open door.

78. If you fall in love, don't let go of the opportunity easily. Recklessness may make you regret for a while; Cowardly, but may make you regret for life.

Seventy nine. Take her hand and walk. Two people walk, not to let others see, but to feel happy. Because ten fingers holding together is happiness.

Eighty, I can feel your heartache. You have the helplessness you can't say, but you act like you don't care. The more you do, the more painful I feel.

81. Be true to yourself. Don't try to please others or become someone. It's better to be your original self than to be anyone's copy.

Eighty two, in the torrent of time, we stood on both sides of the river, and gradually moved away. The years slipped away quietly, and we had no time to say goodbye.

83. Coffee is bitter and sweet, not because of how to stir it, but because of whether to add sugar; A period of pain is not how to forget, but whether you have the courage to start again.

84. Life without love is incomplete, and love without pain is not profound. Love enriches life, while pain sublimates love.

85. Nothing in the world can last forever. If it flows, it flows away; If it exists, it will dry up; If it grows, it slowly withers.

86. A man's harm to a woman is not necessarily that he falls in love with others, but that he disappoints her when she has expectations, and does not give her the comfort she deserves when she is weak.

87. Summarize all your misfortunes into one sentence, and then ask yourself: "Is this important to you in three years?" Believe that the problem will be solved.

88. In life, people constantly leave or enter, so what they see is invisible, what they remember is forgotten, and people constantly get and lose, so what they see is forgotten.

89. Sometimes I don't understand, but I just don't want to understand; Sometimes I don't know, just don't want to say it out; Sometimes I don't understand, but I don't know what to do when I understand, so I keep silent.

Ninety, face, not necessarily the most sad. Loneliness is not necessarily unhappy. Get, not necessarily long. Lose, not necessarily no longer have. Don't fall in love because of loneliness. Don't fall in love because of loneliness.

Ninety one, many times and many times, memories divide life into a circle. And we have been in the same place for countless times, unable to extricate ourselves. I always hope to return to the place I first met, if I can choose again. I thought I could love more simply.