The street lamp at night is suitable for sending out sentences in the circle of friends (80 selected sentences)
A glass of wine, brother I
2023-02-17 20:40:50
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1. Miss that kind of pain, will be dormant in every quiet night, will take advantage of people unprepared to run out, stabbing you.

2. I have ten thousand reasons to want to see you, but I have one less identity to see you.

3. Sometimes, if you don't know how to express your feelings, you can only use others' words to describe them.

4. You and the League of Heroes have a good time. I won't disturb you.

5. What is strong? It is to let you stagger to get hurt, and then stagger to grow.

6. Don't complain about others when you have nothing to do. In fact, it's your laziness that makes you incompetent. The most unsuccessful person is the one who only complains all day long.

7. The reason why there are nights in the world is to leave those who have wounds with a piece of black that they can lick their wounds without being found.

8. Listen to sad songs and think of people you shouldn't think of; Watching the happy play, forget the people who should not be forgotten.

9. I used to turn around when I heard your name, but now I will freeze when I hear your name.

10. If a man demeans his ex girlfriend in front of you, you are the next living target.

11. You are so beautiful in my memory, you are so brilliant in my thoughts.

12. Dear self, don't hold fast to the memory. The kite with broken lines can only let it fly. Let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go, and let it go. No matter how miserable the reality is, you should stubbornly believe that this is just a short darkness before dawn.

13. I miss you quietly at night and let my tears flow endlessly.

14. Lightning tore the sky in the night, the wind of regret rustled around, everything was my fault, and the streets of a foreign land flashed with longing for you!

15. The funniest thing in the world is that when I know the truth, you are still lying and telling so true and deep. If you think I'm easy to cheat, please continue to perform.

16. If I could do it again, I would like to be a whale in the ocean. Look at the nature of the sun at sunrise every day. At other times, the ocean is a soft medium, warm and charming.

17. I have her in my dream. Please don't wake me up even if I'm crying.

18. So affectionate, but difficult to say. It turns out that if you really love someone, your heart will be sour, but you will not be able to speak. Most of your sweet words will be spoken to irrelevant people.

19. I will always remember what belongs to me, and what does not belong to me, I can only learn to act as if nothing happened.

20. While young, there is no reason not to rush. Even if I lose, I will lose beautifully.

21. I only love to lose my temper with you, because I subconsciously believe that you will not leave me. It turns out that mischief is a kind of dependence.

22. Tiredness is sometimes a kind of enjoyment, because it makes our life full.

23. You know that you will not be with this person, or you will enjoy the feeling of this love. Then at the right time, leave to be with the right person who doesn't love you. Some love, can only stop in the lips and teeth, cover in the years.

24. You can't escape from some constraints of truth, such as the conservation of quality, such as debt repayment, such as love is stronger than money.

25. There are many things I can't do in this world, such as life, old age, illness and death, and the passage of time. For example, you don't love me.

26. Even if the world is deserted, there will always be one person who will be your disciple.

27. In the cold night, your heart falls into the darkness. The boundless darkness engulfs your thoughts and squeezes your beliefs, like a well, which is bottomless.

28. Passing through the quiet streets, the city is full of people. After you leave, how can I go back along the original road.

29. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

30. So I have to keep telling myself not to stop wandering and trust the scenery along the way. The world is vast, let me walk at will; The heart is wide, and I can listen freely. Place your soul on the sky and let the myth stay in your heart.

31. You can burn me to death with a cup of hot water or freeze me to death with a cup of ice water, but not with a cup of warm water. What I want is clear black and white, direct and neat.

32. If love is a paradise, then happiness is the ferris wheel. You can sit in happiness and overlook the whole love. But when you stand in love, you should look up to happiness.

33. A person's night, a person's world, very beautiful, a little sad, you are in my thoughts. Quietly, I smile and collect that loneliness, waiting for that eternal covenant in my heart.

34. He said that the earth is round, and even when standing together, it is separated by a circumference.

35. I'm fine. I don't argue or brag, don't feel wronged or laughed, and don't need others to know.

36. It is clearly our story, but it gives others a perfect ending.

37. If I say that a song sounds good, please listen carefully to the lyrics, because that's what I want to say to you.

38. The wind is very strong at night in this city, which blows away the magnanimity and grandiosity. You are always homesick when you are tired and miss him when you are lonely.

39. You will constantly meet and say goodbye to some people, from strangers to acquaintances, from acquaintances to acquaintances, from hating each other too late to not seeing each other.

40. I will accompany you here. I hope you will meet a better girl than me. She is very nice and beautiful. She is not like me at all. Then we are over.