Sad Sentences Long sentimental sentences (select 70 sentences)
Once the love dead
2023-05-16 00:52:18
Complete sentences

1. I love not the person who used to be, but the years that used to be.

2. Without you, I am as strong, even with a heart of stone.

3. I hope you can remember me when you leave. Don't ask whether the changeable world will remain the same tomorrow.

4. They all said that they only know how to cherish after losing. In fact, the loss after cherishing is the most painful

5. I have many dreams, and you are in every dream.

6. The clamor and brightness of the world, the secular happiness and happiness, like a clear stream, in the wind, in front of my eyes, Milu, warm as a spring out, I do not expect, I just want you to be happy, not sad.

7. The flowing water is in a hurry, the years are in a hurry, and only friendship will remain in my heart forever. Goodbye, friend! Take care, friend!

8. I don't like it anymore. For your smile, I become the clown of love. This clown of love, in your world, why there is nothing left? You can go, you can go, take away all your feelings, and you can't look back.

9. Although I have a bad temper, I never lose my temper to others for no reason. If you think I lost my temper to you for no reason, it only means that you make me think you are sick!

10. The gratitude and resentment in the world gradually fade with the season, and the unforgettable memory of the past will also become the yellow maple leaves today, buried deeply in the ground, and no one will remember such a sad person standing in the fog of late autumn.

11. Sometimes, persistence is a burden, and giving up is a relief. When I set foot on this road, I hesitated and lost, but could not stop when I wanted to stop. I carried a heavy burden and walked in the frustration of youth, unable to see the other shore in the distance.

12. We had to separate and say goodbye quietly, with gratitude in our hearts. Thank you for giving me a deep friendship.

13. I think you must be able to understand me, so dear baby, just before I decide to let go, go back to my side, so that everything between us is not too late.

14. Some memories are lingering, and some memories cannot be erased.

15. Many times, I would rather be misunderstood than explain. Believe or not, just between your thoughts. No matter how deeply you have been hurt, there will always be someone who will let you forgive all the difficulties that life has made for you.

16. I have never been happy or sad. I forget that I deserve to be cared about.

17. Good morning seems simple, but it's hard to find a person who can say it all his life.

18. People who know me think I'm quiet, people who know me think I'm crazy, and only people who know me know I'm sad.

19. I used to think that I would have a lot of long-term fate with him. I thought that if I didn't accept him for a while, I could do it again later. Finally, I found that I would never do it again if I missed it. Even if there is no amount of sadness and regret, they can never return to the original rejection, and turn everything around.

20. When I grew up, this society taught me that I had no heart, no feelings, no itching, no pain, and no care.

21. Looking back on the wild goose, people who had earlier forgotten the river and played the piano had tears all over their clothes and flowers all over their shoulders

22. If you love a person, live well. If you live well, it is the best love for him. If you hate a person, you should live well. If you live well, it will hurt him the most.

23. If silence can replace my own weakness, then I would rather be so cowardly.

24. People always feel happy when they are close to happiness, but they are worried about gains and losses when they are happy.

25. Everyone has a world, quiet and lonely.

26. A sad thing in life is that you meet someone who is very important to you, but finally find that it was never meant to be, so you have to let go.

27. I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed did not deceive me. When the tears flowed down, I knew that separation was another kind of certainty.

28. In fact, wine is not intoxicating, but when I drink it, I think of the bad past

29. A person with a cheerful heart has a cheerful face. Hope is the magnificent dawn of life. We should live in hope and forge ahead in hope to open up our way of life. Be optimistic, be positive, laugh more and look in the mirror more.

30. We feel embarrassed when we want to greet each other after a long time absence.

31. The outside world is actually very big, but many people are constrained by a cup of water.

32. If there is such an end, will you escape alone or hold my hand and wait for the great death; If one day, I would, I would like to go through all these sorrows and sorrows with you.

33. His heart has already changed the season, and you are still standing on the day when he made a promise.

34. Wife is a big tree, so you must hold it; Lovers are birds, never feed them; The wife is a treasure. She is noisy; Lovers are grass. Anyone who pulls up and runs with them will say that beauty is good. It's hard to find a lover who doesn't fight or run.

35. Love comes like a flood, and I am at ease; When you recede like the tide, I can't extricate myself. I can only stand in the residual puddles for a long time and chew heartache!