Common life inspirational motto
secluded orchid in a deserted valley
2023-07-25 01:43:36

1. Failure is due to giving up too quickly.

2. I have no past, only the future.

3. If I am not brave, who will be strong for me.

4. Experience is extracted from pain.

5. Winter has come, can spring be far behind?

6. You are only responsible for the wonderful, God has his own arrangements.

7. He who sows with tears will surely laugh at his achievements.

8. I walk slowly, but I never regret it.

9. You can't oppose the facts, but you can ignore the facts!

10. The only shortcoming we will not correct is weakness.

11. More reliable than a backer is to make yourself valuable.

12. The arrogant can be saved, but the inferiority can not be saved.

13. Prayer makes God understand better than words.

14. Break down every obstacle and achieve extraordinary life.

15. Those who ignore reputation will be free!

16. Have confidence, work hard, and success is ahead.

17. There is a long way to go. I will search up and down.

18. The qualitative change of any performance comes from the accumulation of quantitative change.

19. Believe in yourself first, then others will believe in you.

20. Looking back these years is for today's college entrance exam.

21. How can we meet a better self without striving for it.

22. When the tears run out, what remains should be strong.

23. Work when awake, read when confused, and sleep when angry.

24. It is better to prove yourself with pictures than to brag about yourself with empty words.

25. Good living habits are vital to one's life.

26. Happiness is like perfume. If you spill it on others, you will definitely infect yourself

27. Be brave to try new things, and life will have new breakthroughs.

28. It is not the talent of immortals to burn porcelain. Those who are ambitious can learn fine craftsmanship.

29. More minutes of preparation last night, less trouble today.

30. Life has honed life. Along the way, we have learned to accept.

31. Society is like a ship. Everyone should be ready to take the helm.

32. The backer can fall, and everyone can run. Only the self is the most reliable.

33. All self interested lives are irrational and animal lives.

34. If both feet of the compass move, a circle will never be drawn.

35. Thought is like a drill. You must concentrate on drilling down to get strength.

36. Life is suffering, and living is finding the meaning of suffering.

37. If everyone likes the public, the world will be at peace; If everyone engages in selfishness, the world will be in chaos.

38. Even if God closes all your doors, he will leave a window for you.

39. Before building a wall, you should know what to circle out and what to circle in.

40. If you doubt yourself, then your foothold is really unstable.

41. Learn to choose, learn to give up; Can stand loneliness and temptation.

42. Learning to forget is the technology of life, and learning to smile is the art of life.

43. Education is a bronze medal, ability is a silver medal, contacts is a gold medal, and thinking is an ace.

44. Action is a good medicine to cure fear, and hesitation and delay will continue to nourish fear.

45. The potential cannot be exhausted, the blessings cannot be enjoyed, the cheap cannot be occupied, and the wisdom cannot be exhausted.

46. Many failures are not due to limited ability, but because they do not persist in the end.

47. I always believe that even the darkest night will come to an end and usher in the dawn.

48. The most important thing is not to look at the vague things in the distance, but to do the clear things at hand.

49. Common cause and common struggle can make people have the power to tolerate everything.

50. When you know confusion, you are not pitiful. When you do not know confusion, you are the most pitiful.

51. Although everyone yearns for happiness, it is always superficial. Although pain is terrible, it is deep

52. The world is a big stage, the company is a small stage, the family is the backstage, life is a series, and we are the protagonists.

53. People can endure any hardship and adapt to any environment as long as they have a belief and pursuit.

54. If you want to win, you must not be afraid of losing. Not afraid of losing, the result may not win. But if you are afraid of losing, you will lose.

55. Life is like a cup of coffee without sugar. It tastes bitter and astringent, but it has a lingering fragrance that will not go away for a long time.

56. There is only one way you can't choose - the way to give up; There is only one way you can't refuse - the way to grow.

57. The fastest and surest way to conquer fear and build self-confidence is to do what you are afraid of until you gain successful experience.

58. If my right eye causes me to fall, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better to lose one of the body than to throw it into hell.

59. Youth is a vigorous battle. Choose not to regret, kneel down to go. Lose to anyone, you can't lose to yourself.

60. If complaint becomes a habit, the mind is like a shackle, never free. Only by letting go of complaining can we realize the freedom and happiness of life.

61. The starry sky is a chess game. It depends on whether you dare to play; The sky is a picture. How dare you draw. No kind of giving is natural, no kind of getting is reasonable.

62. In life, we have to experience countless injuries. Damage comes not only from the enemy, but also from relatives and friends. Sometimes it will come from yourself, and your own hurt is the real hurt.

63. Every excellent person has a period of silence. During that period of time, I made a lot of efforts to endure loneliness and loneliness without complaining or complaining. When I talk about it in the future, even I can be touched by the days.

64. Life is a process of exchange. Youth is lost and wisdom is exchanged; Lost time, in exchange for knowledge; Passion disappears and reason can be replaced; Speed has disappeared, and depth can be replaced. This is the trajectory of life.

65. There is a state called detachment, a philosophical state called clearness, a naive state called nature, an attitude called carefree, an achievement called splendor, a prosperity called Weiran, a joy called Xinran, a relief called Huiran, and the kind of happiness I want is indifferent.

66. Although there will not be happy people who will succeed all their lives, maintaining a generous and benevolent mind can at least increase our happiness and reduce our pain. Similarly, there will be no one who will suffer from failure all his life. However, the attitude of being penny wise will definitely magnify the pain and reduce the happiness.