70 verses describing the Mid Autumn Moon
Pleasure like a dream
2023-03-20 11:12:29
Complete Poems

1. But the moon laurel should have more light.

2. Silently, I went to the west tower alone, and the moon was like a hook.

3. All shadows are due to the moon, and all lives are due to autumn.

4. Look up at the bright moon, bow your head and think about your hometown.

5. Raise your glass and invite the moon to form three people.

6. But under the crystal curtain, looking at the autumn moon delicately.

7. The desert sand is like snow, and the Yanshan moon is like a hook.

8. An hour without knowing the moon is called a white jade plate.

9. The moon is bright in Guangze, and the mountains are turbulent.

10. At that time, the bright moon was there, and the colorful clouds were shining.

11. The new moon is like a beauty. It looks beautiful at the beginning of the voyage.

12. The moon is bright and the pine forest is clear. Thousands of peaks are the same color.

13. The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountain, amid the boundless clouds.

14. The bright moon is sentimental and follows people everywhere.

15. The moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone flows upward.

16. The bright moon shines on the tall building, and the streamer is wandering.

17. The moon conceals the tall trees, and the river has no dawn.

18. The stars are moving near thousands of households, and the moon is in the sky.

19. The clear clouds are like broken wadding, and the new moon is like grinding a sickle.

20. Flying mirror under the moon, clouds grow and form sea buildings.

21. When the moon rises, it startles the birds in the mountain and sings in the spring brook.

22. The moon is bright but not night, and the forest is sparse and seems more autumn.

23. The moonlight intoxicates distant tourists, and the mountain flowers are blooming.

24. The moon geese fly high, and Shan escapes at night.

25. Pine wind blows away the belt, and the mountain moon shines and plays the piano.

26. The moon is shining on the sea, and the horizon is at this time.

27. Full moon flying mirror, turn to your heart and fold a big knife.

28. The candle is extinguished, the light is full, and the clothes are dewy.

29. The clouds and the sky are far away, and the moon is lonely at night.

30. The white clouds are still scattered, and the moon is setting.

31. Liaohai swallows the moon and the Great Wall locks the mountains.

32. When drunk, the moon will become the holy one, and the flowers will not be the king.

33. Make love when you wake up, and disperse when you get drunk.

34. In a month in Chang'an, thousands of households pounded their clothes.

35. The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown.

36. It's a pity that there is a bright moon in the stream, so don't teach me how to break through Qiongyao.

37. The bright moon makes the magpies tremble, and the cicadas sing in the breeze at midnight.

38. The white clouds are thousands of miles away, and the bright moon is in front of the stream and behind the stream.

39. There is no local book about the feet of wild geese, but the crescent moon spits out its eyebrows.

40. The east boat and the west boat are silent, only the autumn moon is white in the middle of the river.

41. The mica screen has a deep candle shadow, and the long river is gradually falling.

42. People cannot climb the moon, but the moon goes with people.

43. People today do not see the ancient moon. This month has been like the ancient people.

44. All of us want to go to the sky and see the bright moon.

45. Tears should be shed when you look at the bright moon.

46. On the third night of September, the dew is like a pearl and the moon is like a bow.

47. There are hundreds of insects in the deep night, and the clear moon shines out of the mountain.

48. If there is no house to repair the moon in the sky, the branches of osmanthus will be damaged to the west.

49. There are three moonlit nights in the world, and two scoundrels are Yangzhou.

50. Mount Emei is half moon in autumn, and its shadow flows into the plain Qiang River.

51. I send my sorrow and the bright moon to the west of Yelang.

52. Spring has gone and autumn has come, and the moonlight in the water has not changed.

53. The tide of the Spring River is even with the sea, and the moon is rising on the sea.

54. The deeper moonlight is half house, the northern dipper is far away, and the southern dipper is slanting.

55. The moon is bright and the people are thousands of miles away. The wind is strong and the swallows are sailing lightly.

56. The moonlight adds to the spring scenery, and the reed wind seems more beautiful than the bamboo wind.

57. It is not necessarily that Su E has no regrets. The jade toad is cold and the sweet scented osmanthus is lonely.

58. Pine row mountain faces a thousand heavy emeralds, and the moon points a pearl in the wave center.

59. The Lihua Courtyard has a dissolute moon, and the willow catkins pond has a faint wind.

60. It's not a good night in this life. Where will the moon be next year.

61. The river and the sky are one color without fine dust, and the solitary moon wheel in the sky is bright.

62. Jiang Yue is only a few feet away, and the wind lamp is shining at night.

63. The autumn moon in Dongting rises in the center of the lake, and the layers are like melting gold.

64. The clear wind and bright moon are priceless, and there is love near the mountains and water.

65. There are thousands of miles of Yanyan following the waves. Where is the spring river without moonlight.

66. The Huaihai River is as poor as silver, and the myriad ways of rainbow cultivate clam treasures.

67. Up to now, it is Chang'e who is throwing people.

68. Where is the hometown in the northwest and the moon in the southeast.

69. Plum blossom snow, pear blossom moon, total lovesickness. Since it is spring, I don't realize it.

70. Spring and autumn are full of four lakes, there are many strange peaks in summer, the autumn moon shines brightly, and the winter mountains show lonely pines.