Comments on the Legend of Courage
Fairy Tale Fish Playing Figs
2023-09-10 10:12:34

In this flashy age, I want to keep my heart simple. Although watching movies is concerned with exciting plots and gorgeous special effects, perhaps when I go out of the cinema, the warmth is the most important for me, which is why I like to read childhood fairy tales again and again.

The trailer of the movie "The Legend of Courage" said: "No matter what your age, home is an eternal harbor." This sentence really moved me, even if it was just the simplest sentence in this fairy tale.

Watching Pixar's movies again, I always feel the moving details, which are gorgeous but not cumbersome, surprising but not scary, romantic and warm, and touching in laughter. I don't care that the film is a re adaptation of a fairy tale that nobody cares about. Some people will certainly complain about the old story, but the simple magic of fairy tales is irresistible to anyone, even if it is the expected happy ending, because those tragedies that will break the extreme beauty will only make me more complex, and only a single peace is the social consolation. I once thought about why an unexpected ending is a good film, whether an impetuous mind needs to be prepared to accept the reality of stimulation, or whether the uncertainty of the real situation reflects in the hearts of the audience and creates some resonance, why many people are unwilling to take up the childhood fairy tales and immerse in them, why do not they accept the fate of the villains, Why can't you believe the happy life of the princess and prince.

I don't want to talk about the plot of this movie, nor how much this movie has benefited me. In fact, this is just a shocking scene, but the film with simple plot is really warm after watching it.

"If you have the opportunity to change your destiny, how will you choose?" asked Melita, the main character, who had been floating in her mind after watching the film. Melinda changed her marriage with her actions, gained freedom and felt the warmth of home.

When Melinda covered her mother who had become a bear with a sewn blanket, the sun had risen, but her mother still did not change back. We all knew that it must be a happy ending, but when Melinda cried bitterly that her mother had not changed back from the bear, that kind of feeling would surely touch everyone's heartstrings.

I prefer the English name of this movie. As long as a simple English word Brave moves me more, maybe what the movie wants to tell us is just courage, but what is hidden in courage is kinship, expectation, and a brave and simple look at life. The story Pixar told this time with women as the main characters also made me think of Hayao Miyazaki's animation and the book Jane Eyre. This kind of firm character of women and their brave expression of freedom are very precious.

When I grow up and have children of my own, I will read those simple fairy tales for my children as ordinary parents do, and sweat over the twists and turns of their complex as they do, cheer for the happy ending, and reveal the beauty of my heart.

I believe that what I mourn is the youth and rebellion that have not passed away, and the simplification of the complex life that has not yet been faced.

I hope that my children in the future will experience the same experience as I did, and then return to the pure fairy tales to slowly understand the impact of fairy tales on the world.

I have very simple requirements for my life, that is, I can simply love, have simple courage, and have a simple heart.