Impressions of China Industrial Museum
Wenzhu is green and elegant
2023-11-06 22:13:14

Liuzhou is an ancient cultural city with a long history, beautiful scenery and prosperous culture. From the imprint of ancient people in the Bailian Cave, to the stop of literary giant Liu Zongyuan in the Tang Dynasty, to the grace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties when Liuzhou elites benefited the countryside, the rich cultural accumulation nourished Liuzhou and formed a unique Liuzhou culture. The museum organically runs through the long history of Liuzhou, which is really the end of a thousand years of history.

Liuzhou is inhabited by Zhuang, Dong, Miao, Yao and other ethnic groups. It has rich ethnic customs, rich folk cultural resources and colorful scenery, which fully demonstrates our national style in Liuzhou.

Walking in the museum hall is like walking around villages, feeling the charm of national culture and experiencing the colorful national paintings. A roll of exquisite brocade cloth, a piece of costumes full of ethnic customs, and those wonderful musical instruments, all of which make people linger.

There are many famous paintings and fans in the museum. Looking at these ancient works of art, it is like walking in the tunnel of history. There are flower fans made by Chen Banding in the Qing Dynasty. The strong color makes me feel like I am in the garden listening to bees and butterflies, and flowers compete for beauty. The handwriting of Liu Zongyuan, a hero of the generation, is so simple that it makes people intoxicated and excited to study ink. Walking in front of the fan of Qi Bai's ink shrimp, it was amazing. Those light ink shrimp seemed to be swimming and lifelike. I thought I heard them playing in the stream. It is truly a treasure of art. Everything is amazing.

The Bronze Age in China came into being around 2000 BC. It lasted about 15 centuries through the Xia, Shang, Western Zhou and the Spring and Autumn Warring States Periods. In the late Shang and early Western Zhou Dynasties, bronze smelting and casting industry reached its peak as a sign of productivity development. During the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period, bronze casting technology had new development, as well as the bronze technology of the Han Dynasty, Still present a beautiful afterglow.

In ancient times, from the perspective of ritual system, bronze ware is the symbol of aristocratic families, and is an indispensable treasure in the temple. The number of ritual vessels used is a symbol of the hierarchy of nobility. There are more than 150 pieces of bronze ware on display in the museum, including the trumpet shaped bronze ware with cloud and thunder patterns in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the bronze sword with human face patterns in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the bronze bell with spiral pattern in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the sheep horn button clock with cicada pattern in the Warring States Period, and so on. With unique local ethnic characteristics, the bronze art and aesthetic art embodied in it is a shining pearl in the history of southern ethnic bronze art. These treasures, with exquisite patterns and superb casting technology, show the cultural and artistic achievements of ancient Chinese bronzes and reflect the unique aesthetic taste of ethnic minorities at that time.

Liuzhou Museum is really a magical place. It enables us to understand the long history, feel the national style, experience the exquisite art, and taste the exquisite bronze.