Reflections on Mountain and Sea Sentiment
The sunset knows the autumn
2023-08-27 01:09:22

On the Way to Poverty Alleviation: My Dialogue with the First Secretary

He doesn't talk much, but he can see everything. He is responsible for poverty alleviation, conflict resolution, industry development and epidemic prevention and control. He is simple and noble. He is Secretary Li, the first secretary of Zhongling Village, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province. In my conversation with him, I was deeply inspired.

"Secretary Li, are you under great pressure to work as both the first secretary and the deputy secretary of the village?"

"We should believe that there are more ways than difficulties. Don't be afraid of pressure, which is the power," said Secretary Li.

Zhongling Village is a poverty-stricken village, with an aging cadre structure, conservative mass ideology and lagging industrial development. In the second half of 20XX, the village branch secretary was in poor health and asked for leave to see a doctor. Under various considerations, Secretary Li will take charge of the work of Zhongling Village. The burden of assistance and poverty alleviation is all on our shoulders. With his efforts, two residential areas were built, which became the model of new rural construction; In 20XX, the East West Poverty Alleviation Cooperation Project was successfully completed, and 520 mu bamboo shoot industrial park and 200 mu rattan pepper characteristic park were initially built, leading everyone to actively explore the high-quality collective industry of "bamboo chicken" and "rattan pepper chicken" recycling cultivation and combination of long and short; After the completion of the 1200 square meter cattle farm, look for owners to enter the farm to raise cattle, and increase the collective economic income by collecting rent; People are encouraged to develop small family run courtyards. The surrounding wasteland has also planted vegetables and built chicken pens. In October 20XX, a lively dividend meeting was held in the courtyard of the village committee. Zhongling Village was lifted out of poverty in 20XX.

"Secretary Li, there is a policy this time. You can apply for going back in your case!"

"The task of poverty alleviation has not been completed yet. I know my physical condition well. Don't worry."

Secretary Li, due to physical reasons, needs an injection before taking the staple food every time. During his stay in the village, he was often too busy with his work to get enough food and was hospitalized several times. I wanted to persuade him with the policy that he could apply for returning this time. No one can beat his stubborn character. We all know that he cannot let go of the poor families here and the burden of poverty alleviation. I always see him busy in the village on weekends and weekends. He believed that as long as we worked first, the masses could catch up.

"Secretary Li, almost all of you donated 100 to 200 yuan to show your appreciation for this donation. You can do as much as everyone else."

"No, they are risking their lives at the front line. We are at least safe and should be able to help."

On the second day of the lunar new year, Secretary Li immediately went to the village to perform his duties. In the early stage of epidemic prevention and control, on the one hand, masks were hard to buy, on the other hand, people did not pay attention to them, and they often kept heaping fires and chatting without wearing masks, and even left relatives and friends without listening. In response, Secretary Li led village cadres and team members to greet each other from door to door. At the same time, Secretary Li is the first organization in all villages of Beimiao Township to donate money. Secretary Li not only has to support his daughter to go to college, but also lives in a public rental house, and donated 1000 yuan. As of March 10, Secretary Li organized Zhongling Village to donate a total of 7120 yuan to support the frontline work of the epidemic.

Peaches and plums don't speak, but they make a difference. In China, more than 2.8 million village cadres and the first secretary are on the front line, climbing mountain roads, facing the wind and snow, and fighting poverty. Secretary Li is one of millions of people. I saw his "most beautiful appearance" on the way to help the poor. People believe in him, respect him, and love him!