80 SMS messages for the celebration of the founding of the Communist Party on July 1
A lonely fish
2023-06-12 19:02:22
SMS Collection

1、 Sing the "Story of Spring", wish the party happy, send a happy life, wish the party happy, and sincerely wish all friends happy forever!

2、 In the wind and rain, we write the unyielding feelings, and in the era of peace, we interpret the feelings of the military and the people. On the arrival of the party's birthday, we would like to thank the party for its kindness, and wish the party stronger and more brilliant!

3、 Write a beautiful movement of the new era with hard work, grit your teeth to overcome difficulties with a strong and brave responsibility, and stick to the bright future of prosperity and strength of the motherland with perseverance. I wish you a happy Party Day!

4、 In 1979, it was a spring. 1992 was another spring. It's July 1 this year, but I still say it's our spring. Happy birthday to the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China!

5、 With a forthright tone in the north, a gentle tone in the south, a cheerful spirit in the western region, and an open mind in the east, say the same sentence: Happy birthday of the Party and long-term peace and stability of the country when July 1 comes!

6、 It has been 96 years since the founding of the Party, with brilliant achievements in all directions, wonderful achievements in reform and opening up, proud scientific development, hand in hand from all corners of the world, and deep feelings between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, celebrating the 96th anniversary of our Party.

7、 A short message and a sincere greeting represent the concern and yearning of the organization for you, including blessings and encouragement. As the birthday of the Party approaches, I wish you the best of luck and new achievements.

8、 Ninety six rain trees the party spirit, countless heroes cast the national emblem, worked hard for the people, devoted themselves to development, the flying dream is now round, the harmonious society and the country are prosperous, and the party's ninety-six birthday is celebrated together.

9、 With a bang of thunder, the Party has become the leader ever since. The leading people turned over and gradually entered the well-off family. Looking back on the past years, we can count the treasures after many years of hard work. Through thick and thin, we can share weal, happiness and happiness.

10、 Raise the scythe of happiness to cut the sky of success for you. Raise the axe of peace to cut a happy road for you. Red July, red season, red blessing, I wish a happy Party Day.

11、 Independent innovation, taking the lead; The characteristic road has a lot of cadres; Harmonious cause, led by theory; Scientific development, never stumble; The spirit of the Party, with the vanguard taking the lead; Brilliant construction, add momentum!

12、 When I look back, history has gone far away. Looking up, July Day is coming to us with a smile. Let's light the candles of joy and sing for the coming of the party's birthday. Wish: Happy July 1!

13、 Look at the beautiful day today and thank the good leadership of the Party; The songs are flying, the feelings are long, and the Chinese people are loyal to the Party; Dancing lightly, gongs roaring to the sky, the whole world celebrated the party's birthday. July 1 Blessings to the Party, and may the Party be beautiful.

14、 More calm, troubles will disappear; Be more cheerful, and sorrow will disappear; Be more strong, and difficulties will say goodbye to you. The blessing of July 1 is sent to you. May the party's tomorrow be more brilliant!

15、 The magnificence of mountains and rivers has written eternal romance, and the triumph of the times has woven peace and beauty. Important thoughts guide the direction of building a moderately prosperous country in an all-round way. On the anniversary of the founding of the Party, let's sing forever.

16、 On the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China on July 1, may you have the spirit of the Long March and live a dangerous life; With eight years of perseverance in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, life is not difficult; Iron and Steel aspires to be a man in life!

17、 The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, and the breeze in July brings cool air. Sing loudly about the great party, describe the beautiful chapter of the motherland, lead the people to set sail in harmony, toward happiness and hope, and the future will be more brilliant.

18、 Today is the 96th year of the founding of the Party. The call of the Party is kindling. Please don't see your troubles. Get some rest and sleep properly. Exercise for your home. Pay attention to happiness. The taste of happiness is spreading. Wish you a happy summer!

19、 Party, I bless you, and wish you to fly like the roc; Party, I wish you, like the fish, like a fish in water; Party, I wish you a bright future like the sun of tomorrow.

20、 Greeting July 1, SMS sent blessing words: I wish you good health, II wish you good luck, III wish you more happiness, IV wish you all good luck, V wish you family harmony, VI wish you sweet feelings, VII wish you happy world, friends, July 1 happy!

21、 Since our party stepped onto the Chinese stage and played international songs in China, our people have embarked on the road of building a happy life. Today is the birthday of the Party. I wish the motherland will become stronger and stronger.

22、 Follow the Party with one belief, make contributions with clean hands, talk about civilization in a few words, seek development in busy seasons, seek innovation in all corners of the world, create brilliance with one heart, sing praises of the Party in seven colors, and celebrate 96 days in all directions.

23、 In July, the Party's flag was particularly bright, the Party's leadership shone brightly, creating harmony and seeking development, leading the people to a well-off society, the happiness index rose all the way, the whole people smiled, wished the Party on the founding day, and the Party's leadership wrote brilliant!

24、 In the ninth decade of the Party building, it was difficult to walk and fight against the stubborn enemy. Eight year history of anti Japanese heroes, three years of magnificent chapter of defending power. The Long March sows red seeds, and Kyushu draws new colors with its hands. The reform and opening up of Zhaozhao Road ushered in a splendid day.

25、 The Party's belief will never change; Yesterday and tomorrow, the Party will exist every day; With a history of years and a future of years, the purpose of the Party will be extended for a hundred years; The spirit of the year, the style of the year, the glory of the party shine for generations.

26、 You are a bright flag, guiding thousands of soldiers to fight tenaciously. You are a symbol of strength, encouraging the Chinese people to brave the wind and waves and forge ahead bravely. The 96th anniversary of the founding of the Party, thank the Party, bless the Party!

27、 Warm embrace, you are my escort; Strong arms, you are my shelter; Sweet milk, you make me strong; Loving heart, you teach me to be strong. When the Party was founded in 1996, may the state be safe!

28、 The great motherland, the great party, the red sun rises eastward and shines everywhere; The great motherland, the great party, the flag flying high, the July 1st party building bless the party, the party's leadership is long, the party's leadership days are more prosperous!

29、 The ancient East has emerged as a great political party, the land of China has ushered in a bright spring, and the descendants of the Yellow River have gathered endless strength to create a new century of dazzling brilliance. On July 1st, I wish our party always keep healthy!

30、 Say "July 1", "July 1", and celebrate on the Party Building Day; Think of the Party's kindness, report to the Party, and study and work to add motivation; Set up ideals, love the motherland, and work together for harmony; Good friends, bless together, life is sweet and happy!

31、 The green valley is secluded, the pines grow green, and the flowing water is babbling with fish. The land of China welcomes guests, and the glow of China shines in the afterglow. Ninety six parties are welcome today, and five thousand cultures and histories are left. The founding of the Party, the founding of the nation, and the opening of the new China with a smile.

32、 July is the most beautiful day, the most beautiful feeling, and the sweetest song, just to commemorate the party, year after year. At this moment of joy, I would like to send you my best wishes. May we become stronger and stronger year by year under the leadership of the Party!

33、 No matter how difficult the road of life is, it is no more difficult than the Red Army's crossing the grassland, and no more difficult than the Red Army's crossing the snow mountain. As long as you have courage and confidence, all difficulties are paper tigers. I wish you a happy Party Day!

34、 Today is our party's 96th birthday. I wrote a short message to praise the party. The Party loves the people to love the Party, and the policy on getting rich is good. The Party loves me. I love the Party. It is good to help the poor. We are not afraid of the financial crisis. We can do whatever the Party calls.

35、 July 1 is happy, and information conveys meaning. Everything is in friendship. I wish you good health, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck and good luck. Happy July 1!

36、 Jiaxing South Lake Red Boat, Yan'an cave red flag flying, loud horn echoing in the ear, July 1, the whole people happy, the anniversary of the founding of the party, let us all wish our dear party, the party's future more brilliant!

37、 With a flick of the finger, five thousand years ago, the time is flowing, and the truth is not fading. The lofty sentiments are full of clouds, the heaven and the earth are happy, and the true feelings in the world are there, creating new brilliance. On the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the whole country wishes that the dragon will soar to the sky.

38、 On July 1, I will send you a sickle. Please put down your troubles; Give you an axe, please drive away impetuosity; Send you a flag, please drive happiness. May your life be as prosperous as the Party flag, and I wish you a happy 96th anniversary of the founding of the Party!

39、 On the July 1st Party Building Day, I hope you can always adhere to a happy scientific outlook on development: laughter is the first element, health is the core, so that happiness and peace can be balanced, coordinated and beautiful, and happy and sustainable development can be achieved!

40、 July is the harvest season; July is a moving season; July is the season of blessing. On July 1, the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Party, let's sing a birthday hymn together and wish our Party's cause every day!

41、 Ice disaster, earthquake, financial crisis, true friendship in distress, the Party leads the people through difficulties; Perfect Olympics, seven gods flying, steady economic growth, and the Party's policies benefit the people. July 1, bless the party bless China also bless you, happy holiday!

42、 The stars have changed in the ninety-six years, and the great dragons are flying. The earthquake of the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the five continents, manned spacecraft space patrol. Sigh at all things and compete for romance. Sing praises of great achievements, sing beautiful scenery in a prosperous age! Celebrate the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Party!

43、 The July 1 message is joyful. It's your luck to receive it. Look at your ambition. Reading it, you will be strong, healthy and blessed. Your career will be brilliant and domineering. May you never lose your temper and be in a good mood! Happy July 1!

44、 Thousands of trees are blooming and flowers are blooming. Ninety six years of history, 96 years of hard work, our party braved the wind and rain, walking on the road of progress. Take this opportunity to celebrate the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Party and wish our Party more and more brilliant.

45、 The South Lake Red Boat, the cave red flag, the leadership of new forces, China's establishment of the East, reform at home, opening up to the outside world, leading the new concept, the country to a well-off society, July 1 with singing, bless the rest assured house, and wish the motherland more brilliant tomorrow!

46、 Harmony sends the spring home, and development ushers in the spring. It has been ninety-six years since the founding of the Party, and it has made brilliant achievements. Reform and opening up are early, and there is a way to enrich the people. When the people are well-off, the whole country will laugh. The ninety-six birthday, the party and the country are brilliant, always in youth.

47、 In the vast space, have you seen the bright stars? There are you, me and all of us supporting the cause of the Party with common beliefs! In the east of the world, did you see a red sun? That is our Party!

48、 The grand plan of ten thousand miles has been displayed, the heroes from all over the world have gathered, the Shenlong Dragon has taken off in the east, the Chinese land has risen, legends have been written like wind, myths have spread like rain, the momentum of a powerful country has been like a huge goose, and there are only a large number of brilliant books. The birthday of the July 1st Party, the motherland is strong to the first place.

49、 The sons and daughters of the Party are fighting hard. China has changed the land, changed the sky and displayed a new look. Looking at the beautiful rivers and mountains, the green valleys are quiet and green. The Party has guided us to stride forward and work together to build a better tomorrow. On July 1, let's celebrate the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Party!

50、 Youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country, and youth strength is the strength of the country! We are the flowers of spring, we are the sun in the morning! Full of the people's trust and the hope of the nation, we are the successors of communism and strive to be pillars!

51. On the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I hope you can always adhere to a happy scientific outlook on development: more laughter is the first element, health is the core, so that happiness and peace can be balanced, coordinated and beautiful in an all-round way, so that happy and sustainable development can be achieved.

52. The glorious 96 year history of the founding of the Party has witnessed your footsteps for 96 years; Ninety six years ago, you went through vicissitudes of life and set sail for victory; For ninety-six years, you have braved the wind and waves to write beautiful chapters.

Fifty-three. building the party for the good of the masses, and governing for the people and the world; Social democracy stresses harmony, and the economy is soaring; The people live in peace and smile, and celebrate the great cause of the Party. On the July 1st Party Building Day, I wish the cause of the Party every day wonderful and brilliant!

54. With the sound of a mobile phone riot, the emotions launched an uprising. Under the banner of strengthening friendship, the bullets of short messages were loaded, and greetings that had been put on hold for a long time were fired, giving a fatal blow to indifference. Today's July 1, let the connection be established from today without interruption.

55. Follow the Party, don't worry about clothing, don't worry about living, eat, drink, and have fun. Work hard and move forward. There is a helping hand in front of difficulties, and a strong backing can be kept. The Party's birthday comes to greet, and the fish and water will stay together. The beauty is ahead, and July 1 is happy!

56. Ninety six years after the founding of the Party, we are filled with emotion. In the past, saving the country and the people was not easy. Now, we should practice the scientific outlook on development and serve the people with confidence. In the future, the economy will soar, the country will be strong, and the people will fight against the Party.

57. The day is getting better, the income is getting higher, the mood is getting better, the career is getting better, and the morale is getting better. On the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I wish our Party will grow stronger and stronger day by day. I wish you happiness every day.

58. Because of you, the country is rich and the people are strong; Because of you, we have happiness and health; Because of you, we have a brilliant future; Because of you, we have prosperity. 7. 1. On the Party Building Day, I wish the Party a bright future like the sun and the moon.

59. The party flag of July 1 is flying in the sky. After the wind and rain, our country is a dragon, prosperous and strong, and China is revitalized. Our Party is the beacon that guides the direction and makes a decisive victory. Today's happiness is dedicated to the Party, and a bright future lies ahead.

The party's birthday came in the scorching sun of July. The red flag flutters in the wind, laughing everywhere. People celebrate and sing songs of praise. Diligence for the people, military and civilian unity. The country is rich and the people are healthy, and the Party will always be loved. The Party Building Day is coming. May the Party have a better tomorrow.

61. It is you who lead the people's strategy towards success; It is you who led the motherland to achieve a qualitative leap. July 1st, the Party Building Day, is not only a festival, it is a happy mood, but also a happy season. I wish the motherland is perfect!

62. No matter how difficult life is, it is no more difficult for the Red Army to live on grass, and no more difficult life than for the Red Army to live on snowy mountains. With courage and confidence, all difficulties are paper tigers, and all difficulties can be overcome smoothly. Happy July 1st Party Day!

At the time of July 31, the military spirit is around, the national anthem is sung, the party is proud, the Chinese people, the Orientals, the divine dragon flies, the whole country laughs, high-speed railway is connected, the oil sea is wide, and the legend is written. Today, the ten thousand mile sentiment follows the four seas, five lakes, Kyushu Pride, and the Party Building Day, wishing the party better and the motherland stronger.

Sixty four, a short message to bless, two dragons fly to welcome the "July 1st" auspicious year, and four to celebrate the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Party! The five-star red flag will never fall, the ancient capital of China in the Six Dynasties, the seven stars shine high on the Chinese people, and the wealth from all directions will enter China.

The coming of July 1st and the 65th will be celebrated with a song of praise for the Party. Leading the people to liberate and change the world. The scientific and technological power is to advocate that economic development should follow the path of Kangzhuang. Set an example not for personal interests. The Party comes to the people to support the Party for the people. The Party Building Day is coming. May the glory of the Party last forever!

66. Where there is danger, you always rush to the front line; Where there is grievance, you always swallow the pain silently. For the sweetness of people's lives, you are always busy. Today is your birthday, take a rest and send your best wishes!

67. On the occasion of the coming of the Party Building Day, in view of your high personal quality, good ideological style, and deep understanding of our Party, you are hereby allowed to join the "Happy Party" to enjoy the right to a lifetime of happiness! Celebrate the Party Building Day!

68. Because of you, the people will be liberated. Since you, the banner of construction will be carried. Your leadership will make the country prosperous and strong. Your love will make the people's hearts bright. On the Party Building Day on July 1, let's send our best wishes to your beloved party!

69. The best song is "The Story of Spring", the best ballet "The Red Detachment of Women", the best book "Quotations of Mao XX", and "Deng XX Theory". The most reliable organization is to celebrate the 88th anniversary of the founding of the Party!

Seventy years of life have made us brilliant. Carrying wind and rain, carrying frost. Wise soul, leading the public to open up a broad road; The surging fighting spirit encourages the new forces and continues the bright process. On the July 1st Party Building Day, forward the message and look forward to the prosperity and strength of the motherland!

Seventy one, the red boat of the South Lake gave birth to the Party, and the wind and rain of 96 years strengthened the Party. The leadership of the Party should not be forgotten as the nation becomes independent, the country becomes rich and strong, the economy develops, and life can change. Now it's the Party Building Day again, and I'm excited to bless the Party. Wish the Party will always be young and energetic!

Seventy two, the year was vigorous and experienced more than a hundred prosperity. The South China Sea used to sell fish farmers, but now there are 100 meters of tall buildings hidden in the sea, the outlet of the Shanghai Triangle, the grand plan of the first city exhibition, Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan, and high-rise buildings from the Bohai Bay. The development of the west, the rise of the Central Plains, and the leadership of the Party make Chinese people happy.

73. The eastern red sun shines, and the world looks at each other. China stands tall in the world, and the Chinese people raise their prestige around the world. The victory is attributed to the Party. We are proud of the Party, and we are proud of the Party. The July 1st Party's 96th birthday. Let me offer you a song of praise from the bottom of my heart, and wish our Party more great and strong.

74. The financial crisis has made a soft landing, the earthquake relief party has paved the way, the god nine has gone to heaven to raise national prestige, the policy on the way to becoming rich has helped people live and work in peace and contentment, and the people's happiness party is happy. On the Party Building Day, the party's birthday should not be forgotten. May the party's vitality be unlimited and create a better future. Happy birthday to the party.

Seventy five, on the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the whole party issued a call: we should closely focus on happiness, adhere to happiness and unswervingly, firmly consolidate the fruits of victory of peace, smoothness and health, keep the good fortune and luck unchanged throughout our life, and strive to ensure that you live a harmonious and happy life after receiving the message. Wish you a happy holiday!

76. The Party building day is coming. In order to reward your love for the Party for decades, we have prepared a table of Manchu and Han people in a five-star hotel after work today. Please call the hotline in advance to confirm your presence. Telephone number: or click on the Internet to confirm: www. Eat and drink freely. com! Happy July 1!

Seventy seven, it's another year's Party Building Day, and red fruit wishes for you. Send you red apples, wish you a lifetime of "apple" Ann, send you red strawberries, may you kick the "berry" luck; Send you red pitaya fruit, wish you a prosperous life

Seventy eight, with the development of the cause, it is not possible for the "Party" to have a bright future. It is not possible for the "Party" to be strong, brave or brave. It is difficult for the "Party" to have a sweet love. Gentleness is difficult for the "Party" to live a happy life. Merry people wish the "Party" a happy Party Day in advance!

Seventy nine. Hidehead Poems: 'July' is full of fire, 'one' is full of jubilation, 'eulogizing' the party's grace, 'singing' is like a tide, 'the party's history is glorious,' the flag 'is clear, fluttering,' raising 'the sail thousands of miles.

80. On the eve of the Party Building Day, I wish you the good fortune of "the Party" and "the Party", the good fortune of "the Party" and "the Party", the good popularity of "the Party" and "the Party", and the good looks of "the Party" and "the Party". Happy Party Building Day!