The Little Prince
Oriental woman
2023-12-23 12:23:41
fifth grade
reaction to a book or an article

The Little Prince is a philosophy book written by Saint Exupery of Lyon, France. He is a pilot as well as a writer. This fairy tale novel illustrates different views and criticisms of people in society through the experience of a little prince traveling in the universe on a planet, which makes us think deeply. It contains symbolic meanings everywhere, and looks both clear and obscure. Therefore, this book is particularly charming and beautiful.
The author of the novel starts his imagination in the form of self narration, and he can't find anyone who speaks congenially in the adult world. Later, because the plane crash was a blessing in disguise, I met the little prince. The little prince told the pilot that he had visited six planets, met many strange people, and finally came to the earth. During his one year on the earth, he knew many friends and some philosophies. Finally, the little prince got rid of his heavy body and returned to his hometown.
In the full text, "One day, if you travel to the African desert, please carefully recognize the scenery so as not to miss it. If you have the opportunity to pass there, I ask you not to leave in a hurry and wait for a moment under this star. If a child comes up to you, if he is smiling, has blond hair, and does not answer questions, you can guess who he is. At that time, please! Don't let me always be so sad, please write to me and tell me that he is back... "This paragraph fully reflects the author's reluctance and tired love for the little prince. The feeling of melancholy and sorrow rises up, which makes us feel very sad and brings us into a beautiful artistic conception.
What impressed me most was the fox. It was a fox waiting for love, and it was also a rational and mature wise man. He is the little prince's emotional teacher and guide, and carefully teaches the little prince's feelings.
The appearance of the little prince fills the desert with a trace of vitality. His vitality grows like a flower. If he can take root and blossom in the desert of the earth, maybe the little prince will come to the earth again. I hope the little prince will come back to meet us again!