The latest copy to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the regiment in 2023
It's late in the old days
2023-02-28 10:21:28
Complete sentences

1. Struggle lights up life, and youth bursts into vitality. At the historic moment of the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, let's work together to express the best youth.

2. We were born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze. The people have faith, the country has strength and the nation has hope. Today, on the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, we wish the Communist Youth League and the motherland better and better.

3. Happy anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League! Youth is the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. In this special day, we should work hard to continue to write a bright page for the league.

4. Serve the overall situation of development, and write the 'youth chapter' of the centennial founding of the Communist Youth League.

5. The centennial journey of the Communist Youth League of China is brilliant, brilliant and historical witness. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a better future.

6. Youth is a beautiful and endless period, and it is also the beginning of all the brightness and happiness in the future. On the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, carry forward the national tradition and strive to be the vanguard of the times!

7. When the anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China comes, let's hold high the banner of the Communist Youth League and follow the Party, and devote our youth to our posts.

8. Youth is a flag, which calls us forward bravely. On the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, let us carry the spirit of our ancestors and continue to write a brilliant page for the Communist Youth League!

9. The great era encourages the youth's style, and the grand cause makes the youth's ideal come true. On the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, I wish the Communist Youth League prosperity!

10. Sprinkle passion and sweat, and dedicate youth and wisdom.

11. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the group, let's work together to strengthen our ideals and beliefs, maintain our loyalty, and work hard!

12. In the cold city of youth, dreams are lighthouses giving people directions. Blink, this year is the anniversary of the founding of the league. Let's follow the steps of dreams, continue to move forward, work hard, and reap the ideal fruits!

13. Let's hold high the League flag and follow the Party, and make great achievements in youth dedication, because this is the most beautiful and wonderful appearance of youth.

14. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, in which the Communist Youth League has led us to move forward, walk firmly, and continue to persevere and forge ahead for the ideal road!

15. In the glorious course of a hundred years, the Communist Youth League has provided a large number of young cadres for the cause of the Party. On the occasion of celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, I wish you all the best and strive to create your own future.

16. Educate the youth, welcome the grand event, display the grand plan and compose the splendid chapter.

17. This year is the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. The centennial history of the Youth League is a history of unremitting struggle of the youth under the leadership of the Party.

18. May 4th, we welcome the centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League! I wish the motherland more and more prosperity, and the Communist Youth League a happy 100 years old!

19. Young people are the sun at seven or eight o'clock in the morning. Young people are full of fighting spirit to realize their dreams. On the occasion of celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the league, I hope you can summon the strength of youth, work hard and become stronger!

20. Young people, the king of life, the spring of life, the beauty of life, are dedicated to my whole life.

21. Time passes through the baptism of wind and rain. When the spring is warm again, we ushered in the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China.

22. As a member of the Communist Youth League, we should always work hard and never slack off. When we witnessed the history of the founding of the Communist Youth League, we were moved by it and continued to struggle for it.

23. Earnestly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, create a new situation for the work of the Communist Youth League in an all-round way, and make brilliant achievements in the centennial construction of the Communist Youth League.

24. You are the proud child of communism and the ideological mentor of our youth. After years of trials and hardships, let's share some for you!

25. The country prospers when young people thrive, and the country is strong when young people are strong. I wish the Communist Youth League a hundred years of glory.

26. The Communist Youth League of China is the assistant and reserve force of the Party. At the historic moment of the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, we wish that the motherland will be beautiful and prosperous, and the Communist Youth League will continue to write the chapter of youth.

27. On the anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, under the banner of the Communist Youth League, we are determined to swear that I can remember it clearly. On this special day, let's continue to add more colorful colors to our youth!

28. On the anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, we will inherit the national spirit, carry forward the youth style, write the youth chapter, and show the style of the times.

29. The anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League is a moment to witness history, a continuation of the spirit of the ancestors, and a celebration of youth struggle. Wish: The Communist Youth League will be happy at the end of the year and the country will be prosperous.

30. The rising sun in May lights up the ideal sky. Young people should strive to forge ahead bravely for their ideals, brave the wind and waves, open up hope, and harvest dreams. I wish the Communist Youth League a happy anniversary!

31. Do you believe that the youth of New China are happy, and the new generation of youth is more happy? We believe and firmly believe!

32. The country prospers when young people thrive, and the country prospers when young people are strong. At the historic moment of the founding anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, let's shine together in the youth struggle.