Message for sacrificing heroes and martyrs and flowers on the Qingming Festival (95 selected sentences)
Remaining tenderness
2023-04-08 15:50:14
Complete sentences

1. Soldiers, thank you for giving us a beautiful China

2. "Heroic", when you see or hear the word, a deep respect arises spontaneously. In order to realize the dream, our predecessors bled and sacrificed. We people living in peaceful times have no reason to slack off, but we should work hard for the Chinese Dream.

3. Online sacrifice of heroes and martyrs, never forget the history and cast loyalty, people will always put heroes and martyrs in their hearts!

4. Without those martyrs who died for their country, there would be no good life for us today. Remember the heroic deeds of the martyrs and praise their selflessness.

5. Salute the revolutionary martyrs, always remember the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs, cherish the happy life now, study hard, and build a better country in the future!

6. In front of the ruthless guns, although you are small, you finally become the Great Wall. Your blood has dyed our national flag red, making it inviolable. You will never be buried by the long river of history. I give my highest respect to you!

7. The spring breeze has cleared thousands of layers of snow, and the younger generation will never forget the kindness of the martyrs. Remembering is to remember, and to feel the power in remembering! Touching the red scarf fluttering in front of our chest, we all know that only good study is the interpretation of "remembering".

8. Our happy life now depends on the blood of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs. When realizing the great "Chinese Dream", we should always remember the revolutionary martyrs!

9. In memory of the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, you are willing to sacrifice your blood for today's happy study and life in order to dream and revolutionary cause. We should inherit the fine tradition of revolution and grow up to be good teenagers in the new era.

10. The revolutionary martyrs of all periods are the vanguard of the times, the backbone of the nation, and the heroes of the motherland. Their spirit shines through the ages and will be remembered forever.

11. Although it is nominally just a festival to mourn the dead, the significance and value of Tomb Sweeping Day to our people go beyond that.

12. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. I want to remember those martyrs who gave their blood and lives for the new China. It is their efforts that start our happy life. It is their selfless dedication that makes us have the current reading environment.

13. Never forget the original intention, remember the heroes, keep going forward, and strengthen China!

14. Remember the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the revolutionary tradition, study hard and make progress every day!

15. Your spirit of throwing your head and blood for the motherland will make me admire forever and be applied to the construction of the motherland. We Chinese will always remember you!

16. Heroic martyrs, patriotic example; We want to endow the martyr's patriotic spirit with today's soldiers.

17. Celebrate heroes online, never forget the martyrs' loyalty, and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation!

18. Celebrate heroes online, and heroes will be immortal.

19. Time goes by, and the soul lives forever; Chizi's feelings move the world!

20. Our happy life at the moment is yours. Although you are no longer here, you will always live in our hearts. I want to learn from you, love the motherland and home, and strive to be good students.

21. Remembering and honoring heroes, how can we move forward without their meaningless efforts.

22. Green mountains never grow old and green waters never worry. It was the revolutionary martyrs who exchanged their fiery blood for the peace and tranquility of the country. The great martyrs, the Chinese warriors, your heroes will always be in our hearts!

23. Sacrifice the sages and pay homage to them; Second sacrifice to martyrs, full of passion; Three sacrifices to ancestors are unforgettable. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the spring breeze is gentle, and everything grows with sowing and cultivation.

24. I don't know who you are, but I know that you are a Chinese, a heroic martyr, a lovely person, a treasure of parents, a revolutionary martyr we respect and love.

25. Chinese warriors, your heroes are always in our hearts, and we pay tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives to explore the path of saving the country and the people and resist aggression!

26. Sing of the motherland in memory of the martyrs and the people's travel to revive the Chinese dream.

27. Without the Communist Party, there will be no new China. Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Here we bow to the revolutionary martyrs. You sacrificed yourself to gain the prosperity of today's Chinese nation. Generations of Chinese people will remember your contributions!

28. The heroes went all the way, the dead rested in peace, and there was no sickness in heaven.

29. It is they who spread a bright road with their blood and built a long bridge of life with their bodies. They are revolutionary martyrs, and I salute them.

30. With your youth and years, you have mapped out our perfect life today. Your name is clearly visible to us, and your deeds will live forever!

31. It is their lives that have brought China's prosperity today. It is their blood that has dyed the peach blossom everywhere red.

32. Tears still fall all over the winter, looking at your smiling face. After turning around, I can't find my lost promise.