Sentences about the latest miss
Smile to the world
2023-06-24 09:41:23
Complete sentences

1. When you read this article, you think of someone

2. When she/he is friendly with others, you will feel that you don't know what to eat

3. Now all kinds of things are worth cherishing, because they are so real and beautiful

4. Love is like a beautiful flower, which will wither one day,

5. Then you must have fallen in love with her/him

6. If you like to walk alone with her/him

7. Love must know each other, knowing each other is not necessarily destined to love each other, even if you open your heart to one person,

8. When you see her/his sweet smile, your mouth will raise a smug smile

9. When she/he is injured or ill, you will care about her and worry for her/him

10. She shed tears for you. Don't apologize or comfort her. Just hold her tightly and tell her you are there. Never leave with remorse, because she needs you most at this time.

11. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. Let's be grateful for having loved,

12. The things she prepared for you are handed to you carelessly, and you must not also care carelessly, because she actually prepared very carefully.

13. Never get tired of saying "I love you". Even if you call once an hour, she will "blame" you sweetly

14. If there is no possibility of love, it is enough to keep your promise,

15. Cherish it well, that is, permanent love

16. Suddenly, I want to get drunk because my heart has already broken;

17. We often say that love is a kind of predestination, an opportunity, a luck, a coincidence,

18. Like you can love your girlfriend more~~!

19. The reason why a girl loses her temper to you is that she loves you and regards you as the most intimate, intimate and secure person. Never lose your temper with her. Wait quietly, and regret to hug you when she calms down.

20. If you have been defeated, cry a few times and smile freely:

21. But you must cherish what you get, because no one will wait for you in the same place,

22. But as long as there is such a beauty, it is enough to make each other's lives brilliant

23. Pour out your heart in front of her and shed tears. Even if you care, miss and appreciate,

24. Maybe we should go through life together and share everything. Maybe we are destined to separate. Everyone has his own way of life,