90 verses expressing pride
glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn
2023-05-28 11:17:08
Complete Poems

1. A good horse must be a good horse.

2. Xing Tian dances and feels worried, and his fierce determination is always there.

3. Better be a real villain than a hypocrite.

4. The stars hang down on the plain and the fields are wide, and the moon flows in the river.

5. Independent three sides are quiet, and you can know it with one sword.

6. The ambition to escape the world, he thought far Zhu.

7. Life is a hero, death is a ghost.

8. Where is Chang'an, just under the hoof of a horse.

9. In my life, I will stop asking questions and lean on dangerous buildings.

10. Instead, I shrink, although thousands of people have gone.

11. Compare life with heaven and earth, and shine with the sun and moon.

12. If you are poor, you will be good at yourself; if you reach the goal, you will be good at the world.

13. When I leave Zitai to connect with Shuo Desert, I leave Qingzhong to dusk alone.

14. A cavity of warm blood is hard to cherish. If it is sprinkled, it can turn green waves.

15. Unexpectedly, Han Xin was disobedient, and 100000 troops came down to Licheng.

16. Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are at the highest level.

17. Undaunted by the clouds, I am at the highest level.

18. Don't boast of good color, just leave fresh air full of heaven and earth.

19. There is no tomb of heroes in Wuling, no flowers and no wine.

20. Seventy two people went down to Qi City in the east to command Chu and Han like Xuan Peng.

21. I don't know the arrival of the veteran. Wealth and honour are like clouds floating over me.

22. The whole world is turbid and I am pure. Everyone is drunk and I am awake.

23. Get rid of the king's world affairs and win the reputation before and after death.

24. The Five Mountains are not far away from finding immortals. It's easy to visit famous mountains.

25. I still have my heart full of kindness. Although I have died nine times, I still have no regrets.

26. Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history.

27. Go out with a big laugh. We are not Penghao people.

28. Go out with a laugh. We are not Penghao people.

29. Draw a carved bow like a full moon, look northwest and shoot Sirius.

30. But let the Dragon City fly in, not Hu Ma crossing the Hell Mountain.

31. But he made the Flying General of Dragon City stay here, and did not teach Huma to spend the Hell Mountain.

32. I hope that all living beings will be satisfied, and will not refuse to lie in the setting sun due to sickness.

33. I hope all people are warm and spare no pains to go out of the mountains.

34. We all want to go to the sky and catch the moon.

35. The village, lying in isolation, does not mourn for itself. It still thinks of being a national garrison Luntai.

36. Worry about the world first and enjoy the happiness of the world later.

37. The beginner does not worship the eloquence of Cheng, and two women quit to follow the trend.

38. Others laugh at me for being crazy. I laugh at others for being impenetrable.

39. Although it is hard to get ten thousand sieves, it is only after blowing all the wild sand that the gold comes.

40. A thousand grinds and ten thousand strikes are still strong, and the wind is blowing from east to west, north to south.

41. I was born here to serve my country. Why should I be born at Yumen Pass.

42. Cleave the way of life and death with both hands and cut the root of right and wrong with one knife.

43. Hunger for ambition, eat the meat of Hu Lu, laugh and drink the blood of Xiongnu.

44. The roc rises with the wind and soars up to 90000 li!

45. I am born to be useful, and the money will come back when it is gone.

46. I am born in heaven and I will be useful. When all the money is gone, it will come back.

47. It is better to die with incense in the branches than to fall into the north wind.

48. Those who are not strong in ambition are not intelligent, and those who do not believe in words will not achieve results.

49. In those days, we fought hard and swallowed thousands of miles like tigers.

50. New pines hate to be thousands of feet high, and evil bamboos should be cut ten thousand poles.

51. Boundless falling trees and endless rolling Yangtze River.

52. When people were living in a small pool, there might be Wolong in the shallow.

53. Look at the pines in the dusk, and the clouds are still flying leisurely.

54. More like the thousands of miles of snow in Minshan, and the three armies will be happy after that!

55. Talents from all over the country come out on behalf of each other for hundreds of years.

56. It is hard to dispel the tears of sorrow for the country. When saving, we should rely on the talents of the masses.

57. Why don't men take Wu Gou and collect 50 states from Guanshan.

58. Emperor Tu is talking and laughing about his arrogance, and won't get drunk tonight!

59. Be determined rather than sharp, and success is not quick for a long time.

60. You should not be afraid of being crushed. You should stay in the world.

61. The mountains and valleys go to Jingmen, where Lin Biao still has a village.

62. Heaven will obey me and heaven will defeat me!

63. The minister's heart is a piece of magnetic needle stone, not referring to the south.

64. Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

65. It is necessary to know that weapons are vicious weapons, and saints have no choice but to use them.

66. The etymology of the words is inverted to the Three Gorges water, and the pen array alone sweeps thousands of people.

67. There is a long way to go. I will search up and down.

68. Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. A few people have gone back to fight in ancient times.

69. When the wind blows and the waves break, we can fly the cloud sail to help the sea.

70. The yellow sand will wear gold armour in every battle, and will not return until the floor orchid is broken.

71. The king of Qi was so angry that he caught the drunkard Fu Ding to cook.

72. There are thousands of buildings in Ande, and all the poor people in the world are happy.

73. Anneng humbled his brows and bent his waist to become a powerful person, which made me unhappy.

74. Draw a carved bow like a full moon, like a full moon. Look northwest and shoot Sirius.

75. If you don't fly, you will be already flying; If you don't make a sound, you will make a sound.

76. A trip to the sun and the moon, if any; The stars are bright, if they are out of the way.

77. The sea embraces all rivers, and its capacity is great; Standing on a precipice, no desire is just.

78. An old hero is ambitious; In their twilight years, the martyrs are determined.

79. Mechanics is like plowing, and diligent and self aware. But if we make more books, we will have a good time.

80. In ancient times, people who achieved great things not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance.

81. In the corner of the wall, there are several plum trees, and Ling Han is alone. Distant knowledge is not snow, because there is a subtle fragrance.

82. Tian Shelang in the morning and Tianzi Hall in the evening. There is no seed for a general, but a man should be self strengthening.

83. Live as a hero, and die as a ghost. Up to now, I miss Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong.

84. Jingwei will fill the sea with tiny wood. Xing Tian dances and feels worried, and his fierce determination is always there.

85. Swing the chest to generate stratus clouds, and break the canthus to return to the bird. It will be the top of the mountain and the small mountains.

86. It's sunny to sit in the Zhenxinwei car. Guests look forward to the rain and dare to say they are ordinary people.

87. The dragon grows after the rain, and the phoenix tail shakes before the wind. A weak heart is rooted in a solid foundation.

88. A thousand hammers and ten thousand hammers have been chiseled into the deep mountain, and the burning fire seems to be idle. I'm not afraid of being crushed, but I want to remain innocent in the world.

89. Forty years of law reading and reading, there is blue sky on the black yarn head. Men want to paint Lingyan Pavilion, but they don't love money.

90. The whispering westerly wind fills the courtyard, and the butterflies are hard to come. If I were the Qing Emperor in his year, I would grant peach blossom everywhere.