82 funny quotes on Valentine's Day
simple but elegant
2023-06-18 13:11:24

1. Today, I hired more children and called them Dad whenever I saw them. One pair is a pair when they are separated.

2. I may not be the best, but what other options are there now?

3. I can't sleep when I miss you, and my heart beats when I read you; Love you, love you, love you will die!

4. Outside the mountain, my brother is as strong as a cow. The spring wind makes my brother drunk and only treats dinosaurs as beautiful girls. Dear, Happy White Day!

5. The days we spent together were very ordinary and seemed calm, but this ordinary day was the most romantic, right? Happy Valentine's Day, wife!

6. Please marry me! You will become the second happy person in the world. Because you married me, I will become the first happy person in the world.

7. Notice of looking for someone: A woman is slim, attractive, gentle and lovely; Always in my heart. Please contact me if you have any whereabouts. I would like to reward you with a diamond ring!

8. Long term love, cold moon, cold night wind, Valentine's Day alone, Gu Ying from sad. It's hard to see and think. It's a long night to sleep with hatred.

9. Looking for someone: A woman is elegant, gentle, beautiful, intelligent and kind-hearted, and lives in my heart. Anyone who knows his whereabouts should contact me immediately, and would like to reward him with a rose!

10. Happy Valentine's Day! If you want to have a lonely Valentine's Day, don't be sad! The person who can bring you happiness will soon appear beside you, believe me!

11. First class men have homes outside their homes; Second class men have flowers outside their homes; Third class men look for home in flowers; Fourth class men come home from work; Fifth class men and wives do not go home; A sixth class man has no wife and no home.

12. You are a train, I am a railway; You are brick, I am mud; You are the cloud, I am the wind; You are chocolate, I am wrapping paper; You are love, I am love. It's wonderful to have you.

13. Ah! Help him! Single, no courage; God! Save him. He is old and has no lover. Happy Valentine's Day! Find the other half of your life as soon as possible.

14. Valentine's Day is coming soon. In order to reflect the local characteristics, I use Chinese elements to say to you in a Chinese style: Limu loves you and Happy Valentine's Day! Wish you happy every day!

15. I really want to hide you, hide in my chest pocket, melt you slowly, and you will never leave! Hide you, only love me! Happy Valentine's Day!

16. Treat your lover as warm as spring, the opposite sex as hot as summer, and your rival as cruel and ruthless as winter. It's Valentine's Day. I wish you all happiness.

17. If you blink your eyes, I will die. If you blink your eyes again, I will come back to life. If you blink your eyes again and again, I will die again and again. Hehe, Happy Valentine's Day!

18. God, it's too blue! Sea, too salty! Life is too difficult! Work, too boring! And you, fate! Miss you, insomnia! See you, too far! Send a microblog to wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

19. My dear friends, may Valentine's Day be the day when the boss follows you, the car lets you go, the fresh flowers fragrance you, the handsome guy accompanies you, and love sweetens you, but I miss you so much! Happy Valentine's Day!

20. I see vicissitudes in your eyebrows, confidence in your eyes, years in your forehead, leeks in your lips and teeth. Go and brush your teeth! Happy Valentine's Day!

21. Our love is like a black and white movie. Our dribs and drabs flow in darkness. Although everything has no end, I will miss you in a gentle mood all my life.

22. Some things will not reappear if they are missed, some people will not see you again if they are missed, and some words will not renew their fate if they are missed. Don't miss the romance with your lover on Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day!

23. It is not my intention to meet you, it is my destiny to know you, and I think you are my love. I am half hearted when I miss you, and I will be single-minded when I see you. If you are tired one day, at least I have memories!

24. Every day with you is Valentine's Day! Always remember your good, your wonderful, and your croaking. I hope we can have fun together, ha ha smile, and be happy until old!

25. Sweet honey, the sweetness of your smile is like flowers blooming in the spring breeze. Why do you smile so sweetly? Because I sent you a short message. Happy Valentine's Day, baby!

26. If you want to make sentences with happiness, how can you be the subject without you? How can my confession be so simple if I want to ask the old man to help me lead the red rope? Valentine's Day, not missing any details of the confession, love you, baby!

27. You are from Yuanmou, Yunnan, and I am from Zhoukou, Beijing. Let me take your fluffy hand and gently bite! Oh, it is love that makes us walk upright! Let's go hunting together on Valentine's Day!

28. Valentine's Day is coming. You must fully practice the scientific concept of love, and constantly improve the happiness index of lovers. It's time to send the house and the car, but it's really not good. Just send garlic, which has potential for appreciation.

29. When Valentine's Day comes, I will say hello to you quickly. I hope you can do good things all the time. Peach Blossoms will surround you, beautiful women will flirt with you on the way, and will smile at you coyly. Happy marriage is so wonderful, and it will keep you happy until you grow old!

30. The time of youth is rippling with green time; Gorgeous dance music turns out the happy season; Young hands, pull out everlasting; Your love and my love will flow forever! Happy Valentine's Day!

31. The famous flower I love has its owner. It is horrible to love me. Instead of silent love, it is abnormal in silence. To all the brothers and sisters in the world who have no lovers, no lovers, we also entertain ourselves on Valentine's Day!

32. Love is like a battlefield. I have been completely defeated by you. I have been your prisoner since a few days ago. I am ready to pay for nothing. I hope you can be happy in my efforts.

33. Who will spend the glorious years? Don't ask where love returns. On the day when Valentine's Day comes, let the beauty of roses intoxicate your heart, carry your expectations and dreams with the spring breeze, and let love blossom. Happy Valentine's Day!

34. Don't ask me how much I love you. I really can't tell. I only know that you have become a habit in my life, an indispensable habit. Every day, you can not eat or sleep, but can't miss you.

35. I decided to like you for the rest of my life, not your life, but mine. As long as I am alive, I will always like you. On Valentine's Day, those who really love you, wish you happiness forever!

36. I missed your past, but I will never miss your future. I am with you now, sharing happiness and sweetness. No matter how strong the wind is, no matter how high the waves are, I will always be with you.

37. It's easy to quit smoking, but it's too hard to quit. When the virus of love came quietly, when you put the first kiss downloaded from my heart into the recycle bin, I decided to lower the level of love and let the memory format. Do you know my heart is crying?

38. Do you know? I haven't seen you for a few days, and I'm totally distracted. I tried hanging with noodles, smashing my head with tofu, cutting my veins with cotton strips, using coke as poison, and jumping off buildings with parachutes! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

39. Notice of marriage seeking: male, undergraduate, only a few points short; McDonald's cleans the table when working in a multinational organization; With a house, many people own it; Vehicle, non motorized; Young people looking for beautiful women went to Huangquan, several years later. Happy Valentine's Day!

40. Love flying, flying out of true love; Let miss fly, fly out a spoony; Let love fly, fly out a warmth; Let the information fly, and let the enthusiasm fly; Let blessing fly, fly out a deep feeling: Happy Valentine's Day!

41. I wrote my love for you on a piece of paper, but it was swept away by the wind. I wrote my love for you on the streets, but I was detained; Finally, I wrote my love for you in the short message, my dear, Happy Valentine's Day!

42. Youth is not always here, so hurry up to fall in love. Seize the time to fall in love and talk about the world full of love. When it comes to the world full of love, don't you hurry to express yourself this Valentine's Day? With our blessing, let's sprint for happiness!

43. The most beautiful flower will miss its blooming time and will never be bright again; No matter how high the sky is, it must be dark; No matter how long the road is, as long as you walk, you will always come to the end; If I don't express my love for you again, I will miss my good marriage: I love you

44. Oh! My dear, let me tell you that on Valentine's Day a thousand years ago, I didn't go home. You thought I was fooling around. Don't bother me, because there was no message at that time. So I have to tell you that I went to buy flowers a thousand years later.

45. The sky will grow old, and the earth will grow old, but I am determined to love you forever; I will be old, you will be old, but my love words to you will never be old. Valentine's Day is coming, I also want to say: I have a heart to accompany you to old age!

46. I'm sorry, but now I realize how wrong I made. Every Valentine's Day, I say: I love you. Unexpectedly, I took your initiative. I promise to change my mind. I will tell you from this year on. Happy Valentine's Day!

47. I have unconditionally surrendered to you. Valentine's Day is coming, you can sign the love contract! Otherwise nobody wants me! I am ready to halve my rights and double my obligations, and love you 100% for a lifetime!

48. Happy Valentine's Day! This is the first Valentine's Day since I met you, but I can't accompany you to spend the holiday together, nor can I send you a bunch of plum and osmanthus flowers to bless you for being far away, always young, beautiful, happy!

49. Hang a vast blue sky beside your window, so that you can watch the clouds and forget the noise of the city; Send the bright stars quietly into your dream sea, and let the Milky Way see you sleep soundly. Give you a fresh one every day, and love you forever.

50. My husband is a big tree, so we must hold him; Lovers are grass, we must protect it. Plant a big tree and a piece of grass. Enjoy the cool under the trees and walk the birds on the grass. Harmonious society, green environment, brothers and sisters, good Valentine's Day!

51. I don't know what to give you when Valentine's Day comes? Just give you three lovers: one to accompany you for life, one to accompany you around, and one to stay in your heart forever! Their names are Health, Peace and Happiness!

52. See? Have you fallen in love? Did you think about it? Have you followed it? Have you created opportunities for yourself? Do you want to express yourself? Stop dreaming! Tell your true feelings on the auspicious day of Tanabata! Yuelao will help!

53. Oaths are always witnessed by the earth, actions are always witnessed by lovers, and friendship is always witnessed by friends. On Valentine's Day, I would like to present a warm message, every word simple and sincere, with only one purpose. I wish you and you a happy Valentine's Day!

54. Dancing with the wind is the happiness of snowflakes; It is the happiness of green leaves to snuggle up with flowers; Accompanied by clouds is the long cherished wish of the sky; It is the choice of fish to live in the river. On February 14, Valentine's Day, I miss the happy moment with you!

55. The lonely night, because of your insomnia, I lost the mood of dreaming, but it is not that I have no dream since then, but that you still exist in the dream! Meeting you is pure providence, falling in love with you with all one's heart, loving you without regret, and getting you will be satisfied.

56. I miss you so much that I broke the mobile phone chain, burned the phone line, emptied the piggy bank, ate up the cat's ears, got tired of cutting faces, and couldn't see the sunny day. Why am I so miserable? Valentine's Day, I want to see you!

57. Valentine's Day is coming. May you be surrounded by flowers. Rose, give you romance; Rose, give you peace; Peony flower, gorgeous and sweet; Gardenia delivers warmth. Wish you a happy mood, bright peach blossom and happy life!

58. Valentine's Day is coming. May happiness be your little lover, happiness your old lover, sweetness your new lover, health your good lover, good luck your lifelong lover, and dreams your eternal lover. Happy Valentine's Day!

59. There is a rose called love, which takes gentleness as its leaf, care as its branch, true love as its petals, and romance as its thorn. This flower blooms in my heart and is dedicated only to you. February 14 Valentine's Day, please sign for my love rose! Wish you a happy holiday!

60. If there is a lover but no lover, it is better to be concerned; If you are in love or apart, it is good to have true love; It's good to have deep feelings on both sides; Sweet once quarreled, know how to cherish. Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day!

61. Lovers frolic in the clear stream, followed by lovers in the bright moonlight, lovers hugged each other in the brilliant flowers, lovers snuggled up in the gentle morning breeze, just like a song that is fascinating, just like a painting that is fascinating. I hope all lovers will pair up!

62. Fish said: I open my eyes all day long because I don't want you to leave at all times! Water said: I flow all day long because I want to embrace you all the time! I said: I often send you messages to let you know that I haven't forgotten you

63. There is always a constant waiting in the dusk; There is always an eternal expectation in the evening wind; There is always a lonely figure when you are lonely; When I miss you, I always miss you. When I dream of you, I always have endless sweetness. Missing you is the only one in my life! How have you been recently.

64. I send happiness to cheerful people, love to those who understand love, happiness to those who have feelings, hope to those who wait, success to those who struggle, and all good wishes to those who are reading text messages! Happy Valentine's Day.

65. One kind of happiness is to accompany oneself, one kind of sweetness is to bless oneself, one kind of happiness is to support oneself, and one person is to care about you, dear friend. Because of me, Valentine's Day is as beautiful as Valentine's Day without a lover, and the festival is happy.

66. I will build a magpie bridge for you with my blessing, not for the exclusive use of the cowherd and the weaver girl, but for the magic treasure of love created for you. As long as you receive this message around the Double Seventh Festival, you will always have good luck and become more popular! Happy Valentine's Day!

67. I miss you very much, but I'm embarrassed to call you. I'm afraid you're busy, you ignore me, and you think I'm harassing you. I really want to contact you, but pig will not chat with me, and can only read SMS foolishly! Happy Valentine's Day!

68. I was hit, my heart was broken, and my blood could not go up. Look, everyone has become a double shadow. Alas, why don't you believe it? I was really hit by love. You hit me. I don't admit it! ha-ha! Happy Valentine's Day!

69. It's easy to quit smoking, but it's too hard to quit. When the virus of love came quietly, when you put the first kiss downloaded from my heart into the recycle bin, I decided to lower the level of love and let the memory format. Do you know my heart is crying? Happy Valentine's Day!

70. I just want autumn to stop, winter to stop being cold, beauty to stop being beautiful, sorrow to hibernate, Valentine's Day is coming, throw away all unhappiness, leave a relaxed heart, and enjoy the taste of happiness in love.

71. If you receive this message, you will like me. If you delete it, you will secretly love me. If you return the message, you will want to marry me. If you do not return, you will promise to marry me. If you modify it, you will die. If you store it, you will belong to me in the next life! Just do it! Happy Valentine's Day!

72. There is such a person who takes care of you and embraces you. As long as you embrace her, her name is Wife; There is such a person who protects you and dotes on you, as long as you smile, his name is Husband. Cherish the person around you, happy Valentine's Day!

73. I will be happy with you. You are my joy. Every time I approach you, I have a feeling of heartbeat, and tonight is no exception. When I finally see you after a long wait, I want to say loudly: I love your computer! Happy Valentine's Day!

74. You and I are both single winged angels. Only embracing each other can fly. It is said that people come to the world to find the other half. I have worked hard to find you. Damn! But we found that our wings are parallel to each other. Happy Valentine's Day!

75. The world is noisy, noisy and noisy. You are the most real. Love is just a word for you. Even if you live a lifetime in a hurry, you should guard you every minute of the year. Baby, love you forever. Happy Valentine's Day!

76. Do you want roses? I won't give it to you! Want some chocolate? I'm greedy for you! Want me to kiss you? Beautiful! Oh dear, don't be angry, I just want to tease you! Happy White Day!

77. God, it's too blue! Sea, too salty! Life is too difficult! Work, too boring! And you, fate! Miss you, insomnia! See you, too far! Alas, what can I do? I can't eat chopsticks and bowl if I miss you! Happy Valentine's Day!

78. Money can buy a house but not a home, marriage but not love, clocks and watches but not time. Money is not everything but the root of pain. Give me your money and let me bear the pain alone! Ha ha, Happy Valentine's Day!

79. After being wronged, I won't hold it in my heart anymore, because I have your listening; Finish work, just want to go home, because you are waiting. More you, more romance, more sweetness, more anticipation... Dear, I hope we will always be together!

80. I can't sing, I can't sing love songs for you; I can't write poems, I can't write love poems for you; I can't write love letters for you; I don't know romance, I won't surprise you. I will only wash and cook for you. On this Valentine's Day, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

81. Smoothness is the main theme of life, and the romance of festivals is the fun that years have given us. Cherish every day and you will find that happiness is always in the service area. Cherish every second and you will find that happiness is always in the service area. 2. On Valentine's Day, I wish you happiness forever.

82. Fahai offended Bai Suzhen, and Jinshan Temple was flooded; Pig Bajie offended Chang'e and was demoted to earth; The cowherd offended the queen mother and was separated from her. Don't offend women on White Day, whether it's your "Weaver Girl" or your "mother-in-law"