65 maxims for dealing with people
Mature physical and mental exhaustion
2023-04-27 19:16:38
A complete set of maxims

1. Different ways do not conspire.

2. Quick and eager to learn, not only ask questions.

3. Fear not ghosts, but fear people.

4. When a man breaks into the world, a knife is made of steel on a stone.

5. Be careful again and again. First, don't deceive.

6. A single thread does not form a thread, and a single tree does not form a forest.

7. The ground is a golden board, and people are diligent and not lazy.

8. The sun wears a circle, the rain sets tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

9. A good wife and a husband have few misfortunes, but a son is filial to his father.

10. It is better to sow and lose than not to reap.

11. Better give up a ingot of gold than a year of spring.

12. I often walk by the river, but I can't keep my shoes wet.

13. A horse fell on a flat road and a person drowned in shallow water.

14. Live by virtue and act according to your ability.

15. The iron depends on the heat. The crops are in time.

16. Protect yourself from rain in sunny days and disasters in good years.

17. Cattle don't know the bend of their horns, and horses don't know the length of their faces.

18. White rice is delicious, but it is hard to grow in the paddy field.

19. The hand is better than the eye.

20. They don't discuss behind their backs, and have no opinions to their faces.

21. When a tiger dies, it does not change shape; when a wolf dies, it does not change shape.

22. To know the way in the mountains, ask the woodcutter first.

23. Whip the horse quickly, and do things to help people.

24. One day without writing, one day without reading.

25. Don't be afraid of freezing weather, just afraid of standing still.

26. If you don't know what you are suffering from, you will not know what you are suffering from.

27. You can only persuade others to be round, not to leave.

28. Gentlemen are harmonious but different, and villains are harmonious but not harmonious.

29. It is better to fight with an open gun than to stab others in the dark.

30. Prefer four birds to half a catty of animals.

31. Seeing is better than listening, and doing is better than seeing.

32. The three armies can seize the commander, but not the ambition.

33. Hit water into waves, hit rocks into fires, and provoke people into disasters.

34. One hero has three helpers, and one fence has three stakes.

35. Do not take off your shoes until you reach the river, and do not uncover the pot until you reach the heat.

36. Don't eat wine and blush; Never be a thief, never be surprised.

37. I am not afraid of sitting in front of the tiger or the wolf, but I am afraid of two swords in front of people.

38. There is no fragrance of plum blossom without some cold.

39. If one likes to argue about the length in front of others, the latter will inevitably say right and wrong.

40. If the knife is not sharpened, it will rust. If people do not learn, they will fall behind.

41. Learning can be found everywhere, and top scholars can be found in all walks of life.

42. Diligence and thrift are like a cash cow, and thrift is a cornucopia.

43. Not poor in food, clothing and planning.

44. Hear advice and have enough food; He knows people and teaches them well.

45. People trample on the grass on the road, and others say they are dishonest.

46. When it rains and slides, you will fall and climb yourself.

47. New three years, old three years, sewing and patching for another three years.

48. To know is to know. To know is to know.

49. A monk should do what he has nothing to do. He should accumulate his efforts and work hard. He should not be persistent.

50. Do everything that is beneficial to reason, and discard it if it is not beneficial to reason.

51. A gentleman cherishes virtue and a villain cherishes earth; A gentleman cherishes punishment while a villain cherishes benefits.

52. Unable to give up death, unable to change life; Can not give up false, can not become true.

53. Amitabha is the name of Wande Hongming. There are countless names to call out virtue.

54. It is not so much that others make you suffer as that you are lack of self-cultivation.

55. People are not up to standard in their work, and they will be confused when dealing with others.

56. It is shameful to cover up one's own shortcomings by hurting others.

57. There is a pure land without Zen, and ten thousand people will go there; But when we see Amitabha, why not be enlightened.

58. Between friends, only the content, not the form. Exquisite packaging, diluted friendship.

59. When three people walk, there must be my teacher. Choose the good and follow it, and change the bad.

60. Rich and can be sought. Although the person who wields the whip, I also do it. If you can't ask, follow my advice.

61. People who have no faith do not know what to do. How can a cart walk without a hitch and a cart without a hitch?

62. The villain lives in the world and sets up all kinds of mechanisms, but the villagers all avoid it like ghosts, so the villain is in vain.

63. Most smart people are dishonest, most honest people are not smart, and smart and honest people are hard to find.

64. Learn to bend when the external pressure is unbearable. Bending is not falling and destruction, it is an art of life.

65. Great kindness will lead to great hypocrisy, and great public will lead to great private. The most selfish and cruel person is the one who loves everyone and seems selfless.