About the Super Sweet Copy
Swallow vicissitudes
2023-07-25 02:10:35
Complete sentences

1. I want to touch porcelain, and then it will be carried to you in my life.

2. I admit that I am greedy. I want to have you as well as wine and meat.

3. I want to have two people in one room with you.

4. The answer is very long, I have to spend my life to answer you—— Lin Huiyin

5. When I met you, I realized the little thought of the little squirrel when he hid his food.

6. The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love also loves you.

7. Spring breeze ten miles, less than meet you; The clear sky is ten thousand li, not as good as having you in my heart.

8. Do you know where is the coldest place in the world? There is no place for you.

9. Be the first one to wake you up in the morning and the last one to watch you fall asleep at night.

10. I don't know whether I can meet you in the next life, so I want to give you my best in this life.

11. I want to accompany you to see all the beautiful scenery in the world, and then tell you that they are less than one ten thousandth of yours.

12. Every morning when I open my eyes, I see that you and the sun are there. This is the future I want.

13. I never imagined what love is like. You are my love, I don't have to imagine.

14. In my eyes, there are no stars and sea, no money and money, no extravagance, only you.

15. It is more than ambition. I have planned for a lifetime. Since I met you, I will not give up until I see the loess.

16. Since the first time I saw you, every sentence I wrote and every step I took were all for getting close to you.

17. The world is big, but my heart is small, just enough to put you down. But I'm stuck. I can't let you out again.

18. The days are sweet like lemonade in the morning, like the sun in winter, like the sea in a dream, like the first time I met you.

19. Love is a matter of preferring absence to abuse. If you have love, you will treat it wholeheartedly. If you don't have love, you will feel comfortable alone.

20. I will wash the dishes, wash the clothes, and pour out the garbage. If you like you, you should spoil and love. Finally, you will become a little pig.

21. You can't hide your love for a person. Even if you don't say it, it will come out of your eyes. I like you, serious and counseling, from one to the end.

22. I write the first half of my life on paper and the second half in your life. Let me like you clumsily, from moment to eternity, from leaf to autumn.

23. I never thought of getting married before I saw her; I have married her for decades and have never regretted marrying her; I never thought of marrying another woman—— Qian Zhongshu

24. No matter how far away I am from you, I always think of you. Without you, the city has a variety of goods, and your supermarket is one in a million.

25. Love you with my heart, love you with my feeling, and plant roses with my words and eyes; Kiss you from the corner of the mouth, kiss you from the shoulder, remember from sleeping, hold you, listen to you.

26. It takes minutes to meet someone, hours to like someone, and days to love someone, but it takes me a lifetime to forget you.