Lei Feng's Story Reading_Readings
Light up the soul
2023-12-09 08:50:25
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

Before reading the Story of Lei Feng, I always thought that learning from Uncle Lei Feng was to do some good deeds. During the holiday, after reading the Story of Lei Feng, I understood that Lei Feng was not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of sacrifice, and was willing to contribute everything to the motherland. His deeds of serving the people wholeheartedly made me unforgettable for a long time
Uncle Lei Feng's family was very poor when he was a child. He had no father when he was very young and depended on his mother. At the age of seven, his mother committed suicide and became an orphan. But others are always poor and ambitious, and they have always loved helping others since childhood.
After joining the army, we are strict with ourselves everywhere, and our life is very simple. We never spend a penny at random. Clothes, pants and socks are all mended and worn. Every time after the meal time, he would take the rice on the table to the pig. He also ordered a "treasure box" with a piece of wood, and put the extra or found screws, nuts, toothpaste covers, and wire rods in it. When necessary, he took them out from the box, and sold the unusable things to the rags, and gave the money to the public.
Chairman Mao said: "It is not difficult to do a good deed, but the difficult thing is to do a good deed all his life without doing a bad thing." Uncle Lei Feng is such a kind person who is willing to help others. He started with ordinary things and did countless good deeds, such as donating money to disaster relief areas, helping comrades in arms mend quilts, helping cooking teams wash cabbage, serving others on the train, and so on. Someone commented that "Lei Feng traveled a thousand miles, and good deeds made a train". Others say he is a "fool", but he is willing to be a "fool".
He is not only willing to help others, but also diligent in learning and practicing. When he practices long hand grenade throwing, because of his small size and weak physique, he always fails to reach the standard with all his efforts. Lei Feng was very upset. He thought: If I fail alone, it will affect the training results of the whole class. More importantly, as a PLA soldier, I can't even throw a grenade far away. How can I defend the motherland? He put down his job, grabbed the coach's ball and ran to the playground again. He secretly encouraged himself: I will never stop until I reach my goal! His arm was swollen and painful. Yu encouraged himself with the spirit of Yugong Yishan. After more than ten days, Lei Feng did not practice in vain and finally exceeded the pass standard.
Because of my small age, strength and stature in the class, my sports performance is always counted down. After reading Lei Feng's Story, I vowed in my heart that I must learn from Uncle Lei Feng's persistent spirit, seize the rest time to exercise, be as stubborn as Uncle Lei Feng's grenade throwing, and persist in improving my sports performance; In learning, we should have the courage to overcome difficulties, overcome difficulties, not bow in the face of difficulties, be the strong man in life like Uncle Lei Feng, and grow into a lively, lovely, brave and confident student of Shenlong Primary School.