My Favorite Van Gogh
As light as the breeze
2023-07-09 04:13:13

After watching a film and television work, there must be a lot of feelings. It is important to record them. Let's write a review. In order to make you no longer have a headache for writing the impressions, the following is the impressions of beloved Van Gogh carefully organized by my editor. For reference only, I hope it can help you.

Sitting in the cinema watching the movie "Beloved Van Gogh", I saw my beloved painting again - "Starry Sky"

The first time I saw Van Gogh's "Starry Sky" was in grade two. I think "Starry Sky" is colorful and beautiful. I can't understand why it can become a world famous painting.

The second time I met it was in a book, and I looked carefully: the painting was not big, the main color of the whole picture was blue-green, and the long and thin curves and broken short lines overlapped to create a dizzying visual experience, with a feeling of being involved. In the picture, the turbulent sky is in sharp contrast to the peaceful villages. In the huge sky, fiery red nebulae are like burning fires. Clouds are blown into thick white smoke like gases by the wind, lingering in the whole sky. I seem to feel that I am in this picture, riding the clouds and wandering around the stars.

Curved and abstract pine trees towered into the clouds. In front of the slightly sloping hillside, there was a small village. Rows of houses were close together like a family, which was particularly warm and peaceful.

I still remember the third time I saw it in art class. The teacher asked us to imitate the starry sky. I stared at the picture blankly. Slowly, I felt that the sky was constantly flowing, and the stars were shining in my eyes and reflected in my heart. Naturally, the pen in his hand slowly outlined the outline of the painting.

This film about Van Gogh has given me a new understanding of Van Gogh and a new insight into Starry Sky. Some people say that "The Starry Sky" is completely Van Gogh's imagination, but in my eyes, the starry sky is just like that. Van Gogh's life was painful and desperate. I think his eyes are filled with tears when he looks up at the sky. He used thick lines to express his desire for relief from sadness. The restless clouds and stars reflected Van Gogh's impatient and restless heart. But the faint blue-green color shows a heart yearning for light and freedom. That small picture frame contains Van Gogh's' life.

I am deeply addicted to this painting. Van Gogh's strong expressive force not only paints the starry sky in his own heart, but also paints the starry sky in my heart. In the dead of night, this picture will appear in my mind. The sky presented in front of me is also so dreamy, as if I were in the picture.

It was getting dark and the stars were about to show their faces, but the wind blew the clouds everywhere, and only a little light could be seen from the gaps. Villages, hillsides and cypress trees have become silhouettes in the huge sky, reflected in everyone's eyes, and always fixed in this moment.

The painting Starry Sky is my best friend in my growing up. I will never forget its appearance. It will remain in my heart forever. It always reminds me to yearn for light and freedom.