Aesthetic Sentences
Elderly but not young
2023-06-04 04:00:45
Complete sentences

1. The accumulated thoughts poured into my heart, and I choked my throat for a moment.

The accumulation of thoughts into words, the momentary unexpectedly choked throat.

2. When tears flow down, I know that separation is another kind of understanding.

When the tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understanding.

3. My love is like a kite. Maybe it will fly higher and higher. Maybe it will never fly.

My love is like a kite, maybe the more flying over the high, maybe never fly up.

4. Sometimes, you have to let go to see if it is really worth having.

Sometimes, you have to let it go, to see if it's really worth it.

5. Without you, how could my signature be sad?

How could my signature be sad without you?

6. As long as there is one person in the world, others will become reconciled. And I don't want to make do with it.

In this world as long as there is such a person appeared, then the rest of the people will become. And I don't want to do it.

7. The more gorgeous things are, the easier they are to be destroyed and disappeared.

The more beautiful things, the more likely to be destroyed, is gone.

8. Your smile is my unforgettable memory in this life.

Your smile is my life can not forget her.

9. Wipe away the tears on your face, but can't take away the pain in your heart.

Wipe away the tears on the face, but do not take away the feeling of pain in the heart.

10. In this strange city, I learned to be independent.

In this strange city, I learned to separate.

11. We wander between the surface and the heart, unable to find a precise position.

We are hovering between the surface and the heart, can not put an exact location.

12. The original memory is also a kind of happiness, with bitterness but so hard.

The original memory is also a kind of happiness, with bitter but so hard.

13. The person who really loves you will never let you go, no matter how difficult it is.

A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how difficult it is.

14. The prosperity of the world cannot cover up the hurt in my heart, and the clouds in my eyes cannot take away the painful past.

The downtown earth not conceal the heart that a wound, everywhere clouds do not go with the past pain.

15. My missing for you is like air, which is the only thing I need.

My thoughts of you are like the air, I'm the only one.

16. The drifting snowflakes and lingering feelings make me look through the autumn water and see the way back to the ends of the world.

Durian snow, leisurely feeling, what autumn, hope to break the Tianya people return.

17. Therefore, we can only see the present and then live a simple life.

So, we can only see the eyes, and then a simple life.

18. Many dreams are waiting to be carried out, but I can't tell whether you are a stranger or a passing love.

A lot of dreams are waiting for, and I have no points, you are a stranger, or passing by love.

19. Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we will never never say goodbye.

Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we never never say goodbye.

20. Summer worries, lazy overflow. Sorrow looks like water, and the fleeting years have not passed.

The summer sorrow feeling, lazy. Shang Yan water, time has not gone already.

21. I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you.

I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you.

22. When you are still with me, I begin to miss you, because I know you are going to leave.

When you are still around me, I began to nostalgia, because I know you will be gone.

23. What will you do if you fall in love with a person you can't get no matter what?

What would you do if you fell in love with someone you can't get, no matter how?

24. Love is like two people pulling a rubber band, who are always unwilling to let go when injured.

Love is like two elastic pull people, injured is always reluctant to let go.

25. Love is a lonely lie, and fate is the communicator of lies.

Love is a lonely lie, fate is the spread of lies.

26. It seems that they have never formally said goodbye. And every time is a farewell.

They never seem to say goodbye. And every time is never.

27. Unfortunately, there are many false feelings and righteousness in the world, but their pain, failure and sorrow are always true.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of false feelings in the world, the pain of their own pain, failure, sadness, but it is always true.

28. Thank you for pulling away from my life, which made me hysterical.

Thank you for pulling away from my life, I'm in pain.

29. If it is impossible, then it is just perfunctory.

If not possible, then continue to just a perfunctory.

30. When a person appears in your dream, it is because that person wants to see you.

When someone appears in your dreams, it's because that person wants to see you.

31. I decided not to cry, just as you decided to leave me.

I decided not to shed tears, as you decide to leave me in general firm.

32. Moved by your persistence, moved by your concern, in the enclosed house of vagrancy, only your name is bright and transparent.

Touched your persistent, the heart of your care, in the wandering of the closed cabin, only your name, bright and transparent.

33. If you can't give them all to me, don't give them all to me.

If you can't give it all to me, don't give it to me.

34. When you really wait for a person, that person will never appear.

When you really go to wait for a person, that person will never appear.

35. Don't make beautiful vows without a firm mind.

Do not have a strong idea, do not make a beautiful oath.

36. We hold our hands firmly to say goodbye, so that we can feel a touch of warmth in our hands and share an unforgettable warmth.

We shake hands firmly with both hands, let the feeling in the hands gently brushed, sharing an unforgettable warmth.

37. Every time I breathe and close my eyes, I will deepen my missing for you.

Every breath, every time I close my eyes, I will deepen my longing for you.

38. The furthest distance in the world is to be infatuated with love, but can't say I love you.

The furthest distance in the world is when I love you, but I can't say I love you.

39. All we see is the past, but the past is very close to us.

All we see is the past, but the past is very close to us.

40. Even if it takes a lifetime to love someone, it will not be enough.

Love a person, even with a lifetime of time, or will not be enough.

41. The injuries left by those years need time to recuperate quietly.

Those who have left the injury, need time to quietly.

42. I will open my heart and lungs for you, and you will only see my heart and lungs torn!

My lungs out for you heart, you will only see my heart!

43. Time dilutes broken feelings and distance opens perfect love.

Time dilute broken feelings, pull away from a perfect love.

44. Don't talk about sadness. Everyone has his own story.

Don't talk about sadness, everyone has their own story.

45. I would rather believe that we have an appointment in a previous life, and the love story in this life will not change.

Would rather believe that we have a previous life, this life's love story will not change.

46. One day you can go to my heart, and you will see that it is all your sorrow.

One day you can go into my heart, you will see where all of you sad.

47. The furthest distance in the world is when I stand in front of you, but you don't know I love you.

The furthest distance in the world is when I stand in front of you yet you don't know that I love you.

48. If your dream can come true, I hope I can bear all the sadness instead of you.

If dreams can come true, I can take the place of you to bear all the sadness.

49. Why, in the blink of an eye, all the vows were washed into lies by the sea at the moment when the picture was cut.

Why blink of an eye, the picture of the moment of cutting, all vowed to be washed into lies in the sea.

50. If I say I want to be alone, I need you more than ever.

If I say leave me alone, actually I need you more than ever.

51. If life is just like the first sight, what is the sad autumn wind painting fan. When things change at leisure, people's minds change, but the Tao makes people's minds change easily.

Only if the first sign of life, what autumn wind sad picture fan. But it will not change the hearts of the people, but people michimoto volatile.

52. If God wants to destroy a person, he must first make him crazy. But I have been crazy for so long. Why hasn't God destroyed me yet.

If God wanted to destroy a person must first make mad but I crazy for so long why God does not destroy me.

53. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I can be before you.

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

54. I bid you farewell with all my heart. May life bring you countless green hopes and lead you to the ideal world.

I wish you and my heart, life brings you countless green hope, take you to the ideal world.

55. You are the prince in the fairy tale I made up, and I am just a passer-by in your life.

You are the prince in my fairy tale, and I was just a passer-by in your life.

56. There is a kind of forbearance that is actually a kind of power, and there is a kind of silence that is actually a shocking confession.

There is a bear is actually contain a kind of strength, there was a silence is shaking confession.

57. In fact, growth forces you to be strong alone.

In fact, growth is forcing you to be strong.

58. If you don't say I won't do something, it will last forever.

There are things that you don't say I don't do, and that's all my life.

59. Is there anyone who is as persistent as I am in order to achieve an unexpected result.

There is no one like me, for a result of perseverance and persistence.

60. Men and women, walking, false, true, love, on and off.

Men and women, varied, false true, love love love, banbangege.

61. I remember that I loved and cried, or I would return to those happiness!

I remember I loved, crying, or back to those happy!

62. Some people can be easily erased by time. Like dust.

Some people can be easily erased by time. Like dust.

63. Love is not a vigorous oath, but a mild companion.

Love is not a vigorous oath, but the light of the company.

64. Love is like a gust of wind. Although it cannot be seen, it can be felt.

Love is like a gust of wind, although you can't see it, but you can feel it.

65. There are not many people you can meet in your life, and there are only a few things you can give.

Life can meet not many people, can be paid only a few.

66. Those happy times are no longer mine.

Those who have happy time, now no longer belongs to me.

67. I have two hearts, one for enjoying pain and the other for forgiving you.

I have two hearts, one for the pain, one for your forgiveness.

68. Don't trust the memory so much. The person in it may not miss you as well.

Don't believe the memories, the people inside, do not have to think of you.

69. I really want to find someone to accompany me. A man loses himself. I wonder if there is any desire to chase again.

A person wants to find someone to accompany. A man loses himself. I do not know if there is no desire to pursue again.

70. Women like me always appear in the form of a problem in their feelings.

A woman like me, always in the form of a problem in the feelings of.

71. Everything has a price. The price of happiness is pain.

Everything has a price, the price of happiness is pain.

72. Seventy eight out of ten things are not good in life. Although the sunset is setting in the west, it is sunrise in a certain country.

Life is not the best of ten, seven or eight, while the sunset west, but in a country is the sunrise.

73. I suddenly want to miss someone very much, but find that I only have the right to miss.

Suddenly would like to think about a person, but found that they only have the right to miss.

74. The worst way to lose someone is to be close to him as if he were far away.

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。

75. Commitment is a battle between men and women. Sometimes everyone is happy, but most of the cases are lost.

Promises are a race of man and woman, sometimes to the satisfaction of all, most lose lose.

76. I will use my whole life to explain that I love you and will not regret it.

With a lifetime to interpret a sentence I love you, will not regret.

77. As time goes by, my heart only has memories.

After a time, my heart only memories.

78. If you are careful, she is careless. If she loves someone who doesn't love her, she will never return.

Your heart, she inadvertently, love don't love their own people, itself is not return.

79. Happiness is like the blooming of flowers. The desire to pick flowers has declined; Happiness is like drifting in the snow. The water wants to carry snow.

Happiness is like poppy flowers, flowers flowers have to decline; happiness is Xuepiao River, water Yuzai has xuexue.

80. Only when you fall in love with a woman can she hurt you.

Only when you fall in love with a woman, she will hurt you.