96 Classic Quotations of Riot Neighbors
Old trees blossom
2023-02-03 10:13:53

1、 If one forgets one's roots, one will lose all one's previous achievements.

2、 Only the weak will feel sorry for themselves!

3、 God won't give you the result, I will give you!

4、 Story Introduction/Introduction of "Rage the Neighbors"

5、 History will only remember the name of the winner!

6、 As long as there is no giving up, there is no failure!

7、 Believing in others is the reflection of my self-confidence.

8、 If a man says he doesn't keep his word, he doesn't keep his word!

9、 It's enough to have your smile in my world!

10、 My dream, only I can defend it!

11、 Becoming stronger is a habit, not a result.

12、 Why? You cry and tell me that you want to become stronger!

13、 Well, if you want to call, I'll call the police at any time!

14、 Dreams are not dreams, nor thoughts. They are a way.

15、 What's wrong with being looked down upon? Isn't that often?

16、 All the ordinary people in the world are lazy, and all the talented people in the world are destroyed by pride.

17、 Pay the efforts of the winner and gain the pride of the winner!

18、 Love is never a trade, but a mutual guard!

19、 Are you an idiot? Pig logic, are you from Jurassic?

20、 If you can't do the strongest one, do the hardest one!

21、 Genius? What is genius? I am the proud one!

22、 Fool! How sad are you? Do you think you can fool me?

23、 When questioned, it is a good opportunity to prove yourself.

24、 Please don't let it end, don't want to see her sad tears.

25、 You never want to surpass me, because I will work harder than you.

26、 To find your weakness, to bear the blow of failure!

27、 Those who can only live in the pain of the past are doomed to have no future.

28、 If growing up means losing my dream, I would rather not grow up.

29、 It is unrealistic and difficult to achieve, so it can be called a dream.

30、 There is birth, there will be death, the positive and negative is the objective existence!

31、 Parents abroad, sitting in the first row, uncle does not hurt, grandma does not love.

32、 The teacher was helpless when he failed in the exam.

33、 If it is not the first place, then what's the meaning of staying here.

34、 Men only have to do and do not do, if not, they must work harder!

35、 If you are too attached to the comfort of the branches, you will never be able to fly to the sky!

36、 It's no use apologizing! I'm not green tea! There is no chance of another bottle!

37、 Sadness does not necessarily cry, and laughter does not necessarily mean true happiness.

38、 Maybe I am not the strongest one, but I must be the hardest one!

39、 Everyone has a chance to succeed, so don't ignore anyone!

40、 Look up, mole ant! You don't understand the world in the sky! You, only deserve to tremble!

41、 If growing up means giving up my dream, I would rather not grow up.

42、 Those who are afraid of losing will never win! And as long as you don't give up, you don't lose!

43、 The biggest sorrow in life is that people who are much stronger than themselves have to work harder than themselves.

44、 Don't wake up in your dream. What I want to guard is your fairy tale love!

45、 If there is no despair and adversity in life, where can I learn to be brave and strong?

46、 If there is no adversity and despair in life, where can I learn to be brave and strong!

47、 The house leaks, but it rains all night long, and the boat is late and meets with a storm. Nine times out of ten people step on shit in life.

48、 When I stand at the top of my dream, I hope you are still my enemy, competing with me.

49、 I swear by the name of candlelight! One day, I will make you look at me with new eyes.

50、 There is only one real king. It seems that no one wants to compromise. Let's compare and see.

51. Suffering? If you don't work hard now, when you lose it, it will be thousands of times worse than now!

52. Hope is always there, but you have never noticed it. Hope for the future is always in your hands!

Fifty three. I have rarely won since I was born. Others have been losing. Don't I live well too!

54. It doesn't matter if I go wrong or fail. No matter how difficult it is, I will try my best to jump.

55. Compared with low profile and inferiority, I would like to use more efforts to protect my own pride.

56. Reality will sink their trust again and again, and time will dilute their color again and again.

57. There are two kinds of people in the world. One will be discouraged in failure, and the other will become more and more courageous in adversity.

58. Look at yourself before you criticize others. Don't be so eager to prove your stupidity to others!

59. People are the best camouflage creatures on the earth, and every detail of their bodies hides a huge secret!

Sixty, I'm not afraid! Anyway, I'm just a scum! There's nothing to lose if you lose! Work harder!

61. I am always a happy fool in the eyes of others! My strength is only used to protect others!

62. What should we do if we can't bear such a blow? In order to temper her, I would not hesitate to play the villain.

63. If one forgets his origin, his previous achievements will be wasted! Can you forget all this because you have grown up?

Sixty four. How can you be blinded by inferiority and cowardice and stare into the future? As long as there is no giving up, there is no failure!

Sixty five, youth! What about running in the wrong direction? What about detours? All you know is that you have to run hard!

66. From now on, I want to be a person with perseverance! People who can change themselves! Face all difficulties with a smile!

67. The fish swimming upstream will never be exhausted! This is a world that can never be understood by the ornamental fish in the aquarium!

68. Reality? What is reality? The weak will use reality as an excuse for self pity! I like to work against reality!

69. The so-called road of dreams is not a dream or a thought, but a road. Only when we go step by step will we gradually approach the dream.

Seventy, in order to let myself save my dream! No matter what kind of result I get later, it will be the wealth that can change my future.

Seventy one, the rainbow after the storm is a gift to overcome setbacks. The sunset embroidered on the horizon is like you who can burn everything for your dream.

Seventy two, the strong have no time to grieve for the last failure, let alone to explain the last failure. What they should think is to do something for the next success.

73. Keep a calm heart at all times, so that you can make the best choice at any time and anywhere, and don't let your perspective become single due to tension.

Seventy-four, burn, my efforts! My confidence! Let's enjoy the blooming this time! I will try my best to break out with my persistence and accumulation!

Seventy five. The past will eventually pass. Let go of your pain and remorse. You have time to continue living in the past repentance, do not have time to continue to work hard?

76. There is a difference between daydreaming and dreams! Daydream is always thinking about the most beautiful side, and dream is to bear the hardships and efforts required for success.

Seventy seven, what adults say always belongs to adults! But I know that there are many strong feelings that belong to us only! It belongs to our children who don't know anything!

Seventy eight, dreams are not dreams, they are not empty dreams, they are not like, they are not hard to get results, they are not willing to wait, but they are constantly waving their wings.

79. There is a seed of hope in everyone's heart, bearing everyone's little wishes and dreams. No one knows how deep he is, nor how far he is.

80. No one is destined to succeed or fail by nature, only those who become "will succeed" or "will fail".

81. Never stop running! The pace of youth never stops! Come on! Zhang Xiaofei! As long as you don't stop your steps and give up your dreams, you will always shine with dazzling light!

82. Past experience will only affect your present. Whether your future is strong or not depends only on your present attitude in difficulties. It has nothing to do with your past! Don't always take your past as an excuse!

Eighty three, I want to protect her simple dream! Keep it simple! Never hesitate to rush down! And I am the simple knight guarding him! Be as simple as she is!

Eighty four, don't blame others if you can't do anything! If you lose, blame yourself for your incompetence! Apart from being weak, there is nothing to say! This is a world of the jungle! History will only remember the name of the winner!

Eighty five. Who says that being serious means being nervous and unhappy? Whether you are serious depends on how much consciousness you are using, which has nothing to do with your mood and mentality. Otherwise, do you think nervousness and unhappiness will make the results you want better?

86. Reality? What is reality? The weak will use reality as an excuse for self pity! I like to work against reality! What should we do if we can't bear such a blow? In order to temper her, I would not hesitate to play the villain.

87. This is a road full of failure, and this is a road full of pain. He paved his way with inferiority, self doubt and confusion. The only thing to be proud of is that he never gave up. When others gave up, he insisted on walking down with clenched teeth.

Eighty eight, you can't learn anything if you are satisfied with your current situation! The more people get some results, the easier they believe in themselves. In fact, compared with the past, you have become worthless! I think I am so great that I can no longer trust others!

89. No matter whether the result is good or bad, it has nothing to do with the process. Even if there are difficulties, even if it is very difficult, it can be done happily. Life is just a few decades. Happiness is a day, unhappiness is a day, and difficulties will come at any time. Why not make your life happy when you have more?

Ninety. When two people are in conflict, they can only break up without understanding each other's words, but they dare to put down themselves and understand others first. Only those who say sorry first can be called as those who are guarding this relationship. Don't even dare to say "I'm sorry". You don't deserve to be called a strong man, because you can only let others accommodate you and change for you. You can never protect anyone.

Ninety one, work hard! Try to spread your little wings! Whether it's cold or hot, practice hard and flap your wings! Until one day, when you leave your warm nest and jump into the sky, you will understand that: there, the place you have been looking up to, is your world! Only when you get there will you see completely different scenery!

Ninety two. To achieve is to achieve, no matter what method is used; If you don't do it, you don't do it. It's no use saying anything. Only the weak will find reasons for failure. Are you trying to make others understand how you failed? Let others forgive you and recognize your failure? The strong have no time to grieve for the failure of the last time, let alone to explain the failure of the last time. What they should think about is to do something for the success of the next time.

93. The incompetent can only dream, but they can only get frustration. They think they can fly by looking at the sky, and they can't see the wings that can wave behind them. In fact, everyone in the world is an angel of dreams. They are too attached to the ease of branches, and can never fly to the sky. Flying in the sky is not a dream. It just needs to keep waving its wings. What is a dream? In front of all things in the universe, what does this piece of heaven count?

Ninety four. The reason why I am better than you is that I can change more easily. I am a good son in front of my father. In front of my wife, I am a good husband. In front of the students, I am a good teacher. In front of my brother, I am a good brother. In front of the strong, I am stronger. In front of the wise, I am a good student. It is like a drop of water that changes rapidly and becomes what you need at any time. This requires that your whole person's inner and outer appearance change with you. For example, Xiao Fei, who can you be? You who bravely move forward when encountering difficulties, you who are sensible and clever with your mother, are diligent and studious when you study, and become patient when you paint. You can change according to the situation!

95. Rage the Neighbor was serialized in 186 issues of "Companion Man Ke".
It is now serially published in "bosom friend Manke Magic", "bosom friend Manke Cute", "bosom friend Manke Burning" and "bosom friend Manke Sharp"
The next haunted house moves to the new neighbor? It's a cartoonist who doesn't have to do homework
Fantasy girl Xiaofei can't hold her anymore and rushes straight into the place where the dream started!
Manuscripts all over the floor, ink all over the body, large mosquito repellent eyes
Oh Maiga, since then, girls and cartoon writers who are busy to death and want to live together have gone wild on the road of dreams!

96. You should learn to overcome your difficulties by yourself. No matter how failed you are, no matter how confident you are, you can't give up halfway! Many people think that they are a failure. They do not know themselves, and they will bury their unknown flash. Although I have heard many sweet songs, this is the most beautiful and emotional one I have ever heard! Being able to bring feelings and feelings into the cartoon is a very important part. Investing in feelings and feelings can also be referred to as "having love", so it is OK to work hard with your "love". There are many people who are better than you, but you can work harder than everyone! The so-called dream road is not a dream or a thought, but a road. Only if you go on step by step will you gradually approach your dream!