Sentences of mourning
2023-03-20 13:20:58
Complete sentences

1. It is with great sadness that we deeply mourn our loved one xxx.

2. Do you still remember the people you used to like, the fragments of memory, the sad sentences of laughter and sadness, and the sad sentences of sadness.

3. At this moment, as friends, we only have to remember, deeply remember and thank you for accompanying us through the past. When you were there, the sun was always shining in rainy days. Your simple smile and sincerity to friends will be our eternal wealth in life; And losing you is a pain that we can never make up for in our life.

4. What is passing by? The existence of life no longer has the warmth of love, and gradually becomes a white world, a constant color of sad sorrow. What are you looking for and what are you missing? The once beautiful prosperity disappears in front of you like the wind.

5. The rain in Wenzhou is still falling, wet the willows and peaches, wet the plantains outside the window, and also in my heart there is a lingering sadness. However, the rain will finally stop. With confidence and courage, we will usher in bright colors after the sad rain and smile after wiping away tears.

6. How much love, how many love, just disappear overnight, leaving no trace, but in my heart, there is an indelible scar, just a sad look on my face, but in my eyes, there is a kind of crystal, I know it is tears.

7. Tonight, all the kids gather at your door. The appetizers will protect your appetite, the happy ones will wish you luck, the money ones will wish you prosperity, the healthy ones will follow you forever, and the magnanimous ones will make you optimistic. You are the winner of this Mid Yuan Festival.

8. During this period of time, I always feel dim and moist. I always look for reasons without knowing. Is it the Tomb Sweeping Day that is coming, where the deceased relatives miss me, or am I missing my deceased relatives?

9. Tomb Sweeping Day, Sacrifice Day, bring the old and young, visit the tomb, send condolences, Burmese ancestors, burn incense candles, hang paper money, set off firecrackers, toast food, uphold tradition, do filial piety, remember the past, remember relatives, pray for peace and bless the family.

10. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession. It was the right time to remember our ancestors. Civilization and customs were everywhere. Sea burial and tree burial were eternal

11. The ancients have long known that Qingming is a good time, a good day for visiting relatives for outings, drinking and having fun.

12. The tide of memory slowly comes, gradually submerging my thoughts of you. I know that I can't hold back your departure. The only thing you can do is to open your mind and live a better life, which is the most practical choice.

13. The trumpet plays a mournful song, and flowers are placed in mourning. At the scene of silence, the air solidified and tears fell on people's faces. This is a sad silence.

14. The subway winds like a giant dragon, roaring wildly, ignoring the dreams of others, cutting through the sky, cohering for a long time. I am the sleepless night owl, sitting in the corner of the night to count the time. Panic, take advantage of the situation, blurring the scene in front of us to place sad sentences sad quotations. Tears, swallow into your heart

15. A little hot, a little boring, you want to receive messages. On the Chinese New Year's Day, send good news and receive good news. A touch of worry, a touch of worry, all go away with a ring. A little annoying, a little irritable, you must laugh when you see the message. Happy Chinese New Year!

16. Remembering our ancestors is an inspiration to us

17. Tears dry up, where is the end of the lost? No longer ask why, the sad song is still playing, I think I can't escape loneliness, this lost road is too narrow, too rough, the result is only me, a person who suffered too much, blood will flow from the eyes, who can use love to wipe away my injury.

18. On the 15th day of July, it was in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. The anti evil message came to you and let the happy ghost accompany you all day long. The lucky ghost lottery helped you choose. The naughty ghost made you smile, the healthy ghost kept you healthy, the cute ghost let you drop fish and swallow, the slippery ghost made you happy, and the smart ghost wished you a good dream. I wish: Happy Chinese New Year!

19. The white clouds are floating, taking away my missing for you; I light a stick of incense for you, with green smoke curling around, telling my sorrow for you; Pieces of burning paper are pieces of my true feelings for you; I have not forgotten you; Gentle breeze, my concern for you; It is a traditional Chinese tradition to offer sacrifices to ancestors and relatives on the Chinese New Year's Day.

20. Paper ashes fly as white butterflies, tears and blood become red azaleas. It is also Qingming Festival, and the season is swaying in the spring breeze in February, which is like scissors. At this time, at the place where the soul is broken, candles and cigarette smoke are floating, and grief bursts are endless

21. I suddenly thought, who else in this world has such a sincere and affectation like me? Who else, like me, can cry so bitterly and pain so deeply that it seems hypocritical to vent?

22. Let's say goodbye to xxx born in winter in the piano song "First Snow" that xxx liked before his death, let him return to the snow (microblog) floating season, return to the hazy white world, let his body be away from the noise of the earth, and let his soul rest in peace.

23. I didn't cry for the first time until my grandmother forced the white cap on my head. I lay there crying and ignored nobody - I really felt separated from my mother.

24. Life is omnipresent as the years come to an end. Mother finally said goodbye to us, but her sincere feelings for her relatives and friends, her active pursuit of life, and her persistent belief in life are eternal with the world and evergreen with the branches and leaves. Mother plays a very important role in our hearts. We will miss her forever!

25. I seldom talk about my mother to my lover. Whenever I say that, I will cry, uncontrollably.

26. The willows in the west city make the spring soft, moving away from sadness is hard to stop. It is also remembered that sentimentality is about returning to the boat, and that when things happened on the green field and the Zhu Bridge that day, people did not see the water flowing empty.

27. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, willows and willows lean on each other, miss their old friends, and laugh at tomorrow

28. On this special day, let go of your work. Even if you are a workaholic, you will make some changes on this special day. There is also a motto in life. There are many more important things we need to do and live well.

29. Tanabata is not an unrequited love affair. Only hell can have a helpless love affair. In the dark, there are pieces of crayons, Xiao Xin, human sustenance, soul sorrow, and the fallacy of people coaxing ghosts

30. In the world of Nuoda, we yearn for the most desolate space, go to the most desolate place, and have the most beautiful dream. Then, disappear in a corner.

31. The end of the world has fallen. So far, why not. A thousand volumes of lingering sorrow, together with Burma and sorrow. Returning to the side wall, thinking about the land and people, thinking about mistakes.

32. Year after year of Qingming, year after year of concern, time after time of missing, minute by minute of memory. Will not forget, will not leave, for the side, leave, work hard, cherish.

33. Standing on the high altar and looking down on life, I didn't see the happiness in the world. I only saw sadness everywhere, sadness everywhere, beauty withering like snow, indifference drifting away like smoke.

34. The full moon in the sky and the half moon in the world make the meeting between you and me a kind of fate. Origination and extinction, changes in dreams, my world is wonderful with you. Once the memories, good memories, kept in the mind. May you be as happy in heaven!

35. What are you doing? Today is the Mid Yuan Festival. If you are happy, blink a ghost eye. If you are bored, act like a ghost face. If you think about it, come up with a ghost idea. If you want to have fun, you will come up with a ghost trick. Finally remember: close your eyes, take a deep breath, and shout for help! Because you have "ghost" on your body! Ha ha, happy Mid Yuan Festival!

36. The full moon in the sky and the half moon in the world make the meeting between you and me a kind of fate. Origination and extinction, changes in dreams, my world is wonderful with you. Once the memories, good memories, kept in the mind. May you be as happy in heaven!

37. Father, you left the room full of yellowed ancient books, the grinding mill still exudes a faint fragrance, and the thick magnifying glass is quietly placed on the desk! Full of sadness!

38. Even if you leave, you should not express it in this way. Is your world, my appearance, a mistake, because you met the person you love in a good time?

39. Congratulations on the Mid Yuan Festival. In the "sneaky" work, "crafty" has opened up the way. Through the efforts of "appearing and disappearing", you have achieved "sneaky" results. I hope you will continue to work hard and wish you happiness every day!

40. People who have experienced life and death leave know more about love and cherish. Therefore, we living people should treat and grasp the days when we get along with others, so that life will not leave any regrets!

41. The yearning turns into smoke and turns to leave by the bridge. In the dream, it is still a smiling picture. It is also the autumn wind blowing on the Mid Yuan Festival. Standing in the different places, we tell our yearning in our hearts. Each warm picture is like going back to the past. May the departed ancestors feel that this inner wish will not be lonely. May we smile in life and live our own wonderful future.

42. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, and I wish the mountains and rivers a clean and bright life; Rivers, lakes and seas are clear and bright. I wish you: fresh spirit, one clean and two bright; Orderly work, clear and clear; Life and career are clear and bright!

43. Without your heroic dedication, there would be no happy life for us today! It is you who use clank iron to hold up the sun of tomorrow! It is you who use indomitable fearlessness to create the glory of the motherland! Your reputation is immortal, and your spirit is immortal! Salute to you! Learn from you!