The Story of Man
Where do we not meet in life
2024-02-16 03:24:38
Grade 6
reaction to a book or an article

In "The Story of Human Beings", Fang Long told some historical records of human beings from ancient times to the present.
Some people say that history is like a wheel, constantly changing and repeating itself. This is true for everyone and for a country. From chaos, to order, then to chaos, then to order... is the so-called "together for a long time must be divided, divided for a long time must be combined".
The human race has become the master of the earth with the "flick of the finger" of 2000 centuries, and is fighting for various interests, worrying about the fight, and continuing to fight in the worry. This is still true from generation to generation. What we have gained is lost quickly, and we try to find it again. Finally, it is time for us to leave.
Can't we get rid of this wheel? Can we only turn on the "wheel" of "life, old age, sickness and death"?
If so, history would not be so colorful. A grass, a flower, a tree, a person, a thing, it is these little, seemingly ordinary things that make up the world. At any time, one's efforts will bear fruit. In the limited time, please let us leave more things!
All we have done is change.
In 2009, the United States welcomed the 56th President, Barack Obama. In his speech, he mentioned more than once that the United States needs change. In the face of financial crisis and difficulties, what we have done is only some changes: changes to ourselves, changes to the environment, changes to the surroundings, and changes to history.
All we need is some changes.
In the past 2000 centuries, human beings have gone all the way to eliminate almost all their rivals and become the masters of the world: mountains block the way and cut down; The big river blocks the way forward, bridges, and spans; A lake, fill it out. Even those things that seem impossible, human beings have changed their ways to achieve: more than one person has climbed the 8844m peak; The submarine also went down in the bottomless trench; The parachute jump from the ethereal high altitude also achieved - 30km high. The earth, the moon, Mars... With the conquest of every planet, facing the imperfect self, we need and can only make some changes.
After reading "The Story of Man", I learned that glory is hard won. Yes, without hard work, how can we gain? If you want to be superior, you must silently make more efforts than others - just like Fang Long. So, from now on, seize the opportunity, carefully taste, slowly chew, the spirit of this book!
Human Stories is a really good book. I hope everyone can read it.