Love Classic Sentence Talk About Your Mood
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2023-01-29 18:13:27
Complete sentences

1. The horizon is too far away, and life is too long. The blooming tea fans can't withstand the time passing by. Memory changes, who is pale who waits, who has no regrets who is persistent.

2. Su Jiner - Original: [I choose to love with my heart, but I am also ready to be hurt at any time.]

3. Everyone is lonely. Thus, we learned to be strong and independent.

4. Love is like a gesture of beauty and desolation after encountering a grand scene. Such as: Since then, he has no intention to love Liangye, and let him go down to the west tower in the bright moon. This situation can be recalled, but it was lost at that time. Even if there are thousands of customs, who can we talk to.

5. Knowing that there is no future, why bother to entangle and get closer? It's just more painful and sad

6. Being pregnant is like being pregnant. As long as you are pregnant, you are not afraid of not having a baby!

7. It doesn't matter to fall in love with a person who has many differences in life habits. You should be careful when getting married. Think about whether you can tolerate each other's differences for a long time.

8. It is because you are my back table that we are so good. If we change positions, we will lose.

9. It is difficult to persist in loneliness. Most people are just chosen by loneliness and have to be lonely. I often quarrel with my loneliness, and then sit down and cry and make up—— Slightly sour

10. The wind is rustling, the night is bleak, the clouds are gathering, the moon is gathering, the heart is like pouring liquor at the beginning, sighing for leaving the mourning temple, the red apricots break the world of mortals

11. We have all been laughed at by others

12. In fact, every road leading to the sunshine is full of frustrations.

13. He will say Xu Yating, don't bother me

14. You and I are linked together, and finally let me feel the tenderness in your hand.

15. You don't think about who is the reason why I am corrupt

16. Some people give you their heart, but you pretend not to see it because you don't like it. Some people take out your heart, and you pretend not to hurt, because you love.

17. I don't know where to start—— Tang Xianzu's Peony Pavilion

18. Zixi: It's your choice whether to remember or not. It seems that it's not up to you to forget.

19. You will never see me when I am loneliest. Only I can understand my loneliness

20. Su Yan, you said that people will not fall in love with only one person in their life, but people will change. But I found that I can really fall in love with only one person in my life. My love is too stubborn. I have exhausted all my strength and can no longer love anyone—— Jin Zisu "Mo Mo Qian Xing"

21, quot; Do you think I will cry and make trouble to pester you not to let you go? Are you surprised at the moment when I let go calmly "