After Reading The Bald King
Looking at the empty moon
2023-11-05 00:10:32

The Bald King is a fairy tale book written by the famous writer Zhang Tianyi's grandfather. From the first time I saw it, I couldn't help falling in love with it.

The main character, the bald king, is a tyrant. He was an abominable looking man, only three feet tall, with a smooth head and no hair. He has a pair of retractable teeth. When he is angry, his teeth will grow continuously; When I am happy, my teeth will shrink back again, and I can always shrink away. He is cruel by nature and often kills innocent people indiscriminately. He eats human meatballs and drinks human blood wine. What's more, the bald king still needs to eat the fingers of the doll! Do you think he is terrible?

But don't think he can be lawless. At the end of the story, such a Bald King who has committed many crimes has what he should have: in order to resist his cruel oppression, the people united to attack and occupy the Bald Palace and eliminate his accomplices. But the bald king was so angry because of the resistance of the people that he was pushed up into the sky with infinitely elongated teeth and fell dead.

After reading this story, I can't help thinking of the truth that good is rewarded and evil is rewarded. A person who is kind to others and often does good deeds will also be respected and helped by others; On the contrary, people who are enemies and often do bad things will surely end up in a bad way. For example, King You of Zhou, who "played with the princes in the beacon fire", was finally killed by the Canrong because he could not get help from the princes, and Qin Hui, who killed Yue Fei, was finally abandoned by the emperor, and was reviled and despised by us for thousands of years. In the movie Fantastic Forest just released, Maokley, a helpful boy, was finally free, while Sherihan, a tiger who committed many crimes and wanted to kill Maokley, was finally burned alive. These stories vividly tell this truth.

The bald king did all kinds of bad things, so he finally got what he deserved. Those kind-hearted people, working together, have gained the freedom they deserve. The Bald King told me: Don't stop doing good things because they are small, and don't stop doing evil things because they are small! If we all have a kind heart, and be kind to others. We can all stand up at the critical moment to timely dissuade others from their bad behavior, care for others, and help others, then our lives will become better!