2022 Selected Quotes of Patriotic Celebrities
My heart is still there
2023-04-22 01:50:39

1. It is blind to worry about the country and shame, and stand up to the guillotine. Poems of Revolutionary Martyrs Xiong Henghan

2. It is blind to worry about the country and shame, and stand up to the guillotine—— Poems of Revolutionary Martyrs Xiong Henghan

3. Get up, people who do not want to be slaves, and build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood--- playwright and pioneer of the modern theater movement

4. I am a scientific worker. Scientific workers should have the spirit of seeking truth from facts. I have confidence in the future of the socialist motherland--- Yan Keats

5. If you want to die without resisting Japan, leave it for today's shame. If the country is broken, how can I cherish it--- Ji Hongchang

6. In order to choose the truth, for the sake of the nation, I will go back to China--- Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

7. Why do my eyes often contain tears? Because I love this land deeply--- Ai Qing

8. Living in leisure is not my ambition. I am willing to go to the country to worry—— Six Miscellaneous Poems by Cao Zhi in the Three Kingdoms Period

9. Since the country is not the country, how can the family survive--- Yang Jingyu

10. The Huns are immortal, and there is no home for them! Book of the Han Dynasty: Biography of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing

11. We are the masters of our country, and we should always think about our country--- Lei Feng

12. It is not a pity to kill your body and land at the beginning. You have to worry about serving your country all the time. Song Dynasty, Lu You, Climbing the Pavilion of Huizhao Temple

13. For the sake of the prosperity and strength of the Chinese nation, I will devote all my knowledge and wisdom--- Qian Weichang

14. Villages help villages, households help households, and the core is to build a good party branch, and finally achieve national wealth--- Wu Renbao

15. Great Xia, for the country and the people--- Jin Yong

16. Only knowing that the battlefield is the death of our country, we should not return the dead in a horse's clothing—— Xu Xilin's Poem of Going Out of the Frontier

17. The northwest gale blows, and the southeast war is full of blood. When the wind blows, the iron horse will move and return my old mountains and rivers--- Yang Hucheng

18. People without patriotism will perish forever—— Li Dazhao's Worldweariness and Consciousness

19. Burst and fight to wipe out the bandits and ministers, men have forgotten their patriotism. Qiu Jin's Hanging Wu Martyrs

20. I am always waiting for the call of the motherland--- Yao Ming

21. We should think about taking back our lost land and don't forget to repay our lost land. feng yu-hsiang

22. It is our sacred duty to love our motherland and strive for its future--- Su Buqing

23. I love my country all my life. Even if I burn myself to ashes, I am also patriotic--- Ji Xianlin

24. To love the motherland, we must first understand the motherland; Without understanding, there is no love--- Ren Jiyu

25. Patriotism is not divided into first and second, and wandering will lead to a long lost future. Zhu Yunshan's "To Taiwan's Old Friends"

26. Never forget the country in the face of adversity—— Zuo Zhuan, Thirty one Years of Xianggong

27. Living in a thatched hut, looking at the world, stepping on the mud and thinking about the world--- Dong Jiageng

28. I often think of being desperate and dying for my country—— Sima Qian

29. If a country lives and dies as if it were profiteering, how can it avoid its fate because of bad luck—— Qing Dynasty, Lin Zexu, "Zhan Shi's Family on the Journey to Xu"

30. My motherland is China, and my career is in China. I will dedicate my talents to my motherland--- Lu Yongxiang

31. How can we become famous before the national humiliation is over? Tang. Li Bai's "Alone Flow"

32. I am running not for money, but for the honor of my motherland--- Wang Junxia