82 love quotes with Buddhist language
High mountains and flowing water
2023-02-26 09:28:19

1. If predestined, time and space are not distances; If not, we can't get together all day long.

2. Ending your life in front of your lover, the instant pain and eternal happiness are irresistible.

3. When chanting Buddha, one's heart is pure, and one's mind is pure; Heart is Buddha. Buddha is heart. Buddhahood is nothing but mind purification.

4. All forms are vanity; All actions are like illusions and bubbles, like dew and like electricity.

5. Love parting, hatred meeting, give up and return to the west, nothing is human. It is nothing but eyeful emptiness and illusion.

6. How much love to stay in the world, how many changes to meet the floating world. Do happy things with lovers. Don't ask whether it is fate or robbery.

7. The true love needs both of you and me. It can only be achieved because of predestination, not because you want it.

8. When you know the end, you can be calm; when you are calm, you can be calm; when you are calm, you can be worried; when you are worried, you can get it.

9. There are reasons for the fate of the world, there are reasons for the fate of the world; There is a reason to perish in the world, and there is a reason to perish in the world.

10. All mindless people, that is, Bodhi practice, liberation, nirvana, extinction, meditation and even the sixth degree, can see the nature.

11. Today I treat this person well, and tomorrow I treat him badly. I can't rely on myself. Can I rely on others?

12. The flowers on the other side will bloom for a thousand years and fall for a thousand years. The flowers and leaves will never meet. Love is not cause and effect, fate is doomed to life and death.

13. This world is full of hypocrisy and delusion. You should be serious. You will suffer a big loss!

14. Six ordinary people use delusion, and can't rely on what they say. Don't take it seriously, you should take it seriously, and decide to be fooled.

15. Love and compassion are the same in terms of things. They are different in terms of motivation, motivation, and perception.

16. Love is a rope that binds you. Amitabha Buddha cannot pull it. There is no way to break it.

17. Now people get married for love, love is fragile, love will change, so the things of marriage are endless.

18. Knowing the day is knowing the night, knowing the beginning is knowing the end. If you first understand the face before you were born, you will know where to settle down in the end.

19. We used to be the old spirits on the Sansheng Stone. We have been together for thousands of years. We have seen all the worldly affairs, joys and sorrows, and life and death.

20. To understand a person, we only need to see whether his starting point and destination are the same, then we can know whether he is sincere.

21. The love that people talk about in the world is false, not true; It is true and eternal when it is transformed into wisdom.

22. Love is not charity, and it can't be given freely. Emotion has no formula, no principle and no reason to follow.

23. Compassion is revealed from the heart of self nature. Its root remains the same, so its function and appearance remain the same.

24. No mind is pure everywhere; When you can get clean, you should not think about it; When you have no purity, you should not think about it.

25. When you are poor, you should use your body to give alms, such as sweeping the floor, sprinkling water, and moving things. This is also a kind of giving.

26. If you don't look back, why don't you forget. Since there is no chance, there is no need to swear. Today, all kinds of things are like water without trace. Tomorrow and tomorrow, you have been strangers.

27. This sentence does not come from the Buddhist scriptures, but from a story Buddha said: Only after a hundred generations of practice can we cross the boat together, and only after a thousand generations of practice can we sleep together.

28. Ten thousand hairs are born by fate! Accidental meeting, suddenly looking back, doomed each other's life, just for the moment when the eyes meet.

29. Five hundred times of gazing in the previous life and one encounter in this life will surely breed too many sweet or painful memories in the previous life.

30. There is Vajra Buddha in the body of all beings, just like the sun wheel. The body is bright, complete and boundless. It is only covered by five overcast clouds, like the light in the bottle, and cannot be seen.

31. It doesn't matter to fall in love with a person who has many differences in life habits. You should be careful when getting married. Think about whether you can tolerate each other's differences for a long time.

32. Enduring hardships and defending labor can make great use of prosperity. Although it is simple and practical, it is not easy to move your heart. If you go ahead and practice, life and death will not matter to me.

33. The love of ordinary people is unequal in this love, and there is no sincerity in this love. Why is there no sincerity? That love will change. It's unreliable.

34. If there is no longer a bad part of the heart, we will no longer cause pain and trouble from it, so as to achieve eternal happiness and serenity.

35. Love is not a good thing. It harms us from generation to generation; It's too foolish to leave it even after you've done this. You must be aware of it.

36. There is no end to suffering. Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Marriage is the tomb of love. Buddha said that we should return to love.

37. Don't say. Yes, you can't say that if a man has an affair, you can't say that; A woman with a white face can't be said; The child is not yours.

38. Why do you suffer in the Saha world and have six samsaras here? It means that your love is not broken, which is the basis of the six samsaras of life and death.

39. Ordinary people misused the classic chapters and sentences, just talking about them, but not practicing them. He just got the surface of the chapters and sentences, but did not grasp the essence.

40. How do you know it is fake? Today I love very much, tomorrow I quarrel again, and the day after tomorrow I divorce again. Don't you think it's fake? Where is the truth!

41. Promise that the brocade book will be difficult to trust. If you are persistent, you will become confused and confused; Life is full of sentimental worries, and more locks are locked back and forth. The burning blessing and disaster forget you and me.

42. If there is no longer a bad part of the heart, we will no longer cause pain and trouble from it, so as to achieve eternal happiness and serenity.

43. If there is no longer a bad part of the heart, we will no longer cause pain and trouble from it, so as to achieve eternal happiness and serenity.

44. People know that there is something false in the world. When it comes to the situation, they suddenly bump into him and don't follow him. Otherwise, they will be pierced by Iraq but will be determined.

45. Love is where hate comes from. Hu Han will not return. He will lose and cry one by one. He would rather be confused with hate, poisoned by love, satisfied and cruel at the same time.

46. Face it with smile and don't complain. Leisure, follow your heart, follow your nature, follow your fate. It is only a hundred years later that the time when a flower blooms that is destined to change life.

47. When love leaves, please don't linger. When love comes near, please cherish me. I said that love and not love are not the same. In a hurry, close your eyes. It doesn't matter who hasn't slept yet.

48. In seeking happiness, we are sentimental. Knife and staff can add annoyance and harm. But seeking our own happiness is rare for future generations. You are passionate about seeking happiness, and do not harm yourself with knives and sticks. If you want to enjoy yourself, you can enjoy yourself in the future.

49. Your heart is my cape and horizon. I can't go farther. We go to the ends of the earth in this life, not half the earth, but the world.

50. If the herdsman drives the cattle to the pasture with his staff, if he is old and dead, he drives out all the lives. If you harm people with a knife and a staff, and there is no evil or harm, you will get one of the ten things quickly.

51. The reason is that the vicissitudes of life are always merciless, and the window drops until dawn. Fate is endless yearning. And I stand proudly in the desert quietly watching its origin and extinction.

52. Don't follow the mean law. Don't dwell on relaxation. Don't follow evil opinions. Don't grow worldly. Don't let go. Do good deeds. He who follows the righteous law is happy in this world.

53. On that night, I forgot everything, gave up my belief, and gave up reincarnation, only because the rose that once cried in front of the Buddha has lost its old luster.

54. The illusion under the neon light is because the footsteps of missing step gently out of the world of mortals; Thousands of threads of affection, until I met you, just across a sad tears.

55. People in the world have feelings. This love is false and unreliable. Why? It will change, and love will eventually become friends and enemies, so that kind of love is false and unreliable.

56. Find happiness before you find wisdom, and find yourself before you find happiness. To seek the highest enlightenment, one must first understand oneself and the relationship between oneself and time and space.

57. Sometimes, love needs to be in the right place at the right time to meet the right person, have a relative start, and with the opposite person, you will have the greatest happiness in your life.

58. Silence is only because of love and hate, and the ripples of love rotate the persistence of love; Even if we can cross the river together after a hundred years of repair, we can read about three inches of economic fiber. After all, the past will end.

59. Does Buddha abandon love and affection? no, it isn't. You should know that his "break" is really a change, turning love into wisdom.

60. The reincarnation under the bodhi tree is a marriage left over from several generations, waiting for you to spend time with me; I waited for you to come to Shiqiao. I made a mistake because of the waste of time. Looking back, I only wish to become a Buddha through nirvana.

61. One flower, one world, one Buddha, one Tathagata. One woman, one husband, one son and one mother. Everyone has his or her own other half waiting for him. There can be many lovers. There is only one husband and wife.

62. Don't fall in love for the sake of loneliness. Time is a devil. It will last forever. If you are a passionate person, even if you don't love each other, you will still have feelings. What will you do in the end?

63. Living in the world is like being among thorns! If the heart does not move, people will not act rashly, and if they do not move, they will not hurt; If the heart beats, people will act recklessly, hurt their bodies and bones, and then experience all kinds of pains in the world.

64. All this is a state of mind. If the heart has nothing, it can spend a world, a grass and a heaven. Understanding these, a flower and a grass is the whole world, and the whole world will be as empty as flowers and grass!

65. The dream surrounded by fireworks is just because of love, because of unforgettable love; The world is empty, but it's gone. Even if you look back 500 times in your previous life, you can only wipe your shoulders once in this life.

66. Our hearts have many functions. Half of these functions are harmful to ourselves and others, and the other half is beneficial to ourselves and others. To purify one's mind is to eliminate the bad mental effects and prevent the evil effects from coming into being.

67. Ask the Buddha: What if I meet someone who can love, but I'm afraid I can't grasp them? Buddha said: How much love can we leave behind to meet the thousand changes of the floating world; And lovers, do happy things, do not ask is the fate of robbery.

68. The Buddha said that the dream surrounded by fireworks is only because of love, because of the unforgettable love; The world is empty, but it's gone. Even if you look back 500 times in your previous life, you can only wipe your shoulders once in this life.

69. If we can see the truth of "suffering" and where it comes from and disappears, then it will be easy to prevent suffering from forming and control it.

70. An encounter in this life certainly breeds too many sweet or painful memories of previous lives. Ten thousand hairs are born by fate! Accidental meeting, suddenly looking back, doomed each other's life, just for the moment when the eyes meet.

71. Color is emptiness, and emptiness is color. Buddha should justify himself by saying that color is empty, so even if he is colored, it is also empty. When you are in love, don't scold others. Lust is also a kind of praise. If you are gorgeous, it means you are charming.

72. We will always think that what we can't get is beautiful, because you know too little about him and have no time to get along with him. One day, after you have a deep understanding, you will find that it is not as beautiful as you imagined.

73. Love is not a business. If you are frustrated, you will lose everything; Love is not a bet. If you lose, you will become poor. Love is the touch and agreement of two hearts, just like the notes of a harmonious music score, which composes the holiness of the world and follows each other for a lifetime.

74. Destiny comes from fate, and fate goes away. The seed is the cause, and the harvest is the fruit. All things are created by idealism. Face with a smile and don't complain. Leisure, follow your heart, follow your nature, follow your fate. It is only a hundred years later that the time when a flower blooms that is destined to change life.

75. Great grief without tears, great understanding without words, and silent laughter. Great love is selfless. Those who have been deeply hurt by you will not cry in front of your eyes; If you make up your mind to divorce, you won't say anything more; The one who is really happy for you smiles in his heart.

76. Love is a responsibility, not a feeling. Please don't say love easily! Commitment, a promise to the future, if you are not sure, please do not promise that happiness is proportional to sorrow. Every love creates a myth, and love is a myth.

77. You have been here for a while, but I will miss you forever. Don't think that if he loves you, he won't leave you. Under your repeated hurt, he will also leave, because you do not know how to cherish, not worthy of his love. You must know how to cherish, then you can understand love.

78. Most of today's love is just to alleviate loneliness. I just want to find someone to accompany me. Even if I find the feeling of love, it is easy to lose it quickly. Love for a long time, people will still be lonely. Men and women who fall in love to relieve loneliness do not have the ability to stick to loneliness for a long time.

79. Because he is the person you love the most, so that her happiness and happiness in life is regarded as the greatest happiness in your life, so you will continue to work hard for her to live a happier and happier life. There is no limit to happiness. So your efforts will have no limit and will never stop.

80. Women with beautiful faces will always be favored by many! But no matter how beautiful a woman is, she will still be old one day! When you are old, is everything still the same? It turns out that when beauty fades, everything returns to its true colors! All the scenery and prosperity, sweet words and honeyed words are just passing by.

81. There is basically no right or wrong person in love. If he or she wants to leave you, there is always something you cannot satisfy him. Looking back on the past days together, it is always beautiful. Of course, there are also despicable emotional cheats. Their rhetoric is totally to cheat each other to have sex with themselves. Such people are still rare.

82. If you look a little less, you will be less hurt. When time passes, love will disappear. Time makes deep things deeper and shallow things shallower. Edge is a piece of ice, which will last 500 years. Does Buddha ask about suffering? I said no pain. Buddha then promised me a fate. I was lucky, but not lucky. That's all. 500 times of looking back in a previous life will lead to one pass in this life.