Sentences about character (30 selected sentences)
Late autumn
2023-07-13 11:41:48
Complete sentences

1. With strong perseverance, she overcame her physiological defects and finally entered the university.

2. Lv Jingyi is a person with many personalities, sometimes crazy, sometimes whining, sometimes very serious. Her character is unpredictable.

3. My mother said that I was "foolish and bold" indeed, I was a fearless character from childhood to adulthood.

4. My aunt is always careful. She takes three steps at a time and always prepares more when things happen.

5. My mother is such a hot tempered person, but she is still the good mother who has always loved me silently and cared about me!

6. My mother is very strict with me. She is strict in everything. Every day after homework, my mother never missed any detail. Every time I had a question that I didn't know, my mother would seriously give me a lecture. I didn't finish one question and asked if I understood it.

7. From childhood to adulthood, he never gave up and never gave up.

8. I like this new teacher Zha. He is very strict in class and very kind to his classmates after class.

9. This is my best classmate, a warm and kind little boy!

10. I never bow my head, and now my neck is as hard as iron.

11. I used to be cheerful and lively, and get along well with people, like a ray of sunshine, which can shine through the cold heart of others.

12. He is a lively and lovely boy, with a round face, watery eyes and black hair.

13. The free and open world has cultivated her bold and unrestrained, cheerful character. She never does things sloppily, and is industrious and practical, which has always been the pride of the three sisters.

14. I am a humorous boy. One word can make you laugh. I am a boy who will not flinch, and will not give up no matter what difficulties I encounter. I also have shortcomings.

15. There are chess fans and drama fans. My grandfather is a fan of flowers. He is a genuine fan of flowers.

16. I am so serious about everything. I think I am right.

17. My aunt is a "beauty". Time, don't hurt her, just let her strong, kind and gentle lead us forward.

18. She is a very sunny woman who cries and smiles whenever she wants. In her world from full of sunshine. I am the opposite of her character. If she is fire, then I am ice. Perseverance is her greatest gift to me.

19. Look at that shy girl. She speaks slowly and calmly. She is a typical "oriental lady"

20. My classmates all praised me for my intelligence and ability. In fact, I am not smart, but I am willing to work hard and not interested in playing.

21. My grandfather is an "antique". He always holds a shabby cigarette pot in his mouth and hums a ditty older than the cigarette pot.

22. His bold and resolute nose and mouth seem particularly angular at the moment.

23. The so-called character determines the fate, which is so. A person's true temperament can affect his life.

24. She is a good girl who treats others kindly, thinks only of others, and never thinks of herself.

25. Laughter, like sunshine, can warm people's hearts and solve all difficulties.

26. Since then, I have never talked to anyone, but let them study hard all day in silence.

27. A girl with a boyish personality once told me that what she hated most was braiding and wearing skirts. I also suspected that she had miscarried. Maybe she should have been a boy.

28. Cheng, a black and thin boy, has thick eyebrows and big eyes. His flickering eyes reveal an unyielding spirit. Just such a boy, tell me what is called "a man of iron"

29. Grandfather likes cleaning very much, and always cleans his room spotlessly.

30. He is a cheerful person and a respected teacher! His influence on me is so unforgettable that I will always remember him.