80 words of blessing for his son's 11th birthday
Say goodbye to each other
2023-03-30 00:30:40
SMS Collection

1. What you want to do is up to you.

2. If talent is compared to a sword, then diligence is a sharpening stone.

3. When you do your best, failure is also great.

4. I only hope that all your choices are not compromises, and all are doomed not to accept fate.

5. I wish you happiness in every growing day! Happy birthday!

6. After being honed by the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.

7. Difficulties are like springs, depending on whether you are strong or not; If you are strong, he will be weak, and if you are weak, he will be strong.

8. My mother hopes that you will grow more beautiful, healthy, happy every day, and learn more!

9. It's a memorable day. The original world is more beautiful because of you. Happy birthday.

10. I hope you will travel to the book world and compete in the book world from now on. Life will never be the same again!

11. The upstream is the end of the brave men who break the wind and waves, and the downstream is the destination of the cowards.

12. Over the years, you have been the source of our happiness and pride. Happy birthday to you.

13. Reading is the best way to learn. It is interesting to follow the thoughts of great people.

14. Mother hopes you will always be happy. Today you are proud of your mother, and tomorrow your mother will be proud of you.

15. The children's happiest day is today. I wish them a happy birthday and progress in their studies.

16. Success is not in the future, but accumulated from the moment you decide to do it.

17. May you be like a seed, brave enough to break through the sand and stretch the green buds out of the ground and point to the sky.

18. Dream is waiting for you to realize, life is waiting for you to be brilliant. The future is waiting for you to open up, and life is waiting for you to innovate.

19. As long as you have a good dream, your heart will blossom. As long as there is the spirit of hard work, there will be steps forward.

20. Consciousness is the mother of progress, and self abasement is the source of degeneration. Therefore, self abasement is indispensable.

21. People are stronger and more unyielding in adversity than in caring for adversity, and it is easier to preserve their body and mind when they are unlucky than when they are lucky.

22. As long as you don't fall, no one can make you fall. As long as you don't admit defeat, no one can defeat you.

23. I hope you can make good use of your summer vacation time to tidy your room at home and develop good living habits.

24. May you spread your wings of youth and climb over the high mountains of books. May you stride forward with heroic steps and cross the vast sea of topics.

25. Keep happiness with you, let troubles slip away, let auspiciousness take special care of you, and let happiness smile on you forever!

26. When I secretly let go of your hand and saw you carefully learn to walk, you did not understand the sadness of separation in your heart, so you did not turn back happily.

27. The rosy ideal is calling to you. You are a drop by drop of water, will be active in the sea of the motherland!

28. You can fail, not lose your ambition. Can be disappointed, can not despair. As long as you are attached to miracles, you will be attached to miracles.

29. Only by reading books with knowledge can we make progress. Just like climbing stairs, the knowledge and experience in books are the ladder of human society!

30. Genius lies in accumulation, and cleverness lies in diligence. Don't count on luck, but plant a golden seed for tomorrow's success.

31. Yesterday was fireworks, and glory also fell; Today is water spray, sow seeds in time; Tomorrow is a fireworks, it must flash for you.

32. Today is your birthday. When you open your eyes, it's my first wish for your birthday. Baby, happy birthday, grow up quickly!

33. The world is more wonderful with you today, the stars are more brilliant with you today, the world is warmer with you today, and I feel happier with you today!

34. The door of knowledge is open for you; The world of learning invites you to gallop; The mystery of the world is waiting for you to discover; The bugle for the beginning of school is blowing for you.

35. No matter how bright the sun is, it cannot eliminate the shadow. No matter how perfect the life is, it cannot be free of flaws. Let's learn to walk with pain and pursue happiness.

36. When you were born, you brought us laughter; Today, when you grow up and see that you are both talented and beautiful, we cry with joy. Happy birthday, dear daughter.

37. The fragrance of knowledge wafts in front of us, the pleasant bell rings in the campus, close friends wait at the desk, and happy memories flash in the classroom.

38. Baby, you will always be my mother's sweet little padded jacket, and every day with you will be happy and happy! Mother wishes you health and happiness forever!

39. Dreams take off here and life is brilliant here. Youth is flying here, and life is enriching here. Knowledge is sublimated here, and the future is forged here.

40. The secret of cleverness lies in being diligent and eager to learn, the secret of erudition lies in extensive reading, the secret of skillful learning lies in drawing inferences from one instance, and the secret of success lies in bringing forth the new through the old.

41. On your birthday, I am not with you. I just hope you can be happy, healthy and beautiful. Life needs struggle, creation and control! Happy birthday!

42. He is my new hope, my new wish, my new hope, my new dream, my dear baby, and the continuation of our love between husband and wife.

43. You are a new star in the Chinese class. You have performed well both in speaking and reading aloud. If you are more careful in your homework, your study will be better!

44. Let the happy figure accompany you, let health and safety accompany you forever, and let happiness and good luck never end. Mom wishes your baby a happy birthday! May our family be happy!

45. Modesty, honesty and diligence are the three magic weapons to ferry life from one shore to the other. Modesty, honesty and diligence, when you have these, you will open the door to life.

46. Climbing, life is climbing! May you carry the heavy load given by your destiny and make arduous journey to climb one mountain after another of consciousness, morality, sentiment and knowledge!

47. He looks like an angel envious and has a sweet dimple. I wish him a simple hope in his life, a stable and slow growth in life, and happiness and health every day.

48. We should have ideals. Ideals are not illusions, nor delusions. They are real dreams that can be realized through our own efforts. Where there is an ideal, there is power, there is a goal, and we will not waste our time!

49. You are smart and sensible. You love reading, learning, and thinking. You have done a great job in all aspects. You really deserve to be the "leader" of Class 22

50. There is no failure in life. Where you fall, you should get up from where you fall. You should reorganize your clothes, be energetic, step forward, and embark on the journey without looking back. All the way forward, your heart is full and the sun is shining!

51. Reading is like the eyes of a giant, which can make her see farther; Reading is also like a love affair, which makes people work hard; Reading is like shuttling through the vast sea, which makes people happy.

52. Dad hopes that you will continue to work hard in your future study, listen to the teacher's instructions, and keep your parents' instructions in mind, so as to strive to be an excellent student with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

53. Gently, we left, just as we came gently. Wave your hand to say goodbye to the green campus. We leave a bright smile here, and here we wish you a more wonderful future.

54. Don't say that the time of a day is insignificant. The long years of life are connected by this day; May you cherish every day of your life journey and make every day go forward vigorously.

55. You have grown up a lot, learned to study consciously, can arrange time reasonably, and have made great progress in all aspects. I hope you can adhere to and strictly implement the plan after you make it, so that your study will be more exciting!

56. Dear child, look up to see that the sky above is still blue, and look down to see that the road below is still wide. This little setback is nothing. We should thank it for helping you make a big step forward on the road of growth.

57. Daughter is the daughter of mother and father. Mother loves her, and father loves her even more; Bless you, there will be someone more painful than your wife, and you will live a happier and happier life.

58. Dear Xiaohui, I hope there will be sunshine in your life. In life, you have always been a sensible child. My mother sincerely hopes that you can be safe, healthy and have a bright future.

59. Diligence is the key to opening the door to knowledge, thinking is a sharp tool to understand knowledge, reading is a shortcut to mastering knowledge, practice is a way to consolidate knowledge, discussion is a wonderful way to understand knowledge, and exploration is a way to innovate knowledge.

60. Mom wants you to understand that no one can rely on her in this world, even if she does. Life is your own, and your mother can't follow you forever, so there are many things you must face by yourself, the sooner the better.

61. When the sun shines and the flowers smile, you will feel happy after school starts; It's wonderful to learn hard and learn hard; Study hard, remember carefully, and sing up every day. May you travel in the ocean of knowledge, make progress every day, and enjoy unlimited happiness!

62. Your idea is very innovative. You are a student who dare to think and do, which is the expression of creative thinking. The teacher hopes you can give full play to your creative potential, and believes that you will achieve better results in learning.

63. No one is irreplaceable, and nothing must be owned. Having seen through this, in the future, when people around you no longer want you, or perhaps lose everything you love most in the world, you should also understand that this is not a big deal.

64. The baby's birthday means that the baby has come a long way on the road of growth. Only parents can truly appreciate the ups and downs. I hope you will be happy in the future. Parents will be happy with you!

65. Frustration is like a spring. If you are weak, it will be strong. So think carefully, refuel and load it, be full of frustration, laugh right and not confused, remember your dream, be tenacious in your struggle, brave in your dream, and have perseverance beside you. Believe in myself, and I will finally have a brilliant future!

66. Life makes people happy, and learning makes people happier. There are a lot of happiness in learning. If you don't think so, you must not study hard at ordinary times. If you study hard, you will find that learning contains endless happiness.

67. Carefully make your learning progress, read books to let you accumulate knowledge, and learn to make you successful. Only by studying hard and working hard, can you go further. I hope you will study hard and make progress in the new semester.

68. You can become a student from now on. I hope you will seize all the opportunities and opportunities that belong to you. You will find your difference in your life, your shining point, give play to your light and heat, and contribute your part to the society and the country!

69. Dad has always known that you are a good boy. I hope you can not go astray in the future. You should be upright. If you have the ability, you can also help some people in need. This is a very meaningful thing.

70. Colorful flags flying and singing, students have a long friendship when meeting. Greeting voice nearby, make a great ambition to learn. Come out early and come back late, enjoy happiness and enjoy the ocean of knowledge. Cherish the good time of youth and become a pillar for the country and the people. I wish you success in your studies and prosperity!

71. May we all be sunny teenagers, lively, cheerful, confident and progressive. Be willing to help others, warm others, and be happy; Pursue dreams and never give up; Be brave and surpass yourself to gain success; Face the future with a smile and welcome the bright tomorrow.

72. The stars guard the moon, so the moon sleeps peacefully and warms the spring, so the spring smiles brightly, and I guard you, so I hope you will be happy all your life, dear, happy birthday. Happy birthday, son!

73. Thank you, my child! You let us have the image of father and mother, say goodbye to the affectation of green and virtual calm, and more close to the steady mind, which is what you give us a trusted background of adults.

74. Many years ago today, you were born. Since then, there have been more shining stars in the sky! My concern also has a goal, until I find you! My dear, I wish you a happy birthday! Remember to keep me in mind forever! Baby, happy birthday, healthy growth!

75. It is wisdom to do what should be done, and stupidity to do what should not be done. You are so smart that you can distinguish between right and wrong. Even if you can't, I hope you can find teachers and parents to help you. Stay away from things that poison your body and mind. Be a brave person in learning and a wise person in life. You can do it!

76. My mother has made a lot of efforts to hope that you can have a carefree childhood, and she did, but she can't always accompany you. My wish now is that if your other half can make you carefree in the future, then my mother will be more relieved!

77. My mother wants to tell my baby that there may be thorns, flowers, applause, and mediocrity on the way of life... But my mother's love will always be with you. I hope you are brave and confident! Have a broad mind, kind heart, calmly face everything!

78. You are smart and lively. You raise your hand and speak boldly in class. Your voice is loud, your performance is excellent, and your writing is also correct. You unite classmates, have strong organizational ability, love health and the collective, and teachers are proud of you. If you can get rid of the bad habit of doing small movements in class, your grades will be even better. Add some oil and work hard!

79. You are an innocent and lovely child. You like to play catch up games with children. You have made great progress this semester. Usually you like painting, but you don't like reading books. It's time for primary school. If you can get rid of some bad habits, such as turning around and talking to other children in class, it will be better. Come on!

80. You are cute and cute. You always greet your teacher politely when you see him. Caring for the collective, responsible for work, diligent in learning, listening carefully and thinking actively in class. If you can make friends with "carefulness" when doing homework, I believe you will be better. Children work hard, in front of you will show a bright world!