100 classic sayings
Who dares to exchange heart with me
2023-07-08 15:12:23
A complete list of famous sayings

1、 Don't compare yourself with me. I'm too lazy to compare myself with you.

2、 People can have ideals, but they can't fantasize too much.

3、 If the heart is as clear as water, it is Buddha.

4、 If you want to lose, you will lose to the pursuit. If you want to marry, you will marry happiness.

5、 Face is given by others, but earned by oneself.

6、 The fog ahead is not me, but the world.

7、 The power is mutual, except the power of love.

8、 At the end of time and space, all physical properties lose meaning.

9、 The waterfall is spectacular because it has no way back.

10、 It's not too late to quit smoking and drinking.

11、 Please put the sunshine in your heart and let the spring water flow in your heart.

12、 Fear not the enemy like a tiger, but the teammate like a pig.

13、 For a long time, no one has blown the cowhide so fresh and refined!

14、 Behind every hard work, there will be double rewards.

15、 Explanation is the most meaningless thing. Life is not a few words.

16、 Youth is like smoking. The smoke is flying. Ash is falling.

17、 Ugly sea monsters are not as terrible as ungrateful children.

18、 The more you want to forget someone, the more you will remember him.

19、 Losing is just a gesture, but getting is not equal to happiness.

20、 Being talented is like being pregnant, which can only be seen after a long time.

21、 Don't look for me if you have nothing to do, and don't look for me if you have something to do.

22、 Cultivating for praise is like trampled fragrant flowers and beautiful grass.

23、 We should be optimistic about the future and pessimistic about the people.

24、 We are all far sighted, blurring our nearest happiness.

25、 You can know if you have heart, love if you have feelings, get together if you have destiny, and realize if you have dreams.

26、 I will miss you when I am free, and I will miss you when I am not free.

27、 Calm is a kind of life self-restraint, innocence is a kind of character.

28、 If you go first, don't blame me for turning my back on you.

29、 Lonely you, lonely me, lonely soul, displaced.

30、 Those romances that cannot be copied can only fade slowly in memory.

31、 Of the easiest things in the world, procrastinating is the least laborious.

32、 It seems that there is no desire for the beginning, and it always ends with a blow.

33、 In the era when the leftovers were the king, those who could survive became the leaders of the industry.

34、 If you can't fly, your ideal wings will become a burden of life.

35、 If you want to test my patience, please prepare your patience first.

36、 The price of wisdom is contradiction. This is a joke of life on the outlook on life.

37、 Friends are true because they have the same world outlook, and false because they have the same view of interests.

38、 One day's hard work can lead to one day's sleep; A diligent life can lead to a long sleep.

39、 Never say forever, because you don't know how far forever is.

40、 Go your own way and let those who can speak speak. You just need to do it.

41、 People have to grow up. Growing up is like going on a journey. The scenery is often changed along the way.

42、 My landing means my sinking and aging, so I keep flying.

43、 After all the prosperity, we know that the ordinary is true; Looking back on the vicissitudes of life, I just want to be as plain as water.

44、 The more money you earn from others, the better. Poverty is the greatest enemy of fate.

45、 A person can only know his own ability by using his ability in practice.

46、 When I woke up, I began to look forward to love, and love just had a strange dream.

47、 The saddest thing about people is that they have free thoughts but no courage to break through the shackles.

48、 Long mouth is also like a parrot. Why do you remind me of the old feelings.

49、 Bad habits will prevent you from going on the road to fame, profit and enjoyment at any time.

50、 A man's lie can cheat a woman overnight, and a woman's lie can cheat a man all his life!

51. It is not difficult to be single, but the difficult thing is to deal with those who try their best to let you end being single.

52. It's really sad if you still cry and make troubles because of excessive drinking.

53. Maturity is not because you are old, but because you can smile with tears hanging from your eyes.

54. People who understand know how to give up, people who are sincere know how to sacrifice, and people who are happy know how to be detached.

55. Opportunity is far more important than stability, career is far more important than money, and the future is far more important than today.

56. Do you know the difference between drinking and drinking? The warmer the wine, the colder the water.

57. There is no rehearsal in life, and every day is a live broadcast; Not only the audience rating is low, but also the salary is not high.

58. No matter how fierce the waves are, they will surrender to the sea; No matter how ardent love is, it will return to calm.

59. People with one watch know what time it is, while people with two watches cannot determine the time.

60. Maybe something was once very heavy in your heart, and time will make it very light.

61. People should not miss two things, the last bus home and a person who loves you deeply.

62. Love is like two people holding a rubber band. The injured one is always unwilling to let go.

63. Remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten. Change what can be changed and accept what cannot be changed.

Sixty four. If the ewe cannot hear her own lamb, she will never answer a calf's cry.

65. Parents spend their menopause with him, and treat everything with tolerance. You will have the same day.

66. Life is the beginning of death. Death is the continuation of life. Dream is the beginning of reality. Reality is the end of dreams.

67. In addition to love, we must also find something that can make us stand on the earth with strong feet.

68. When you and I who love you so much stagnate in the past, love is over.

69. Only your future can squander my present; Only my favorite, give me the most fatal injury.

70. Our life today was decided three years ago, and our life three years later is decided today.

71. Boss, is money really that important to you? I talked about it for more than three hours and didn't get a penny down?

Seventy two, who said goodbye without regret? The cold moon is clear and the night is full of dreams. I know that I am in love for a long time, and the past does not share the colorful clouds.

73. Don't complain about life all day long. Life will never know who you are, let alone listen to your complaints.

Seventy four. I heard that frogs only eat moving things. From this, I can infer that if the swan doesn't move, the frog won't have an idea of her.

Seventy five, love without love will never go bad. So, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love each other.

76. People who can play can work, but as we grow up, we should play more scientifically, even if we are crossing the road.

Seventy seven, where one cannot reach by foot, one can reach by sight; Where vision cannot reach, mood can reach.

78. When you feel sad and painful, you'd better learn something. Learning will keep you invincible forever.

79. There are too many helpless choices in life. The society is like the Jianghu, which always makes people feel involuntary and insincere.

80. The truth is like a cough. It often comes out when you can't restrain it. Lies are like lines, which are often learned by heart.

81. Today you fill your heart with coins in your purse, and tomorrow your heart can fill your purse with gold.

82. In the youth, the quarrel between husband and wife is a love dispute, while in the old age, the quarrel between husband and wife is disheartening.

83. Gold always shines, but when the ground is full of gold, I don't know which one I am.

Eighty four, the most tiring thing in the world is to watch my heart break and have to stick it together.

Eighty five, you will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest only when you are not with me.

86. If you are unwilling to make a temporary effort to win success, you may have to endure failure with lifelong patience.

87. Look for your own kind of people and divide people into groups. In particular, you should be careful about marriage. You'd rather tear down ten temples and not divide one family.

88. A successful life begins with the audience, then the actors, and finally the boss. A failed life goes the other way.

89. One's trouble is that one's memory is too good. If one can forget everything, every day will be a new start. How wonderful.

Ninety, youth is a book that cannot be closed once it is opened, life is a road that cannot be turned back once it is set on, and love is a gamble that cannot be turned back once it is thrown away.

91. As long as your feet are still on the ground, don't take yourself too lightly; As long as you live on the earth, don't take yourself too seriously.

Ninety two, meeting, feeling like white clouds floating; Own, heart flower like rain and dew; Missing, the soul is like quicksand. Looking back, the feeling is as blue as the quiet night.

93. Apart from tears, time is the only thing that can wash everything away. The longer time goes by, the lighter the conflict will be, as if the tea is being diluted.

Ninety four. Don't be angry or sad when others say we are bad. We don't have to be happy to say we are good. There are good in bad, and good in bad. It depends on whether you can use it or not?

95. I think the best way to seek happiness in life is to respect labor. All happiness can be obtained through labor, and all hardship can be relieved through labor.

96. A person has only one heart, but two atria. One lives happily; One lives in sorrow. Don't laugh too loudly, or you will wake up the sadness beside you.

97. Love is actually a habit. You are used to having him in your life, and he is used to having you in his life. I don't feel anything when I have it. Once I lose it, it seems that I have lost everything.

Ninety eight. There are many bridges, but there are not necessarily many roads. If you eat more salt, you may not eat more rice. When you walk with a companion, you don't feel far away. When you eat with a companion, you enjoy eating.

99. At one moment, we thought we had grown up. One day, we finally found that growing up means not only desire but also courage and strength, as well as some necessary sacrifice.

100. Don't forget your dream when you left school. Although you are sometimes tired, confused and even pessimistic after a period of work, don't forget that you drank the last glass of wine and made a commitment to yourself at the farewell dinner that year.