50 classic lines in Dante's Divine Comedy
Qinshui Lily
2023-07-23 00:30:05
Complete sentences

1. The arrow hit the target and left the string.

2. Those who enter this gate must abandon all hope.

3. Love moves the sun and the stars.

4. It is love, feeling the sun moving the stars.

5. Follow your own path and let others talk.

6. Those who enter this door must give up all hope.

7. She lives in my heart, how can she be in hell?

8. Remember tonight, because it always starts tonight.

9. Smile across the river, and take three steps away, like blocking the sea.

10. If you love, please love cleanly and dedicate love to love.

11. People who come in, you must put aside all hope.

12. So the most stable foot is always the lower foot behind.

13. Man cannot live like a beast, he should pursue knowledge and virtue.

14. When a thing is more perfect, its pain and joy will be more.

15. If the spirit does not degenerate, then he can overcome all difficulties.

16. Be made forever and punish forever. Those who enter this door should give up all hope!

17. On an unfortunate day, it is a pain that cannot be greater to recall the joy.

18. Envy, greed and arrogance are the three sparks that burn people's hearts.

19. I came from the place where I was willing to return; Love pushes me to speak.

20. The money under the moon has never made the laborious human beings quiet for a moment.

21. There is no lost love that cannot be regained, as long as hope still shows green.

22. The more perfect a thing is, the happier it will be and the more painful it will be.

23. Blind demagogues always torture people later.

24. In the middle of my life, I found that I had lost my way and entered a dark forest.

25. The cold rain, huge hail and pungent stench have been falling here all the time.

26. Now your words are printed in my mind like a seal on a wax seal. The seal will never change.

27. The edge of the valley is constantly heard the sound of sadness and wailing, while the valley is full of wind and never stops.

28. I have been to the place with the most sunshine and seen things that people who return to the world cannot and cannot repeat.

29. Rome, which benefits the world, has always had two suns, illuminating two paths respectively, the path of the earth and the path of God.

30. Enter the city of pain through me; Through me, into the pit of eternal misery; Through me, enter the eternal crowd.

31. There, crying itself will not allow them to cry out. When sorrow finds that there is an obstacle in the eyes, it turns to the heart, increasing the pain.

32. Fear, which makes people flinch from serious things, is like a timid beast who runs away when hearing the wind.

33. He was once brilliant, but now he is ugly. He even raised his eyebrows to confront the Creator. He is the source of all evil in the world.

34. Fame in the world is just a breeze. Sometimes it comes from this side, sometimes it comes from that side. It changes its name because of changing direction.

35. Because of love, the world often becomes chaotic; It was at that time that the ancient crags in this area collapsed here and elsewhere.

36. The mud is muddy everywhere. In the dark environment, I saw a fierce monster roaring at the souls immersed in the mud.

37. From me is the way to enter the city of misery; From me is the way to eternal pain; From me, it is the way to the eternal people.

38. In the middle of our life journey, I found myself in a dark forest, because the straight road has disappeared.

39. Alas, slave like Italy, your sad journey, your lonely boat without a helmsman in the storm, you are no longer a housewife in each province, but a brothel!

40. We once sulked in the sweet air joyful by the sun; We are tired of the gloomy fog in our hearts: now we are grieving in the blackened mud.

41. You know how many philosophers of all ages have failed in their desire. Instead of being satisfied with their curiosity, they have fallen into permanent melancholy.

42. Like a drooping and closed flower affected by the cold at night, it rose and opened on the flower stem in the light of the pale morning sun, and my flagging spirit revived.

43. The divine power makes us look like this, and we feel hot and cold agony, but the secret is indestructible. I hope that our weak reason can see through the infinite mystery. It is either stupid or crazy.

44. I turned to look at those souls. They were attacked by monsters, and rain, snow and hail hit them from time to time. In order to alleviate their pain, they tried hard to wriggle their bodies, but the pain was endless.

45. The water source is darker than ink and flowing. I saw many souls covered with mud in the pool at the bottom of the water. They were naked and were very angry to beat and bite each other, breaking each other's bodies.

46. Let me tell you briefly. They have no hope of death, and their life spent blindly is so humble that they are jealous of any other fate. Their names are not allowed to remain in the world. Compassion and justice despise them.

47. This sad voice comes from those sad souls who have never been praised or left a name. In this despicable chorus, there are also some angels who were unfaithful to God, but did not rebel against God. They only think about themselves.

48. In the middle of my life, I found that I had lost my way and entered a dark forest. Ah! How difficult it is to explain how wild, dangerous and difficult this forest is! As soon as I think of it, I feel scared again. Its suffering is similar to death.

49. Why do you stop? What do you have to do with people's whispers? You should follow me closely and let them talk about it! You should strengthen your belief as a tower, and not tilt because of the storm. It is the most regrettable thing for a person to deviate from his goal because of the ideas of others.

50. Walk into the city of anguish from me, walk into the abyss of evil from me, and walk into the ghost team from me. Justice moved my creator: I am the work of divine power, divine intelligence and divine love. In addition to eternal things, there is no creation before me, and I coexist with heaven and earth: you come in and leave all hope behind!