91 Quotes of Happy Love
As blue as heart
2023-06-14 17:01:43

1. Your birth brings me hope, and I hope to bring you happiness.

2. When you are really loved, you don't have to be so beautiful.

3. Can we never abandon each other like Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

4. Time is passing, but I find that I have lost the torrent of youth.

5. Shakespeare said: not too warm love will last long.

6. That year, we met in green, but parted in indifference.

7. I am boiling water, you are tea, prepare a cup, I want to soak you!

8. Maybe you really shouldn't know me, which will disturb your life.

9. Put your love in this second and have permanent happiness.

10. Love cannot be hidden or pretended for a long time.

11. When I can't stand typing, the first homonym I encounter is his name.

12. Now call me daughter-in-law. If you dare to betray me in the future, I will let you call me sister-in-law.

13. Habit you love me, habit you spoil me, habit you give all.

14. Draw your face on the eggs in the refrigerator so that I can see you at any time.

15. I don't believe in eternal love, because I will love you more and more every day.

16. Love is harder to hide than felony murder; The dark night of love has noon sunshine.

17. Since you appeared, I know that someone loves is so beautiful.

18. When we grow old together, there is colorful light because of the existence of friends.

19. I don't want to force myself anymore. Enough is enough. Let your heart go wandering.

20. I hope you will cheer me on and wipe my sweat when I play.

21. Your praise is seemingly indifferent, but in fact, your heart is already full of flowers.

22. There is always a person whose message can make you smile immediately.

23. I like you to buy what I love, remember what I forget, and think about what I want.

24. The joy of love lies in love. It is more happy to enjoy love than to arouse love.

25. Keep your initial warmth and sunshine, which is what attracted me most.

26. Our love is Qiong Yao's version of the bitter drama, but we are not together in the end.

27. There is a kind of friendship that is no less than love.

28. Your words have been locked in my memory. You can keep the key for me for a lifetime.

29. I really want to hold you from now on, hold you tightly, and walk to God.

30. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am by your side.

31. Some predestination is destined to be lost, and some predestination will never have a good result.

32. Love until it hurts. Then forever. Sorry, even if you can't feel me.

33. Tencent is very good. At least he didn't forget my birthday and gave me his only blessing.

34. Go west, cross the twilight line, cross the date line, and return to the day when you first met.

35. I don't want to be sensationalized. I have no friends to fan and no boyfriend to betray. I'm fine.

36. Don't waste time recalling lost things. You know, because life doesn't turn back.

37. If you want to reject me, just give me a sincere reason, and I can accept it.

38. The deeper you love, the more demanding you become, so it is impossible for lovers to argue with each other.

39. I have a super ability that even if there are thousands of people, they can find you immediately.

40. A knowing smile, a comforting word, and an unspoken hug are enough.

41. No matter how hard or tired you are in your life, you can only stay with your beloved. It's worth working hard.

42. It was not until the taste of love quietly left that I suddenly realized that it had once come to my heart.

43. The day when I met you is the starting point of our happiness in life, and falling in love with you is the happiness of my life!

44. People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. It is difficult to complete this matter in ancient times. I hope people will stay together for a long time.

45. Don't treat me so well. If you treat me so well one day, I will be very sad.

46. Unconsciously, our love has gone through the whole year, and we have experienced a lot in this year.

47. When something goes wrong, it is better to focus on how to do better next time than to blame others angrily and ask for trouble.

48. What touches you may not be his love words, but a silly moment when he wants to do something for you.

49. Emotion is so wonderful. I have never believed in love at first sight, and I began to believe that love at first sight is the light of love.

50. In one's life, there are two kinds of regrets that most torment people: one is not getting your beloved; Second, the beloved cannot be happy.

51. Those who can lift and put down are called weight lifting, and those who can lift and put down are called weight bearing. Unfortunately, most people's love is weight-bearing.

52. If possible, I would like to drink all the memories about you and me at once, and let them ferment repeatedly in my stomach.

53. If someone pursues, there is no woman in the world who is not aloof. That's why women are so obsessed.

54. Your face is so beautiful and your people are so good. I am so nervous when I think about you and love you. I don't know how to open my mouth.

55. Love is indispensable, but it can only be an accelerator to promote our progress, not a stumbling block to work and study.

56. If you love, you will have no regrets. Although you have felt painful, when you think of your tenderness, you will also see spring and miss you in the snowy days.

57. A person in love can step on the cobweb floating with the wind without falling down. The illusory happiness makes his soul float lightly.

58. You are the one who pushes me to cheer me up, and holds me to let me "do not need to prop up".

59. The person you love also loves you. This is a miracle. The gods named this miracle love.

60. The struggle for happiness, no matter how hard it is, is not pain, but happiness, not tragedy, but drama.

61. The right shoes are only known by the feet, and the right people are only known by the heart. There are thousands of ways to go, and only one is suitable. One person is enough to meet all kinds of people.

62. If you look back 500 times in your previous life, you will pass by in this life. Then my eyes must have never left you in my previous life!

63. The key to happiness is not to find a perfect person, but to find anyone, and then work hard with him to establish a perfect relationship.

64. When the wild geese return, the moon fills the west tower, and the flowers float and the water flows. There is a kind of lovesickness and two idle worries. There is no way to eliminate this feeling. I am in the lower brow, but I am in the heart.

65. Falling in love with you is a kind of sweet sorrow, a kind of romantic feelings, a kind of gentle posture, and a kind of love that you want to say but have to say!

66. In the face of this situation, I can't help feeling a thousand emotions. How I wish there could be two people among the lovers who have strong attachment, one is you, the other is me.

67. Do you think the most sour feeling is jealousy? No, the most sour feeling is that you have no right to be jealous, and it's not your turn to be jealous. That's the most sour.

68. I want to hold your hand and walk through countless alleys, running from one alley to another, exchanging thoughts with the dark alley, and foolishly catching the sunshine.

69. Love is very slow, time is very fast. Loneliness is very long, life is very short. You are in deep loneliness, waiting for me.

70. Life is a continuation of pain, so love is also a continuation of pain. Pain is the evidence of love. Love without pain cannot be said to be true love.

71. Since I saw you that time, my soul seems to have been taken by you. Your shadow occupies every memory of me. Can you understand my obsession?

72. Without the sun, flowers will not open; There is no happiness without love; Without women, there would be no love. Without mothers, there would be neither poets nor heroes.

73. If you decide to leave a person, you should act faster and cut the mess quickly; If you decide to fall in love with someone, take a longer time to see if it really suits you.

74. I have heaven and earth in my heart, because there is your puzzling smile between heaven and earth; Intoxicating eyes; A heavenly sound; Moving figure; Like the spirit of light singing and dancing in the soft light of the morning.

75. Falling in love with you is my greatest happiness in this life. Missing you is my sweetest pain. Being with you is my pride. Without you, I am like a lost ship.

76. Ice and snow can't cool my love for you, typhoon can't blow away my missing for you, noise can't drown my heart to you, and darkness can't cover my deep feelings for you.

77. I don't need perfect love. I just need someone who will never give up on me. No matter what will last forever, as long as we can really love each other, one minute is also good.

78. I think my heart sees you and beats happily. When I see your signature, I'll think it's for me. I don't want to think it's self imposed. I fell in love with you.

79. Love turns in a thousand times in my heart. I want to see you again. Let me know that your heart also feels that our love is not in vain. You and I still miss you deeply until the last day of life!

80. Dear, we will grow old. I hope we can still help each other, embrace each other and sleep warmly, let memories accompany us and smile, and let love linger in our hearts forever!

81. One of the secrets of happiness is to grasp the rhythm of love accurately. Remind yourself of the current beat at any time, step steadily, stop when you should, and walk when you should; The time of advance is advance, and the time of retreat is retreat.

82. One of the secrets of happiness is to grasp the rhythm of love accurately. Remind yourself of the current beat at any time, step steadily, stop when you should, and walk when you should; The time of advance is advance, and the time of retreat is retreat.

83. Can stars cross the Milky Way to meet you? Not afraid of being far away, I only hope to be by your side now. The past is like smoke, lingering in my dreams, which adds to my yearning, and makes me pursue the same love for thousands of years.

84. After many centuries of reincarnation, we met; How many marriages have been saved, and we are in love. Dear, it's so good to have you. Let's love each other sweetly and stay together happily until we get old!

85. Love has not yet come, and the day is carefree; The most painful things are just tests and exams. At that time, I felt a lot of pressure. Later, I looked back, but it was so small.

86. You owe me a hug after reading it; Delete it owes me a kiss; Save it to owe me an appointment; If reply you owe me all; If you don't return, you are mine. Honey, choose one!

87. If you are cold, I will hold you in my arms; If you are in pain, I will wipe away your tears; If you love me, I will broadcast to the world; If you leave me, I will bear it silently.

88. Write your name on the palm of your hand. When you open it, you miss it. When you grip it, you are happy. Just like this, hand in hand to give you a lifetime of tenderness; Just like this, shoulder to shoulder to give you a lifetime of happiness!

89. I am doomed to fall in love with you. I will hold the prison of love for you and let the love lock around my chest all my life; I am doomed to fall in love with you. My heart is broken for you, and I am still infatuated with your good.

90. Rose petals touch your beauty, happiness permeates in your smile, and the stars are my missing. Your temperament fascinates me, and seeing you gives me courage to love.

91. If the performance is obvious, you will feel uninteresting. If the performance is not obvious, you will not feel it. I can only feel and do what is straightforward, but I envy people who can express themselves implicitly.