Bad boy
Listen to the wind and rain in the small building
2024-01-30 20:23:04
Grade 6

Everyone has a rebellious self in his heart. Everyone has a child that adults don't like. He has a name - bad child. Most people can't understand bad children, so bad children are lonely and depressed, but they are strong and stubborn.
Are bad kids really bad? I doubt it. I don't think they are bad. They -- just too straightforward, they are the envy of many students, because they dare to do, dare to hate, dare to love. These bad children dare to indulge themselves, but we good children can only suppress in the bottom of our hearts, and there is no place to release.
Bad children may not always learn bad, and good children may not always be good. In our class, once the teacher leaves, the students will be like a captive bird released to nature by humans. Make a scene in the classroom like a bad child. In front of teachers, we seldom do this. Why? Because of fear. Afraid of being punished, scolded and complained to parents. So good students are usually two faced. But for bad students, they do not take into account, so they will be unscrupulous and dare to do anything.
Why does the student become another person? Why do students become bad? Have you ever thought about it? Maybe most parents think that computers, Internet cafes, and other students around them make him like this. But I don't think these reasons. I think the pressure, the pressure of entering a higher school, the high and low scores, and the expectations of teachers and parents are also important reasons. Many students think that their parents do not understand them, and they turn over their things, read their diaries, and confiscate their cartoons and novels without their consent. This is a fundamental reason for treason, so I ask parents to give their children some freedom, privacy and entertainment. Don't limit them for their good, love them, and want to know them as an excuse.
We will become a nuisance to you. You forced us. The children who are good students in your eyes will be very tired in fact, because they have restrained themselves with reason for you. These good students are really loving parents. So if the parents' children are like this, please don't compare them with those who have better scores, because they will not understand. Why should they ask me when I have become a good student? He will feel very aggrieved. But I can only bear it and listen in silence. Say nothing. You parents are too greedy. If you do well, you should do better. You know what? In this case, we students will collapse. We can only heal on the Internet, but parents said that all this is because of the Internet, so we won't play. The words at that moment were the fuse for the achievement of bad children.
I envy those bad kids, but I can't become a bad kid. Fortunately, my parents are reasonable. They didn't ban my network or disturb my things, giving me a space of my own. Although my mother sometimes said to see who was who, with good grades, beautiful people and kind-hearted. Unlike our daughter, everything is ordinary. But my father will also accept that although our daughter is ordinary, she is not so naughty as that one. Then we talked about other things in harmony.
Finally, I want to say that if you love your children, please believe what they have done, because they also love you. It's not just you giving. We are also silently entering what we can repay you. To quote a passage from others: bad children are not really bad. They just get to have personality, according to their own food city or. Bad boy, although very different and rebellious. However, they have a kind heart.