24 solar terms, winter solstice, friends circle, beautiful writing, quotations (selected 50 sentences)
Icebound sunset
2023-02-20 18:15:48
Complete sentences

1. I used to be a sheep. On the winter solstice, I was eaten by you with meat, wool and blood to drive away the cold. My ambition is to lie in my belly and feel warm.

2. The frost flowers remind me of the paper-cut on the window in my childhood. Pieces of snowflakes remind me of my father's busy story; Diandian Plum Blossom is the little poem my mother taught me. I miss my relatives: The winter solstice is coming, pay attention to your health and take care of yourself.

3. The winter solstice is approaching, and friends care about everything. As soon as the bell rings, bless and greet. Happiness follows Shouxi, good luck follows luck, good luck follows luck, warmth leads romance, and health leads happiness!

4. Do you know what festival it is on December 25th? Yes, it's Christmas! Do you know what festival it is on December 22nd? Don't know! Tell you! It is our traditional festival - Winter Solstice! Have popularized knowledge for you again! Also bring my blessing: happy winter solstice!

5. Today is the winter solstice. I'll give you a bowl of special dumplings: Ping'an Pi'er wrapped with Ruyi stuffing, cooked with love, having a happy meal, a happy meal, three healthy meals, a bowl of fortune, and a smooth soup

6. The winter solstice is coming, the weather is getting cold, the friendship is missing, the blessings are given, the clothes should be added, the cold should not be caught, the nutrition should be supplemented, the dumplings should be put down, the stomach is warm, the mood is warm, and the life is moist. Wish you a happy winter solstice!

7. The winter solstice is getting cold, so I send my blessing to you. Peace is made into snow boots, Ruyi is made into thick cotton clothes, Happy is made into warm pants, and Happy is woven into cotton hats. May peace and happiness accompany you through the winter.

8. In winter, the winter is cold, and the winter solstice comes unconsciously; Eat dumplings, eat dumplings, text messages to wish Christmas joy; Sing, dance, and look forward to the New Year; Good friend, think about it. May you smile sweetly in winter.

9. More creative when the weather is cool, short boots, scarves and leather clothes; It's more exciting when the weather is cool, and the Christmas feeling is heavy snow; It's more magical when the weather is cool. You are my concern; The day is cooler and more thoughtful, and the weak sweat asks for warm words.

10. When the winter solstice comes, the cold wind is cool, and a bowl of dumplings is warm; The north wind blows, the snow floats, the blessing will never forget; Gold ingots and silver ingots, the source of wealth is rolling in! Today's winter solstice, send a bowl of hot dumplings, send a warm!

11. The winter solstice has come, so don't forget to keep fit. The consumption of yang is low, so you can't run healthily: don't walk fast, don't listen too loud, don't sit idle for too long, take good care of your eyes, take a break from morning exercises too early, and eat heavily. May you be happy and carefree!

12. When the winter solstice comes, I will send you a bowl of dumplings with health and good luck inside. I wish you no disease, far away from disasters, and many blessings; Give you a bowl of dumplings, wrapped with happiness and wealth. I wish you sweet love, prosperous family and wealth; Send you a blessing, I wish you a happy winter solstice.

13. Last winter solstice, greetings have been sent; On this winter solstice, I never forget my blessings; Although short messages are small, they always tell the heart; The days are short and the nights are long; The former friend is always healthy, and happiness can last forever!

14. Snow white, filled with heaven and earth; Heavy frost and fog usher in the winter solstice; When the sun comes slowly, the cold will go away; Greetings warm, sprinkle the bottom of my heart. May my blessing bring you infinite warmth: happy winter solstice!

15. When the wind blows, clouds will not be lonely. When leaves fall, the earth will not be lonely. When it snows, the sky will not be lonely. I won't be lonely when I miss you. Warm in, the season will not be lonely. Wish you a happy winter solstice!

16. Today is the winter solstice, and there is a legend in the street that if you kiss your beloved at midnight on the winter solstice, you will be together forever! Maybe you can try such a beautiful thing

17. Thousands of miles of ice and snow drift, and the north wind chills my body. At the winter solstice, days and nights change, and the length of days and nights changes. The heavy cotton padded jacket can keep you warm. Don't be afraid to look ugly and make you cold. Keep energetic and healthy, welcome the wonderful spring scenery. Happy Winter Solstice!

18. Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, and it is the winter solstice. Friends remind us that clothes should be added, food should be paid attention to, take care of your body, exercise should not forget, I hope you are not less happy, happy!

19. The winter solstice is as big as the year, and the family is happy in festivals. The northern winter solstice dumplings have summer solstice noodles, and the winter solstice dumplings are warm. Cooking dog and mutton can drive away cold and keep healthy. Good luck in the coming year. Every family in the south makes dumplings, knowing that it is winter solstice. Happy Winter Solstice!

20. Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold, and the flower of happiness blooms in winter solstice. Take a bamboo tower from your home, and the magic sword flies in the snow shadow. Honey baked autumn chrysanthemum afternoon tea, fishing alone at dusk half an acre of cold. Bamboo flute winter rhyme serenade, half of the book listen to falling plum. On the winter solstice, when there is a dream in the south of the Yangtze River, the small bridge and the flowing water are light. Winter Solstice blessing, I wish you happiness!

21. The winter solstice is cold, so take care of yourself if you exercise frequently; The night is long, tired, and healthy; The day is cold, the heart turns warm, and the heart should be happy and sad far away; The friendship is deep, the warmth is passed on, and deep blessings are sent to you; Wish you a healthy winter!

22. Eating the winter solstice meal, it's a long day. Today, on the winter solstice, the sun is coming back, and spring is getting closer. May my message and my blessing be like the sunshine on the winter solstice to drive away the cold and send warmth for you. I wish you a happy winter solstice.

23. Time is a test paper, testing the earthly vows; Distance is a ruler, measuring the depth of fate; Greeting is a colorful pen, which depicts the warmth and coldness of feelings. In the winter solstice, may warm greetings reach your heart.

24. The cold wind blows my face, my face is cold, the snow floats, my body is heavy, the cold frost congeals my eyes, my eyes are wet, the fog covers my feet, my feet are heavy, my heart is warm, my greetings are sent to you, my heart is warm, my love is true, at the winter solstice, I hope you can travel happily, return safely, and be happy forever!

25. It's snowing, bringing spring yearning to flowers; Flowers wake up and talk to the sky about winter's care. I, remembering you, let the snow take my greetings and ask the flowers to take my advice: the winter solstice is coming, please take care!