Say goodbye to May and welcome to June (82 selected sentences)
The night wind comes
2023-04-09 16:13:16
Complete sentences

1. Good words warm in three winters, bad words hurt in June. Born as a man, please speak well and be kind.

2. In May, say goodbye to your restless self in May, and be a peaceful person, calm and self-knowledge like cicadas on a summer night. good morning!

3. Never complain about what has happened to you. Either change it or accept it quietly. Hello, June!

4. The spring breeze in May and the rain in June, the lonely heart is like an island, wandering alone in the once sad place.

5. Life without friends is like life without sunshine. See you in May and hello in June.

6. Later, I learned that she was not my flower. I just happened to pass by her blooming.

7. June is coming, what will happen in the future? We have to go hard to know that there is still a long way to go, and the sky will always be bright. good morning.

8. Everything is new in the sea, and the moon is leading the light, shadow and sound of the harp. You play the waves and sing with the sound of water. It seems that my heart is troubled by lovesickness.

9. If the enemy makes you angry, it means you are not sure of winning him. See you in May. Hello, June~

10. Time is a journey with no return, both good and bad are landscapes.

11. No matter how sobbing we experienced last night, the city is still busy when we wake up in the morning.

12. It doesn't matter if you can't play well in the first half of your life. There is also the second half, as long as you work hard. See you in May Hello in June!

13. You wind and dew, keep me safe for a hundred years. I hope you will never change in this life. See you in May and hello in June.

14. I wish I could do whatever I want for the rest of my life. I would rather be a ghost in the midst of debauchery than a compromise in a dull life.

15. I have forgotten what I was like, and there is no evidence for me to miss it. Hello June!

16. No one can decide your way; No one can realize your dream for you; No one can give your love for you. So, everything depends on yourself!

17. Sometimes, if you look at it from another angle, you will find different things, and maybe there will be a new world. Good morning in June!

18. If one day we are not together, we should also be together. See you in May. Hello, June~

19. Every dull day deserves respect, and everyone who is still around needs to cherish, say goodbye carefully, and meet again! good morning!

20. See you in May Hello in June! Waiting with expectation, the days will become extremely long; Working hard with expectations makes life meaningful.

21. As long as there is sunshine in your heart and you are still optimistic about beauty, your heart will become stronger and miracles will happen. Good morning in June!

22, June, walking in the hot city, a person is always remembering something, I know my heart is still walking in another city.

23. May the moon be deep in time and the years be quiet. good morning!

24. May June be a beautiful month for you to welcome the bright June with warmth and hope, and feel the soft and charming June!

25. You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you. Hello June!

26. I hope that in the days to come, you will be able to take up and put down your feelings and mobile phones, as well as advance and retreat. good morning!